They're in my town. What do Sup Forums
You know what has to be done. Go make America proud OP.
>pro sharia
So antifa hates gays and women now?
These fucks are so retarded
Plant drugs in their car/hotel room and then call the cops on them.
pepe stickers....lots of pepe stickers. do anything you can to trigger them. thats what im doing and so far its been glorious.
Help Alex Jones beat their asses obviously
Put "DO NOT BEAT TRASH CANS UP" signs everywhere.
I think we all know what has to be done, son.
get yourself a long range gun and have some fun at their next protest.
hahahahaha wtf? pro sharia in america? who the fuck are these people. AJ should meet their challenge and have a 1 on 1 duel to decide the fate of austin
Suicide vest, faggot
>Your a
Antifa treats grammar as bad as they treat trash cans.
Tell Traci that Adam from England loves her.
>pro-sharia stance
wait, what?
Honestly I think it may be one of you guys trolling. They can't be serious...
Turn off your Bluetooth, it's draining your battery.
burn town
mass panic
release weapons grade covfefe ebola
>plant drugs
>implying you have to plant anything
Shit would be a surer bet than pulling over a Willie Nelson tour bus.
Grassy ass amigro
im in austin too. let me know if you need backup. i like the pepe stickers idea. we can just keep planting them all night all over the place
"Hey Alex, why don't you show up so someone can hit you in the back of the head with a bottle heh heh"
Alex won't show, and neither would I. That's fucking retarded, you know they have someone that'll stand behind you and hit you with knuckle dusters or something.
dress like a woman and go see wonderwoman at alamo drafthouse faggot
theyre in houston? are they trying to get shot? they arent goong to be treated like commiefornia.
Honestly that and the Dont best up trash cans is a good idea. Good thing we know we have until the 10th until the Red Guard does something. What an exciting time to be alive
That's the only way I can get in to see it at the draft house
Sharia is just starting to get fashionable. Some Mudslime celebrities (e.g. Linda Sarsour) have actually started openly shilling it.
Of course, calling it out is islamophobic since it stems directly from the Qur'an and the Hadith, and the Antifa are entirely pro-Pisslam since they're leftist cucks.
>pro sharia
>if you're against islamic law you're a nazi
These faggots are walking memes.
>Aut right counter Semites..
Hopefully they get shot.