The Foundation for Exploration

This will end all degeneracy, greed, and pointless suffering, and unite all of humanity in eternal glory.

Other urls found in this thread:


You know what it is about?

Yes, found this book being shilled last week. Bought it. Seemed a little spergy virgin tier in chapter 3 but I love the first 2 chapters. Are the you Goodman?


Thank you for reading. I look like that pic right now because no one will read it.







hmmm what sort of magic is this?


It's real magic bud check these

Who is goonan

I will post excerpts from the book to give you a basic idea of what it is about:

"Section 1: Welcome to Not Nothing

We have free will, we are not all powerful, we are not all knowing, and we experience the universe
with a biological framework and consciousness. I have discovered that due to this inherent structure of our perceived existence, we
follow two distinct paths. The duality of human nature is this:

Every single human feeling, thought, or action at any level of experience or awareness can be categorized under two equally valid
but opposite reactions to the absurdity of the universe. Rejection and destruction or acceptance and building."

"Section 2: Destruction and Building

Fundamental individual destructive tendencies given our free will in a meaningless existence are a lack of self-control, cowardice,
a lack of wonder, and a lack of sense of humor. Without courage, self-control, wonder and/or humor the individual and society
disintegrates. A lack of those four things leads people to wrath, depression, madness, hedonism, and ignorance. These five major
ways that destructiveness occurs greatly diminish the quality of someone's life and eventually lead to the cessation of life for
the individual and humanity.

All of these reactions influence the collective conscious, which shapes the existence of the individual and humanity.

Individuals create the collective conscious and are created by the collective conscious.
Individuals influence the collective conscious and are influenced by the collective conscious."


Our inherent meaningless existence produces mental and physical anguish. Other people or society as a whole can exacerbate anguish
produced by existing. The source of this mental and physical anguish is powerlessness. An individual that feels powerless may
reject the conditions that produce the powerlessness and retaliate through wrath as an attempt to gain power. The attempt to gain
power through wrath is either the attempt to supersede the powerlessness by trying to obtain all the power one can get (which
indirectly creates destructiveness in the individual and society), or the direct destruction of anything that creates powerlessness.

Wrath is destruction and destruction is power.
Wrath is extreme power and extreme power is destruction."

"Section 3: Power, Biology and Society

Maintaining a strong society is vital for the success of the human race.

Society is an application of the collective conscious for the organization of individuals.

Society has created beings that are different and more than just animals, but we still retain an underlying animalistic nature.

Society is full of individuals that interact with one another. Each of these individuals must have a degree of autonomy and
individual power in order to be on the path of building, but as one individual gains more power, others may lose it, and can fall
into destructiveness through wrath and especially despair. Society provides guidelines for social interactions and the allocation of power.

Considering these two important components of human nature (Underlying Animal/ Underlying Power) in relation to society:

1. A strong society is based in balancing the pursuance of our biological nature completely and the rejection of our biological nature.
2. A strong society is based in balancing the desire to obtain all power and the desire to relinquish all power from ourselves.

These are the Biological-Artificial Spectrum and the Power Spectrum."


"Complete animalistic sexual behavior in men is characterized by the pursuance of having sex with many women with disregard for
choosing a single mate to create a family with.

Complete animalistic sexual behavior in women is characterized by the pursuance of a man or many men for only their high sexual
prowess with disregard for the creation of a strong family due to:
A. The desire for the woman to put off raising a family in this pursuit, which also contributes to a long-term negative effect in the
creation of a family in section C.
B. The unlikelihood that a man with high sexual prowess will settle down and raise a child with the particular woman given the fact
that he has many other options and may be animalistic himself.
C. The elimination of the possibility of raising a strong family with a man who has less sexual prowess than any man the woman has
had sex with before. The reason for this is that a woman will only remain subservient and desire to be with the person who is the top
alpha male in her sexual past. The woman is subservient to the feelings and pleasure that the alpha male gave her. A man who remains
in a relationship with a woman in which he has no possibility for becoming the top alpha male in her sexual history is a beta and
therefore weaker and inferior to the actual alpha male from the perspective of the woman and her feelings. If the woman disregards
her sexual hierarchy and starts a family with a beta male, the partnership is doomed to be weak and they will fail in remaining
together and fail to create strong offspring. The woman may have chosen the beta for his provider status because of her inability to
hold down an alpha male. The beta is a provider of both monetary and emotional support for the woman. The woman is the dominant
person in the relationship with the beta male because she holds the locus of power in the relationship- her sexual feelings and needs
that are not being met."


Shhhh, this is necessary.

Those who are oversocialized and artificial-leaning do not understand power or power structures. To the oversocialized type, being
overly charitable to another person is perceived as a way to further the power of someone else and bring harmony, when the opposite
may be true. Artificially and directly "giving" someone power can upset power structures, and the person on the receiving end is
likely to become upset. Why is this the case? Because a person does not like to be "given" power. It implies that the giver is
overtly recognizing the receiver as inferior and in need to be artificially "guided", causing a disruption of the receiver's power-
seeking. There is too overt of a recognition of their different standings in the power structure, which may not even be the case, but
is implied. Power structures and relationships are not built upon artificial "niceness" and charity, but respect, understanding of
each other's standing, and a recognition that individual power-seeking is vital. On the other side of the polar spectrum, animalistic
power structures are destructive because you cannot apply rigid animal hierarchies to human beings; we have too high of a level of
consciousness. Oversocialized types are most likely not actually in a position of higher power when being overly nice and charitable
to others, and instead are likely to have feelings of inferiority and feel that by projecting artificial niceness it will bring them
to an equal level of power with others, or they may feel that all the perceived inferiority of others must be eradicated because they
feel inferior themself.

Political correctness is deadly for a society. Without the power to express oneself in grave and important areas of focus,
destruction thrives. Destructiveness has no barriers without the ability for people to communicate dissatisfaction or have the
ability to take action on dissatisfaction.


"The worst thing that comes with the rejection of animalistic behavior and power-seeking is sexual degeneration. In a strong society
there is a strong polarity between the sexes with men being dominant and masculine, and women being submissive and feminine. But of
course with free will, and a society that allows for complete freedom, anything is acceptable. But why should our polar animalistic
nature be retained? Proponents of unrestricted free will ask why is it desired for men to remain men and women to remain women when
these creations can be dismantled and replaced with something else? Why not continue with our society in which more and more men
become feminine and more women become masculine? Why not take it to its conclusion with a new humanity where all women are the
masculine beings and all men are the feminine, or a new humanity comprised of androgynous things?

Our base polar nature should be retained because it is a base guideline to work off of and use as a mental and social anchor, because
it is practical, and most importantly because it is necessary."


Does this guy just come here to shill his book everyday? Great written works don't need to be shilled. It's very jewish to be doing this.

The Jews are prolly shutting it down because it is too red-pilled.... haven't read it but stilL. You sound VERY Jewish

So far it just seems like a dumbed down hodgepodge of disparate, implicitly traditionalist, ethical aphorisms. There are also a lot of assertions masquerading as logical deductions. Don't get me wrong, I agree with just about everything in the book, but I'm disappointed considering the shilling that's been going on suggesting that it's the greatest modern tome of philosophy, and it's going to change anything.

I fucking hate marketing, so fuck you.

You don't have any idea what is going on.

"Ignorance is destructive because it is a state of unnecessary powerlessness and incompleteness. It takes a keen, attentive, and
focused path to cultivate power, build, and create an enjoyable and complete life that is worth living and that strengthens
society. Without the power of understanding, the ignorant person does not have any control and makes decisions that are destructive, or doesn't make the necessary right decisions in order to build. Ignorance is a lack of control. Ignorance pushes humanity in any direction because there is no understanding of the nature of existence. By cultivating understanding, the individual increases their power in making the right decisions. These right and wrong decisions are a matter of life and death. Yet
an individual or society may operate in ignorance and they will continue on because an ignorant person or society are insulated
from the meaninglessness of existence, and because some right decisions may unconsciously be made. In the long term ignorance's stagnation and incorrectness leads to absolute destruction.

Stagnation is the antithesis of continual building and understanding. Stagnation is deterioration. A stagnate and directionless humanity flounders in confusion. Being directionless means that there is no common understanding of what it takes to build, nor any understanding of the necessity to build and maintain. Degeneracy flourishes in stagnation as individuals delve into hedonism and deviancy. Life is about constantly moving, striving, and reaching. If an individual stagnates they will perish. If a species
stagnates it will perish."

"Ignorance is apathy and indifference. The consequences of indifference are a lack of focused attention in necessary building or
curbing of destructiveness, and a shallow, hollow, incomplete, and wasteful life. The fool's life is shallow and wasteful. It is a choice to deny the wonders of the world."

"Life is what you create it to be. Awareness and consciousness are not given, they must be forged, and any human being that has the
capacity to create awareness within themselves must take advantage of it. A person who does not cultivate awareness will exist with
what they created- a destructive worthless life of shallowness and incompleteness, and this resonates into every action and instance of their existence.

Life is full of distraction and the ignorant person is heavily distracted. The individual is distracted away from forging a path of understanding. A cultivation of an instinctive knowing of what is essential over nonessential in order to forge a path of understanding is needed. Although there are endless unique paths to understanding, they all have one thing in common; a direct
focus in retaining what is essential and shaving off all uselessness and wrongness. The path to understanding is not simple and direct though. There must be countless discardations of what was once considered useful and true information that is revealed to be incorrect. The ability to recognize one's incorrectness and quickly discard it for superior understanding is what separates a builder from someone who wallows in ignorance and destructiveness."

>You don't have any idea what is going on.

So tell us. This is a guidebook for what is ahead in the near future?

It is a guide for whatever is ahead in all of future.

No. It's probably a Jew who spend a few months writing a poorly formated mind dump of standard contemporary right wing ideas, self-published using CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform with a shitting binding, made ONE review on, and tried to make the thing to viral with a shilling campaign on Sup Forums.

This is a cash grab for a product that doesn't off anything new or useful. If you're right wing, it won't tell you anything you don't already know or believe. It's preaching to the choir--a dopamine hit.

Someone should dox Goonan and find out his real name.

give me a tl;dr for the book that's accurate or im reporting the thread for viral advertising

So you haven't read the book? Don't spout nonsense if you haven't read it.

not a tl;dr

enjoy the ban

I read the first 1/4, and realized what I was reading. It's free on the his website in HTML format. I would have preferred something that had source information and data to back up the dozens of sociological assertions in book (that I happen to agree with, by the way).

I say it offers nothing new, because it reads like a compendium of Sup Forums aphorism. It comes across like a "PUA book" for right wing ideas.

It's not a philosophy book. It's more like a manifesto.

You are a CIA shill trying to dismantle a possible threat to the status quo power structure.

You are just an annoying cuck.

TRust me I know him he isn't a Jew at all lol.

TRust me I know him he isn't a Jew at all lol. This

I just said I agree with your idea, jackass. How old are you anyway?


>You are a CIA shill trying to dismantle a possible threat to the status quo power structure.

I'm not allowed to critique your book? Only glowing praise is allowed here?





Fuck you shit skin

stop samefagging the thread with your smartphone you cringy faggot

Truly the words of the next great philosopher.

I don't have a smart phone




This book made me terrified.

White men are what's keeping this country going, and if they stop like the book predicts... The Alt-Right is our only hope.

Now I'm getting nervous

Tell me more about this modern classic.


i was interested in this book until i noticed how much it gets shilled here and the pals he gets together on discord to comment in the threads and simulate real discussion creeps me out. we can see what you are doing. Change tactics.


Well it starts out with some good old nihilism, but with a twist. Basically life is inherently meaningless until you put a meaning to it, an idea I had already come up with a few years ago.

Then goes into commentary on modern culture and where it's wrong mixed with some Jordan Peterson type psycho-analyst stuff that from personal experience I'd say is pretty spot on.

Then goes into a light ideology of "conscious capitalism" which he never really explains how it would be implemented. Just says that companies and corporations should act in the interest of the nation/community they're in. Seems more like NatSoc light to me.

Then he ends in with some AnPrim inspired stuff and bashes technology, then ends by saying this is the foundation for exploration of space, which is crazy. "Technology is bad, but we need to explore space" I don't think I need to explain why that's an oxymoron.

Overall I'd say it's an incredible read and would suggest it to anyone here. I completely understand why it's popular here.

HOLY 2's


>Basically life is inherently meaningless until you put a meaning to it, an idea I had already come up with a few years ago.

That's not nihilism: that's absurdism/existentialism -- depending on how you believe meaning is created/found.

Kinda makes me wonder if all this is a psy op to keep the wheels turning

This is so cringy is almost looks like it could be a hit-job with someone pretending to be Goonan to make him look like a complete tool.

Believing life is meaningless is nihilism. He just says you need to put a meaning to it, whatever that is. He bases his whole psycho-analyst part on the understanding that life is meaningless.

Wheels turning? If anything, I think this can help a lot of people, NEETs especially

stop talking to yourself you cringy faggot

To anyone wondering what the fuck is going on, this guy uses proxies to talk with himself in his own threads. See:

Finally a real discussion. Thank you. I will try to answer any questions and clear things up. But I am preparing for my first public appearance tomorrow at a book store as well.

Brah, I don't know if you're a shill or just retarded.

If actually Goonan, start a youtube channel m80. Would watch that stuff.

As for questions, how would you go about regulating these companies? You say that the people running them will need to be replaced if they don't do a good job, but never explain how they would be replaced or who would be in charge of it.

To explain Conscious Capitalism, it is implemented through our own conscious individual free will. People should create the best businesses and support the best businesses that will lead to the right happiness and survival. Best may not be what you expect it to mean though. Most efficient may not equal best.
I believe a nuanced use of tech is best for all. Which means we can use a bike to get around town, and a spacecraft to get around the universe. Why not?

There is no "regulation" of "companies". Companies should mostly be eradicated through every individuals own free choice to eradicate them to begin with. Small-scale business is where it's at for many reasons.

>actually admits its him and that he shills his own book here
>exact same posting style and shitposts like the green ID faggot ITT
>thread is also full of proxies shilling the book


I agree on the small scale for the most part. But if there's a company that makes a really good product that everyone wants, what's the harm in letting them operate on a national level as long as they still make good decisions both for communities and the company?

Hmmmmmm wait a minute. why would you care so much to look all this up? And why would you care? The man wrote a fucking book you should applaud him.

You are right, some large corporations should still exist (good product, safety net in case small scale production has problems), but you are forgetting that WORKING for a large corporations is soul crushing. You have to consider the life of the workers for these corporations.

>The man wrote a fucking book you should applaud him.
the book is autistic gibberish

I'm sorry lad but try again with a better quality book

>why would you care so much to look all this up?
Because it shits up the board and I hate shills spamming their trash

It's one fucking thread you mongo be the fuck out.

Life can be soul crushing. All work can't be meaningful and invigorating. That's just being unrealistic.

Post a link to the book and read, then I'll thank you once for the book and maybe twice for the read

False. You have been conditioned to believe in the "suffer for 5 days to enjoy 2 days" mentality. Work is a large part of everyone's lives and meaningful work can be a source of great satisfaction and enjoyment in life.

So you're telling me when life can't be soul crushing?

There's just some work out there that will never be "fun" or "fulfilling" no matter what. Simple as that. Working as a plumber dealing other people's literal shit will always be soul crushing in some way.

How about a society where men can understand most basic plumbing and do it themselves, and where more expertise is needed, other men can work not only as just a plumber for a corporation, but work for themself doing plumbing and other handiwork for people in their community in which the man cares about maintaining?



