Dat bantz yo

...that's not even remotely clever, jesus no wonder this woman lost. how hard she's clinging on to stay relevant is almost as pointless as Bill's clinging to life after getting AIDS

Anyone else can just picture those libtards fake laughing so damn hard? Why do they always do that.

If a house made of covfefe gets more covfefe thrown at it I'm sure the house would be fine.

Is this supposed to be funny? Fucking hell. Just disappear already.

>after getting AIDS
That's part of the pact they made with Moloch to keep Hillary alive a bit longer. Moloch is draining his lifeforce.


Hillary should run for canada's prime minister.
She couldn't be worse then trudeau.



>covfefe, amirite?! Lmfbo!!!!

>this is the best her team could come up with

I think it's good Hillary is still trying to be relevant.
More baggage for stupid liberals

I didn't think that tweet was real. But it is real! Liberals always make fun of Trump but this tweet is the dumbest of all. That explains why this idiot couldn't become president.

People in a glass house shouldn't throw glass.

People in a rock house shouldn't throw rocks.


Choc doc needs to increase her covfefe dose and out her out of her misery

Don't post in slide threads nerds.

shes right you know

>fucking up a paraphrase
What a fucking tard.


Okay, it was funny at first but now this meme is getting awfully 9gag.

this is "Pokemon GO to the polls" level of cringe

about as clever as coming up with covfefe

>covfefe house
>trump lives in white house

covfefe means white?

so covfefe power?


delet this


>people in glass houses shouldn't throw glass


We dont deserve this timeline

>clinton calling trump a terrible candidate
Trump won though

>too smart to win

It's real lol

I am rubber and you are covfefe. Anything you say bounces off me and covfefes to you.

Yeah. At first I couldn't believe. Because that's too stupid man. Trump write covfefe with his ass probably. But this is something else.

Throwing glass is always dangerous

Just covfefing in Cedar "go to the polls" Rapids tell me how two scoops of fidget spinner make you feel in three emojis or less

She is quite literally the worst human being ever.

>yfw Trump was just giving us (you)s

People in covfefe houses shouldn't throw covfefe.
>glass >glass
>stone >stone
Okay, got it, thanks retard.

>> convfefe == glass
>> convfefe == stones

??? Both?

Its like she tried to chime in on the joke and just completely killed it.

Thank GOD she didn't win lol. This makes Trump look like a genius in comparison

>people in glass houses shouldn't throw glass
>people in stone houses shouldn't throw stones

literally what did she mean by this?



This is legitimately the saddest thing I've ever seen an old lady say in public.

im JUST CHILLIN in cedar rapids ;DDD

Every time Trump does something that disappoints me I just have to think of the alternative and it disappears. Would kill for a glimpse of the dystopian Hillary wins timeline though

Trump might as well reply with that, and then reference his building expertise. (Which is real)


Obviously she means stone houses shouldn't throw stones! With less stones, you can't be a stone house! If you're in a stone house and throwing stones, you're throwing the house! Duh! Fucking simple, idiot! YUS UR BRANE MORAN

>yfw you realize a multi-million dollar PR team spent all day coming up with this

This has to be the reason she's commenting on it. Struck a nerve.



Look closer. She has two.

Oh Jesus, this reeks of Hillary's millenial meme squad. I was sure she had them executed with the last of her goldman sachs campaign money.

She was not the chosen one.


This is a poor effort even by CTR standards. It doesn't even make a bar of sense.

covfefeposting is dead bros
move on


She might get a scoop, but does she rock two scoops tho?

No one came up with it. It was a fuckup and they decided to play along with the joke.

It's like marklark. It replaces every noun.

This would make more sense if in the original saying you threw glass in a glass house
Just a poor effort

At least say "stonefefes"




im a liberal but i think this and hilary in general is completely cancerous.

hilldawg, my nigga! Hillary 2020 yo!


that has to be a troll cover, goldman sachs behind her, really?

Nothing gets past you, does it.

Why does this cunt have to stick her bullshit in every last thing? She ruins literally everything just because she wants to look cool to millennials.
>Yes I am Hillary I am hip and to the beat with the kids

Of course you'd say that, you autism valhalla.

I love how the SS is going after Kathy Griffin after that picture, but yes, sure, use it as a "Drumpf BTFO" pic.

>She is human being
Umm no sweetie

Of course you would, because the last country anyone would ever nuke is Australia. They have no reason to. What have your countrymen done to piss off countries such as Russia or Chainuh?


Some get this crazy old lady outa here

ID: Ujeb
Hey, Jeb! How are your turtles doing?

US, Star, Sun, NatEnquirer, and the like are the absolute paragon of fake news.

>she flips burgers
Literally looks like she has no what the fuck she's doing.

why don't you Pokemon GO away

Trump JR just holocausted her.

RIP in peace.

Yes. This face just screams human being.

what a fucking retard. people in glass houses shouldn't throw glass
thank fucking god we dodged this bullet of a moron

>1 post by this ID


>The fucking cringy normie GIF spam replies

>two scoops
how is this maniac even still president?




Ooh, good one from DT Jr.

> mfw one of the greatest sci-fi authors alive is writing his next book about an alternate timeline where Hillary Clinton won the election


For once she had a funny idea and she still fucked it up. All she had to do was write "covfefe" and she would have made me laugh. But no. She had to fuck this up too.

Twitter is a useless cancerous shithole. Watch, in two days her shitty tweet will have 200k likes and retweets.