If the conservatives had their way in the early 1900's and blocked Italian, Irish and Polish immigration? They were supposed gang members, welfare slobs, and non-whites when they came here. Mexicans, Indians, and Muslims are just the new targets of the conservative fear-mongering rhetoric.
How many of you wouldn't be in America
>They were supposed gang members, welfare slobs, and non-whites when they came
we wouldnt have the mafia or the dnc and a fair amount of jews were italian
no more potato niggers would be great
no more toilet niggers either.
i see no down side in this.
My German family came over during British Occupation.
What would americans have done without shantytowns and political machines? It's a mystery.
I dont care being being in America, why would I?
Deport me to spain.
Why bolster your pseudo-point with a picture of a bitch who needs some Rogaine?
false equivalence.
>If the conservatives had their way in the early 1900's and blocked Italian, Irish and Polish immigration?
They did "have their way". The Immigration Act of 1924 was passed, and worked well.
Still be here faggot, my family has been here since before the revolution. All you fucking immigrants get out.
>They were supposed gang members,
Gangs as we know them today didn't become a thing until all the moralfaggotry laws came on the scene and allowed for a black market. 100 years ago, everything from gambling, drugs, to prostitution was completely legal.
>welfare slobs,
There was no welfare what-so-ever until the 30s.
>and non-whites when they came here.
They were considered white. If they weren't, they wouldn't have been allowed naturalization in the first place. For example, there was a lawsuit over whether caucasian northern indians could be considered white. They weren't.
P.S. Conservatives(Republicans) back in the day were mostly pro-immigration because they were the industrialist party that wanted cheap labor. The Democrats were for protecting American labor from immigration.
id still be here
>Mexicans, Indians, and Muslims are just the new targets of the conservative fear-mongering rhetoric.
Race and IQ
Race and IQ
Race and IQ
Race and IQ
Race and IQ
Race and IQ
Race and IQ
Race and IQ
like 15% of me would be missing.
>1 post from this ID OP
Someone should make a collage of all these.
The real argument against it was that it would fundamentally change the character of the country, and that is true.
Everyone associates 'American' with WASP culture, but it's been losing that for the past centuries as it's Anglo-Saxon foundation got replaced.
It's most obvious with groups who can't really be Americans like Italians and Irish, who create a dual-identity like Italian-American and Irish-American.
Same thing with blacks, African-Americans.
And son.
Irish were allowed since the founding of the US back when it was explicitly a nation for whites of good character. Yes, the jews lied to you. Shocking, I know.
Polish grandfather here.
When I look at Poland now vs Western Europe it doesn't bother me at all.
>Not being an anglo-germanic American with colonist ancestors
OP, can I get your pic related, same model but with a normal forehead please? thanks
>If the conservatives had their way in the early 1900's and blocked Italian, Irish and Polish immigration?
bruh is that english? learn to make a sentence.
my ancestors are polish and irish and I ended up shitposting alongside you fags so they probably are right
you're so full of shit
1st gen Curryfag immigrant here. Muslims are a whole other cup of tea I'm afraid, there's never a time when it's acceptable to let them in
op is an uneducated faggot
Fucking illiterate didn't even realize most those ethnic groups immigrated in the 19th Century anyway.
I thank God that I don't live in New Babylon.
You tell me.
>I thank God that I don't live in New Babylon.
I thank God that your sister does though. Best quality for the price in this area.
My ancestors were Irish who immigrated to the Colonies in the 1700's, you know, because Irish people have always been considered white and to believe otherwise is to buy into Jewish myths.
So yeah, I'd be here.
Half German, Quarter Scottish, Quarter Irish.
Ireland can have my leg if it wants.
If America stayed Anglo the country wouldnt be full of degenerates today.
You're talking about this as if it fucking matters. America is a dead country, end of story. Your society is hopelessly fractured and polarised whilst the majority of your economy effectively doesn't exist.
When the next recession hits you need to make sure you're well equipped and trained or you'll be devoured by the turd-skinned hordes.
>mfw my Anglo-Quaker ancestors came to America in the mid 1690s
>giving a leg to live in new world
They profit off you.
You're so full of burrito shit
this kys sharia blue
>America is a dead country, end of story.
It's dying at a rapid pace, yes.
>Your society is hopelessly fractured and polarised
>whilst the majority of your economy effectively doesn't exist.
Lolno. Second largest manufacturer in the world. Largest agricultural exporter.
Oh you got me, I'm liberal now!
'twas a joke, lad. I'd move back to Europe if US policy became Mosley-tier.
>What would Europe be like today if all the cool people stayed?
>tfw italian, polish, and english
The best grandparent I had was the english one, had more IQ than the rest combined
Wops Poles and Micks shouldn't have been left in you would have been better. you're a dumb faggot
kek it's you again
didnt you use to post using spanish proxy?
Too late faget :^)
If you weren't here before 1900 then you're a newfag
>italian american
>irish american
nobody does that.
t.irish ethnicity
I will post one of these days the strait of gibraltar and the destiny of Iberians to conquer it.
german-brit burger fag reporting in.
would still be here.
Would be missing the poor whites in Jew Jersey, NYC and Boston, oh no.
my ancestors came legally, muslims have dozens of countries in which they are majorities, and Indians are taking jobs from Americans
1965 immigration act pushed by the fucking Jews was about THEM dividing and conquering - not anything else.
The Irish don't force women to wear trashbags.
Nor do they put severed heads on pikes.
Kebab removal is fundamental to a peaceful society.
I assume you are kebab.
You will be removed in due course.
>everything's the same, false equivalencies don't exist
>listen to (((me))) so we can have dysgenics, goyim
Fucking idiot OP is a shill or in denial.
Many of the Italians that came were actual mobster that were thrown out of Italy.
There were still vast quantities of land in the American Midwest and West not being utilized at that time. Our population was much lower than it is today. Also there were no social services that people leached off of.
So quite a few factors are different.
the Irish (including Scotch Irish) basically built America. Fought the wars with Germans and Italians.
Frankly, you ought to find an Irish American and suck his dick.
OP doesn't care about facts.
My family has been in America since the 1600s.
All of North Africa should be Iberian and Christian, my lad. Finish the reconquista.
I'd have had a different great grandmother, that's about it.
I'm predominately Anglo, with some Scots and Welsh tossed in. I would be fine.
Stocks are *highly* overvalued, ongoing deindustrialisation is reducing you to a shitty services-based economy (which ain't fun believe me), and we're well overdue a recession based on historical patterns and projections. We simply won't recover from it like we did in the 1930s because we lack the moral integrity we had then.
The anglo-american financial hegemony is coming to an abrupt end and we'll deserve every second of the pain that comes about as a result of the ensuing turmoil.
Yes, the trash has always migrated to the USA.
It's how you got to where you are today, you are the world's septic tank.
>tfw cadbury quakers
Whatever I'd still be here
Oh and by the way it was pro-labor motherfuckers who hated immigration because of industrial job competition
Go fuck yourself
Cmon, you know that the republican party was based on enhancing the rights of the common people right?
Good post lad.
We got here in the 1660's ...
My parents are French-Canadians who moved here in the 1980s. Probably still would have been allowed in regardless of tightening of immigration policy. If not, guess I'd be into hockey and poutine instead of SEC football and BBQ.
ok lad about 70% spanish here, mix with , chezc, french, portuguese, italian and scotish.
The original United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and later Asians although free blacks were allowed citizenship at the state level in certain states. It also provided for citizenship for the children of U.S. citizens born abroad, stating that such children "shall be considered as natural born citizens," the only US statute ever to use the term. It specified that the right of citizenship did "not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States."[1][2][3]
German/Scottish, I'd have been fine.
Granny came here a long time ago, lost 2 fingers in an industrial sewing machine accident, and made some fine Americans along the way. RIP, Grams.
Family is mostly English and German, grandma was Canadian-Scot
wanna makeout?
i'm half polans half norway
No, those were democrats back then.
Fuck, why did they ever think it was a good idea to turn back on that, if America was kept for ACTUAL whites like the Germanics, Anglo-saxons and Nordics, it wouldn't have 10% of the issues it has nowadays.
That doesn't matter. What could've been is a more homogeneous society, which we didn't get.
My family fled the nazis in WW2, sought refuge in America, and was turned away.
Now my family is expected to welcome refugees or else. Sorry, but if the United States wouldn't protect my family from literal nazis, why should I be expected to protect other families from Isis?
>getting 4th generation cucked by the family biz scam
get out while you can user
my dad did and he lived a better life than all his brothers
they tried to reel me in too but i resisted
>Nigger republic
>Black person calling any other race trash
Ya'll niggas funny af
You have to go back
I'd still be here LOL
Stop posting in a slide thread cucks.
Polands more white than America. Once I had the language down I would go back. I don't see why darkies can't go back to their lands. Must be because theirs is shit. Once their countries abolished central banks everybody could just go back and make their own "America." The USA is a nation founded by Europeans.
>hey we let in only healthy people from similar cultures with similar backgrounds when we needed people and offered them absolutely no benefits
sorry not degenerate bro kek
if woman show tits and yes i would if you were pretty
That green house is in two countries. That's fucked up.
The same space would be occupied by other white ethnic groups, and ethnic replacement by mexicans would be harder now I guess.
The nativists were always right, at every point in American history.
1/2 my bloodline would have been stuck in Europe, but they were still right.
I wouldn't, but I don't care, this is their country
>tfw italian ancestry
not sure how to feel
When the mexicans and irish came they didn't refuse to assimilate and believe an ideology that called for our demise
I think my irish ancestors immigrated in the 1800s and my others before that
i wonder how would be the south 50 years before