I'll give you ten seconds to refute this.
Checkmate, bigots!
I don't find either funny
You see, there's a big difference between some schmuck doing it and a celeberty doing it.
>hillbilly hangs effigy in some random town: 14.62 people see it
>national personality tweets video of herself holding disembodied head of president to her 3 million plus followers
I like how 5 photos are of the same display, 1 isn't even representing Obama, 1 is Iran, and all of them are irrelevant to mainstream
Neck yourself faggot
What? I don't see the problem here...
I didn't find that funny either. Leftists have a shit sense of humor so they wouldn't understand
>I like how 5 photos are of the same display
9 of the photos are of the same display.
Not a single celebrity in those photos.
I find this hilarious and Kathy Griffin is a Jew
"brown grass both sides"
srsly tho, both sides is dumb lol
let alone any CNN hosts
2 of em are the same damn picture but cropped differently
You dont think it is absurd a celebrity can use their platform and reach to push their psychopathic beliefs?
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Niggers should die, whites shouldn't
Didn't find that funny either. They also burned statues of GWB and though he was awful, those demonstrations were equally appalling.
Hey grandma, sorry I haven't called in awhile. How are things on the farm? Give my love to pa
I don't see any ISIS beheadings.
I WELCOME Kathy encouraging violence because LEFTIST violence is vital to trigger the Right while justifying government crackdowns on the Left.
We need violence! We need the Left to start it so we can finish it. Helicopter rides don't happen in a social vacuum, they happen when circumstances facilitate them! Those include sufficient social support for killing Communists.
We don't need peaceful resolution because what that REALLY means is SJW victory. We need something like the Reconstruction South where lynching was not only tolerated, but made very popular post cards.
Wake up. War means death on both sides. Kathy Griffin should go full ISIS on a live patriot and saw his/her head off on national TV. The vengeance would be worth it.
We need a climate where not only hatred for the enemy is acceptable, but where the Left is no longer protected by law and has no rights except all the lead they can eat.
I'm confused, they used the same hanging for 1/2 of those pictures...
Refute what? I support anybody's right to commit career suicide. I also support freespeech even when it's tasteless and I support the Secret Service's right to fuck with her and other people
t. syrian refugee
None of his kids thought it was real
Nobody on Sup Forums is offend by this shit but Sup Forums won't waste a opportunity to fire and shame some libtard hero.
What is this even about?
I don't find it funny. Obama is literally a marxist nigger but those sorts of displays are just disrespectful to your country, and they're fucking awful optics. This is why most republicans are so bad at winning.
Except that's not funny it's just an uncouth effigy. Killing people is never funny, not even when it's necessary.
You know what WOULD be funny? An effigy of Barack Obama being noises and set on fire WHILE holding up Trumps bloody decapitated head while Barron looks on with tears flowing as he sodomizes Chelsea with Hillary wearing anti seizure glasses in the background with Miliania holds a gun to Hillarys head as she blows Bill.
Noosed not noises
The difference is this was all done by unknown people
Imagine is hannity lynched obama.
Except Larry the Cable Guy wasn't out there doing shit like this.
Griffin is a public figure. She got what she deserved but I feel like this was more of a desperate plea for publicity.
I agree
Can I get a quick rundown on this whole Kathy Griffin thing
mods should delete this pointless threads
>telling me what not to get upset over
it's almost like they want me to police my thoughts... and if I don't in a way they want me to, maybe, just MAYBE, someone else needs to...
>taking different angles of the same thing to pretend it happened all the time
Do liberals re-write history willingly, or is it just a symptom of their mental illness?
Thanks for clarifying, I was like whaaaaat
you didn't see a single celebrity in 8 years posing next to a wax figure of obama in a noose.
Imean, despite the constant negative press covfefe
I don't really find it funny, but it doesn't offend me.
Fuck you, that's another effigy of a US President. It's vile no matter which President. These men are our elected leaders and deserve a little respect.
>provided by MEMRI
1) Those are several isolated incidents
2) Her's was aired on a News Network that has an ethical responsibility in avoiding barbaric material that denotes a call for violence against a sitting president.
3) There is obviously a media bias that is tailored against the right, anyone that insulted Obama like this cunt did in the past would get a death sentence - and people are tired of it and want attention drawn to it.
*she works for a news agency
Down with the status quo
if kathy griffin is funny, so was this
Where's the celebrity doing it?
None of those are a realistic bloody fake head, you retard.