Jeopardy’s Ken Jennings Mocks Barron Trump’s Reaction to Beheading Photo: ‘His Little Heart Is Breaking’
Jeopardy’s Ken Jennings Mocks Barron Trump’s Reaction to Beheading Photo: ‘His Little Heart Is Breaking’
everybody should stop making fun of a 12 year old kid. it's shameful
I don't get why the leftist always attack barron.
Because he's the New Hope.
It's because they know they are too irrelevant, pathetic and ridiculous to upset the President by talking shit about him. He laughs at their foolish opinions and brainwashed babble - and so do we.
But some of the nastier minded creeps among the deeply unpleasant virtue signalling cunts that make up the "Resistance" think that if they insult his children then maybe they have a chance of possibly bothering him.
He's a white child. It's everything they hate.
Nice Reddit spacing Rosie. You have to go back.
He will remember all of this.
Because they are so used to doing distasteful shit that its natural for them
Was Ken Jennings' wife getting blacked while he was on Jeopardy?
Don't tweet it at him or anything (@KenJennings)
Look at this noodle neck autistic faggot. Barron would BTFO him 1v1 no scope.
tolerant left at it again
>lets attack a little kid who has no say whatsoever in what his father does
And we're the evil ones?
is this the guy who won a million dollar on Jeopardy?
Yeah but his wife's bulls took off with the money
Because he deserves it
haven't heard of this guy in 12 years
Ken Jennings? Shut up Trivia Bitch!
That is still on TV?
>not watching Jeopardy
This guy is living proof that answering trivia will never qualify you as intelligent or wise, it only qualifies you as good at answering a bunch of fucking trivia. Sort of like college. If he was either intelligent or wise, he would have already killed himself for being such an insufferable faggot.
>watching tv
Because the left is made up of shitskins and dysgenic whites, so well bred white children make them feel inferior. Barron reminds them of Chad who knocked their books on the floor and laughed at then in middle school.
wtf I hate Ken Jennings now
Ken jennings cuck man sees a tall kid like barron as a threat
Im pretty sure he gets to go to heaven for pleasing the Mormon mafia.
>even remembering what TV was
>this is fucking gold...the left is literally playing the bad guy now.
I get the pedo vibe from this guy. He probably does something weird like shoves happy meal toys up his ass while jerking off to Reading Rainbow.
It's just sad how easily Sup Forums fags get so butt blasted now. Itt is blatant hypocrisy of how this place is now just like reddit tumbler facebook and youtube.
I don't get how leftist don't see their own meganormous hypocrisy on so many issues.
make fun of a child, you lose.
get the fuck out you little shits or we start stomping you in the streets.
you've gone to far again.
wtf ben
Why not? He will most likely grow up to be as degenerate as Don Jr. and Eric.
Why? You faggots piled on Sasha and Malia Obama. Stop pretending like right doesn't pull the same shit as the left.
they grew up being told that rich kids are bad and evil by the disney channel and nickelodeon so they dehumanize him and view his emotional hardships as lesser b/c "lol how can u be sad if u have money? xd"
>how dare that child be disturbed by having pictures of his fathers decapitated head spread around everywhere
By all means leftys, keep bullying children. It helps us immensely
Barron is a well-brought up young man. The Obama "girls" were ghetto trash like their mama and grandma.
By the way, as you clearly spent the Obama administration on Mars, Barry is a flaming faggot and those little whores are not even his.
is it because they are evil?
Because Barron Trump gets their dicks up, and they're butthurt that they can't recruit him for pizza parties.
Kill yourself.
If true, what a little fucking autistic twerp. I guess he's been so sheltered and privileged that any little "disturbing" image will cause him to have a meltdown and call for mommy. Is he still breastfed or something?
He should be thankful he isn't one of the thousands of Syrian children his father turned away who have to see the real deal every day. When his fucking father is a heap of emaciated flesh because of a mortar shell and he's starving because he's had no food to eat for a week, then maybe the little brat will have the right to cry.
They live in a mindset where literally Hitler just got elected. Everything is fair game in that scenario.
You called Obama's children apes and niggers for eight years, and your already bitching because little Drumpfy Jr. saw a meanie photo? :(
Grow the fuck up. Hypocritical asswipe.
How sad of a life do you have to have to make fun of a child
>psychopathic Jewish comedian pretends to cut off his dad's head
>Baron is obviously disturbed
>comedians make fun of Baron
What the fuck.
Don't you know?
Leftists fantasize children to the point they would fuck them on their bed. Publicly defaming the kid to them is just foreplay.
It's all about sex!
Surely they have to realize that the optics on this do not look good for them at all.
I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy, the two incidences aren't even comparable. Calling Obama's children niggers is far worse than exposing poor little baby Don-Don to a (clearly) fake beheading of his father that was intended to be a political statement.
it literally isnt worse
Calling the Obamas apes and niggers was a simple statement of fact.
Get triggered.
Barron is such a snowflake
>saying the word nigger is worse than showing an 11 year old what it might look like if his father was beheaded
it doesnt matter if its fake, so are movies, it still fucks kids up.
please, he has easter-european whore dna from Melania.
We are just after the left you cock holster. It's payback time after a decade of their insufferable bullshit and rules.
Read Saul Alinskys rules for radicals. Always hold the enemy to their own rules. Soon we will call for these people to be executed.
"snowflake" never meant "fragile"
go be reddit somewhere else
What an asshole. Definitely short man syndrome on the part of Jennings.
Then turn off the TV and gouge out your child's eyes, so that he may never witness anything slightly disturbing ever again.
Nobody gives a shit about your little campaign to help random foreigners. America first.
You guys turn into little cry-babies when you get called out, don't ya?
Will he remember his mother rubbing his young thighs as he straddles her and snaps polaroids
He's an ugly ginger troll-looking pussy.
>Media plaster picture of dyke with your fathers severed head
>You're 12 and what's this?
>Think newspapers are legit because you're still naive
>Think this hag kilked your dad
>Get upset
>Media mocks you for it
Leftists are fucking evil
Fuck those Syrian kids.
They should all fucking die.
And all the little nigger kids, too.
Look at the biceps on that He/Sheboon nigger.
I think Barron is pretending to be a mega autist to get into Milana's pants. Like pretending to be the gay best friend. Smart kid.
>Look at the biceps on that He/Sheboon nigger.
Show us the picture of a celebrity holding Obama's disembodied head, faggot, or STFU.
We do NOT do the same sick things as you child-raping leftard Satanic piles of shit.
Having niggers sleep in the White House and defiling the air with their coon musk is the worst.
That's why the First Lady and Barron don't stay in D.C.
Eight years of spear chucker funk has yet to be fumigated out.
Ahhh and the world is right again. At least for this moment.
checked, btw.
>this guy sucks cocks to get the girl and thinks it is a smart move
"I'm just pretending!"
You don't even understand what America is about. If being American was just being white and speaking English, we'd be Britain. We're more than that, and we're better than that.
To be American is to love liberty - nothing more and nothing less. I consider the Syrian who desires freedom more than anything else to be my brother and my countryman, not you or any other racist, freedom-hating, cheeto-worshiping Trumptard.
The day of the rope is long overdue. And when it comes, you will be hanging right beside the filthy commies you un-American piece of shit.
It shows how completely retarded and delusional libfags are that they think calling someone a name is worse than showing them their father's disembodied, bloody head.
Go off yourselves, you useless fucking libfags!
>Barron Trump
Considering he's autistic that only makes things worse.
I despise Trump more that you can ever image, but give the kid a break.
I'm sorry but no one ever mocked how they got scared when they thought their dad was killed. People mock barron all the time, and we don't say shit. This is different. It shows the sick demonic nature of the left. Their mental illeness. The derangement. Mocking a young boy because he feared his father was murdered. Nothing like that ever happened with obama's kids. BTW, the oldest one (not sure which) was only called a skank when she was 18.
Barron is 11.
look how the left always wants to shame us into playing fair, whilst they never do
fucking hypocrites
beware the day of covfefe, bitch!
>I live in the whitest part of town I can find and spend my time trolling /pol about how much I love brown people.
Fuck you, libtard. This is a nation created by whites, for whites. See the Immigration and Nationalization Act of 1794, faggot!
Go to bed Wayne