I stand with Planned Parenthood

I stand with Planned Parenthood.
Do you, Sup Forums?

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Yes abortion is Gd's gift to Whites for keeping the lesser races down. Anyone arguing otherwise has no handle on practicality and should be banned from governance.

You stand with genocide for immoral white womyn, who can't keep their shit together, because they NEED to fuck every criminal dick on the area, and they can't stand the consequences after that.

Yeah, no.

Ban whores.

Does anyone have a link for the video that Judge banned?


why is a place for unplanned parenthood called planned parenthood?

>le based edge queen

Yes. In fact, abortion should be highly recommended and encouraged for any would-be mothers that do not have a financial plan in place to raise their would-be child. "How do you plan to financially support this child for 18 years?" should be the first question a doctor asks every pregnant woman. An inadequate response should result in a diagnosis and abortion recommended as the treatment.

yes actually

I sit with a diet pepsi with lime.

When I drive past the Planned parenthood and see the Christian organization that took over there building I smile, sometimes tear up, or cheer.
So NO>

It's like these people have never heard of adoption jfc.

>in america abortion is a registered trademark



hilariously democrats encourage their own voter base to abort their children and future voters

Get back to me when they go back to their original mission of stopping niggers from breeding like rats.

I was just trying to drum up some attention on these degenerate monsters. Does anyone have the link to the video of PP members saying the babies are tough to cut apart, and saying it's gross when an eyeball falls on a PP doctors lap while people laugh?
The judge put a ban on it and I can't seem to find it, not at my desktop to do proper digging.

because everything Democrats say is a lie

I support abortion for black people. But that's where I draw the line.

Keeps black population low, I'm fine with it

I'm OP Btw, have some issues posting from my cellphone sometimes and have to use wifi so ID changes.

Judges name is William Orrick if that helps.

they kill nigger babies

but they also give women a choice

pick your poison

I wouldn't wanna pay taxes for some drunk bitches to have sex with randos and then regret it when the baby makes them fat.

These kind of women are useless and only good for cumrags, they have no talent or personality and their main ambition is going to the nicest bar and getting totally wasted, in my opinion planned parenthood shouldn't help them with abortions.




Do you think it's aimed at black society?

It's for the white people. Black people are aprox 12-14% of population. It's for you.

Abortion is for erroding morals, enabling and helping hypersexual culture to go further into sex frenzyness unchecked.

Black people don't deserve abortion also, they deserve to be HELPED and ELEVATED from poverty.

Sterilization is very different, and I can back it up fully, because no one dies, and society can decide who deserve to be a parent and who doesn't.



One of the best arguments for abortion I've ever seen.

I stand with you paying for your own shit.

aprox 60% of abortions are white than, an that is multiple times of black abortions

think about it, it's bad policy

sterilization is not

>Black people don't deserve abortion also, they deserve to be HELPED and ELEVATED from poverty.

white people have been helping these degenerate fucks for decades and they still suck at everything and then whine and complain about racism because theyre all lazy fucks

Can we make this a legit meme? Can we make pro-planned parenthood nazi memes to make it so distasteful that white women won't have abortions any more?


judge has tried to ban this planned parenthood video we should spead the fuck out of it

>I stand with Planned Parenthood
Said no Baby ever

I'm talking of real help, not giving free gibs dat.

White people aren't even helping themselves, what to say about the black community.

Take them off drugs, destroy criminal sexually predatory culture of total confrontation, create real QUALITY education centers for academia and stable labor, police them and enforce them tightly and lift them from ghettos.

I'm not talking about leftist assistencialism, but REAL HELP.

Without the jewish finger on it, poisoning race relations.

Morrakiu explains why abortion is a good thing.


I do, unironically. It keeps nigs and degenerates at bay. Right now the biggest problem facing society/whites as a race by a giant margin is the fact that untermensch are outbreeding educated white middle/upper class people by massive rates. Educated whites have the sensibility to use condoms, hold off on teen sex, etc, but low-IQ niggers do not. They are base hedonists who use their money poorly. I would put money into right wing death squads, but it's 10x more effective to keep nigs and degenerates at bay by curbing their reproduction.


Thanks for linking user

Holy shit. The way they're just chittering away, talking shop about oh, cutting tiny bodies apart and harvesting organs is disturbing AF

You mean the organization the supplies white women with brain-damaging birth control and encourages hypersexualization of the youth to wreck pair-bonding and sow distrust between white men and women?
No, I don't stand with them at all.

Good idea, making it seem as if the fact that the majority of babies being aborted are black babies is some sort of evil Nazi plan to genocide blacks
It could work tbqh....

Well ofc it will work, it's the truth.
Also checked.

They could give all them welfare gibs to white NEETs, who could invest in stocks, or get together and pool money to create business. Creating industry and making jobs is always the better route. Subsidizing people with poverty welfare and encouraging bad behavior isn't good for society.

Disgusting but thanks for the link


What a joke, bro.

Neets have to prove themselves worthy of anything in first place. Must of them are sore losers.

No. Alley way abortions it is.

To abort muds?

Hell yes.

Fuck yes. More plz.

>pink hair

Yes. Gotta plan ahead you know, asking questions like
Do I want this woman to be the mother to my children?
Do I want this woman to actually be the mother to my children, really?
Are there ANY red flags that prohibit the secure future for my white children?
and lastly

Don't want to enter a relationship with a woman if I don't intend to produce healthy children and raise them well. That's planning ahead.

Planned Parenthood does a great public service.
They abort future criminals

Good thing you got your priorities straight.

You stand with child sacrifice, and social engineering not to bright are you?


thats it baby
huemonkey just /threaded this thread

Why are the fascists of our time called antifascists?

No. It is bad. And you should feel bad for supporting that cancer

You do realize whites are like neck a neck with blacks for rate of abortions the only race that isnt getting abortions is spics. so any WN who has this attitude is retarded

Yes, most people here would do the same if they weren't trolled into licking up everything that dribbles from Trump's mouth by their irrational fear of black dick.

Not until they ban whites from getting abortions

>Degeneracy for you but not for me

It doesnt work like that, goy.

No More Baby Parts !!

Single mothers are criminal breeding facilities, but thay still doesnt fix the problem. They need to lower the cost and red tape to adopt a baby. It would mame adopting out easier and in more demand, since more people would do it if the gov doesnt make them go through as many hoops as getting interviewed for the CIA.

Actually I stand just outside yelling at the top of my lungs that they butcher babies in there... they are baby killers.... these people slaughter innocent , defenseless babies.... and then the cops come and tell me to move along..

Sure as long as we have less niggers and retards on the planet.

Fun Fact: Eric Rudolph was not anti-abortion. He was anti-white abortion.


Considering Margaret Sanger designed PP to cull the negro horde, I suppose I do.

Interestingly enough, he was captured 14 years ago today.

no i don't. I want potential future thug niggers who will vote democrat to be born. margaret sanger was racist. she wanted to get rid of all niggers

Nigger breeding program. Obviously I dont

not really. she wanted to limit their families to help them with poverty. she actually wanted whites to stop breeding.


she calls for europeans to stop breeding here


here's some alt-right bitch redpilling