Brit/pol/ - There Wasn't a Thread so I Made One Edition

>Britain Elects election centre

>Corbyn to attend election debate:

>Trump pulling out from Paris agreement:

>Surgeon gets 15 years for performing hundreds of unnecesary mastectomies

>Latest contreversial poll shows conservative losses

>Corbyn follows up car crash with a disaster on mumsnet livechat

>Corbyn suffers childcare car crash interview at hands of Women's Hour

Other urls found in this thread:

I miss nigel

Anime is gay as fuck
I would rather suck a cock than voluntarily watch that shit

Austerity economics is ajoke, GOd I'm pretty drunk now, but to all those people in the last thread: WE ARE ON THE SAME SIDE. You just don't care (quite rightly) about economics, and so you have slurped up the b8 from the EU/Tory/Fed/Harvard establishment. Stop defending Capitalism with armchair economics.


Lads, I keep having this sweet daydream that I'm the High Chancellor of the UK and that my turbo-autistic traditionalist party swept parliament.

How do I make this a reality?

you probably do that anyway

>yfw Jeb! surge and he becomes the new PM
>yfw you would actually be better off with him than May or Corbyn

1. become my bf
2. do lewds
3. slip into a daydream
4. never return

Based UKIP controlling the entire political climate without needing any MPs

Nice thread picture desu


stop posting this buck-toothed dyke (unless it's feet pics, she has 10/10 feet)

jesus christ she looks like a right dyke nowadays

>People on facebook actively thinking Jeremy will win
>This is the PM we've always wanted

How the fuck do you deal with these fucking idiots.

>interacting with lefties on fucking facebook

let them have their hugboxes tbqh, they're welcome to that bullshit.

post Mummy May memes and tell them to prepare for a triple digit seat Conservative majority, then tell them "told you so" when it happens

Not having facebook

bingbongs are all little shitniggers

Well that's not very nice.

I had Crumpets today

Americunts are bigfatturbofaggots


impotent americans have no control of brit/pol/

start buying guns and make the laws of Texas look effeminate

All the world, including this dumpy little general, belongs to the BWAC (Big White American Cock).

why are you posting an American woman then?

I will genuinely get a tattoo of corbyn with the soviet sign if he wins

get it on your ass for good measure

Tattoo "Seize my means of reproduction" on your boypussy.

How fucked are you guys?

Its not looking good

>call an early election because your opposition is imploding violently in front of the world stage
>members attending literal Communist rallies and admitting they are marxists
>shadow secretary an actual cartoon character in terms of stupidity
>possibility of ensuring Labour disintegration and Torie majority for decades
>release a manifesto that is essentially aids on paper
>intensely unpopular policies nobody asked for, thrown in for reasons nobody can logically explain
>more than ten point lead completely squandered
>lose more seats when you expected to take a majority
How the fuck did May screw this up so bad?
She could have slept the last two weeks away and just rocked up to Downing Street at the end with an easy win, who the fuck is the strategist for the tories?

Fox hunting is a fun activity












I want to see the poll after the debate.

Letting Labour handle Brexit and blame them for the inevitable recession was probably the plan.

Labour has openly said they will keep Britain in the single market.
It will be like Brexit never happened, only Brexit will still be blamed for the horrible times Britain is due for.

Trump was also an outsider that was treated horribly by the media, establishment and his own party who also made some hefty promises.

Don't take Corbyn at his word when it comes to EU, and if you do, don't assume it's what will happen. Socialists despise austerity that EU pushes, there will be a massive fall out.

Stay alive, little thread. I love Britannia and its beautiful people.

We're fucked whoever wins, so 100%

It's half four and I can't sleep, send help

Oh get fucked leaf, I can't tell if you're a lost labour shill or complete dumbass.
There is the old Orwell Left who at the least realize the absolute shitshow the EU was and has become, and the new cosmopolitan rainbow coalition left that the phrase TOLERANCE AND APATHY ARE THE LAST VESTIGES OF A DYING SOCIETY was coined for, millennia ago. Guess which one Labour has become.

Corbyn is a fuck. May is a fuck. But Corbyn has dodged the question entirely on whether he will even try to negotiate hardball with the EU.

>on whether he will even try to negotiate hardball with the EU.
Why would he try to counter the EU at all, since he is an ideological compatriot in their internationalist socialism? He would be more than happy to remain in it because he would like it.

What did he mean by this?

He won't, because the EU has been serving his ilk for decades, why would he want to leave? He's like Macron, denying any special qualities of being British beyond being tolerant and free within reason. There is no culture in multiculturalism.

Hence the leaf is a retard for reading his own mistrust of the EU onto a politician who does not share it.

I want to marry Karen

karen is a spoilt brat

You can read that multiple ways, what a clusterfuck of a statement.
>Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people are talentless without us
>equality and programme in the same sentence of a party recently found flirting with hard left communism
>blaming Conservatives for holding them back, removing any agency from individuals subsumed into their identity groups
>breaking Britain into multiple competing peoples in the first place

What the actual fuck DID he mean by this?


and a lewd one

Imagine a dozen pakis gangraping her

The foremost thing of issue, I would think, to any white person is the idea that a government should serve foreign peoples as a top priority, let alone dedicate government funds to the development of peoples who were intended to be imported for the utility they supposedly provide inherently.

Second, the idea that equality is the government provided unequally between groups is absurd.

It is beyond baffling.

>How the fuck did May screw this up so bad?
Because Theresa May is /low energy/.

The Labour Man's Burden

Fucking hell.
Also why is brit/pol/ so dead right now? Are the poms all asleep?

i just woke up, so yeah

its 5am you dumb abo

It's 5 bong 15 bings there, I believe

I want to protect this belly.

Sleeping is boring desu

everyone is asleep you spazmodius maximus

Wow, correct!

The political landscape of this country is utterly putrid. Both major parties are disgusting as are even the remaining fringe ones.

Absolute dogshit, this island is fucking pathetic.

Even the BNP, the closest thing we've ever had to a decent party, were a bunch of bumbling imbeciles. We can't do anything right. Ever.

Woops meant this, any of this soon?

not with a willy up your bum it isn't

no bully pls mum don't deport me again



thread theme?

fuck off cunt. we don't like gay cartoons

t fag

Karen is a slut


Karen is not a slut

mornin' fellow bongs

She takes muslim cock out the back of the kebabby for a free doner and a bottle of vodka.

day of the rope when

Who won the debate?


Degenerate anime faggots will go first.

what about non-degenerate animefags?

>People who don't exist.

Why do you have to be so mean this early in the morning?


Morning lads,

Voting is pointless, we're already dead.


Local election leaflets came through the other day. Conseravtive candidate is a female Muslim from London, UKIP candidate is a male Muslim and the Labour candidate is a "diversity is our strength" good goy.

I'm not voting.

yeah good goy
muslims are bad! keeping women under control is bad! believing in God is bad. dont use your vote.

t. Muhammad

>muslims are bad!
Yes Schlomo, they are bad. I can't leave my house past 8pm anymore. White neighbours on my street are leaving for other pastures. Muslims replace them.


Reminder that Corbyn thinks Venezuela is the ideal nation

Everything is shit

Corbyn will win

The people get the leader they deserve


>when you purposely throw the election so you don't get blamed for Brexit not happening

>10 years ago
>I don't really mind
My family has been pretty redpilled on mass immigration for some years. They're very conservative. My great-grandfather was openly against mass immigration and non-whites moving to Britain all them years ago and wanted to move my family to New Zealand to get away from it all before it all kicked off.

morning ya big cunts

If Corbyn wins are we going to spend the night crying or seeking a positive?

If Corbyn wins, what does that mean for Brexit?