Sup Forums META THREAD: We Need to Unite Against the Shills and Educate the Newfags

Its time to put are differences aside. We need to unite against these shills that have flooded are board as more and more traffic has come here due to the media attention we now get. If we don't start here the rest of this Chinese basket weaving forum will crumble along with it. We can not let these faggots ruin possibly the last bastion of the wild west on the internet.

We need to be more vigilant and call out actual faggot OPs that post slide threads and trap the newfags in shitty threads, bumping down threads with actual content and discussion. We need to teach our newfags who do willing post more then they lurk to bring this under control. We can not let our diverse racist community die like this.

We need to fight this new shill cancer.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bumping for Unity.

Does Sup Forums not want to fix the issue we now have?

This is the end.

lol OP.

Of course a fucking leaf.

gas the shills

We need a game plan OP. How does one identify a shill?


unite against the kikes!!!!!