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>hahaha you made an error on twitter that discredits any argument you make

Logical fallacy.


That was actually pretty funny though... So I doubt Hilary actually wrote it.

Still President, cunt

>people in glass houses shouldn't throw glass

Bravo, Hillary!

This implies that Covfefe has two meanings. Also people that think he meant coffee instead of coverage are fucking morons

Hillary should have been president, it's not fair!

I thought he meant conference.

glass could break glass though

thats what you think


this tweet makes it a little better though


He made a typo and just said fuck it, lets see if people flip their shit over this. He likes messing with the media, he's always done this and it's hilarious


It depends on the size of the stone I suppose

glass can't break glass, if it could then when you try to break glass with glass glass would enter a hyper-dimensional portal to the glass world of Glassberg and then the glass would glass the glass glass the glass of glass. Get it?

Is this bitch from Marklar?

I wonder how many unpaid interns it took to crowdsource that tweet?

Funny thing about hillary's twitter, you can tell which tweets she personally wrote because she literally signs them -H


wow. that makes sense in a stroke victim brain damage kind of way.

Wait, she hasn't killed herself yet?

I didn't know glass scientists hung out on Sup Forums

I have a theory about the "typo".
Trump is hyper functional and has adjusted his sleeping habits to 20 minutes, every 4 hours. He HAS to get his "sleep" in within those 20 minutes, or he feels like shit, and can't function for days. So, he sets up his schedule around that, so at say, 12 am, he has to take a 20 minute nap. So, he's getting ready to shitpost... and goes... Oh fuck, nap time, and goes to sleep with his hands on the keyboard. "Nothing says Trump has to tweet from his phone." So, he power naps, and wakes up, wipes his eyes, and hits enter. Walks out and goes and does productive shit while the rest of the world is drooling on their pillows. Sees the tweet later, and says, fuck it, let's see the internet go ape shit over this. Leaves it up. Waits a few hours until the left has went full blown retard, and then deletes it.

Every fucking time

>he was only pretending to be retarded

>Hillary finally starts twitter fighting with Trump waaaaaay too late after he destroyed her in the election and electoral college and he's on his 5th month of presidency

Honestly if she'd just been a better candidate and participated on twitter she might have won. Oh well.


To be fair if you had a twitter account that people watched like hawks 24/7 wouldn't you act retarded too just to see what happens next?

Hillary wishes she could be the President playing "what does my error mean?" on Twitter.

>She meant to say people who live in white houses shouldn't throw covfefe.

Did I meme right guys?


Lel just like Big Bang theory!

No, not really

How is this cunt not in prison for mis handling classified information?

Because Trump's DOJ didn't press charges, Ivanka is friends with Chelsea.

Which glass is being broken though?



Glass is immune to its own type moran

>Trying too hard
>Two question marks
>damage control


Literally who

And people who cant even break glass ceilings should shut the fuck up

>use covfefe twice in mock version of an old saying
>"People in stone houses shouldn't throw stones"
>"People in glass houses should throw glass"