Why Japan bring rising sun flag in the soccer studium?
What a evil Japs are.it's fucking war criminal flag
Why Japan bring rising sun flag in the soccer studium?
I agree, we need to dismantle this racist, imperialist, European, Christian, facist, Nazi, colonialist system now!
>self hating jap
Is this rare? I ain't seen one before.
This guy shitposts the same dumb naval flag shit all the time
Japanese made a violence act toward korea last soccer game.
It was like real hell and not soccer anymore. Hal's are true barbarian
Almost all of player from jap team got red card. They punched Korean player like hell
It's not scooter it's war criminal
Japanese must be banned from any sports
What did walkie talkie say?
Well they do exist, google anti-japaneism.
But op is most likely just an english teacher mad that nippon doesn't look like in his animes.
Yea it was really really horrible
Japs are true barbarian with mental dissese
Still used by Japanese Navy as their ensign. There was a big shitstorm in Australia years ago when some Japanese tourists unveiled it at our war memorial.
The Dutch showed up to the finale of a soccer tournament wearing orange M16 helmets once
>t. korean
its a flag you retard, and it looks fucking cool
Pretty sure it's a Zainichi Korean
Man, Japan is so fucking Based. Sweet Christ.
Nanking never happened
What JAp unveiled? It must be a propaganda of Japanese
Don't believe what JAP monkey say
their was the unvoiced option of niggers back to africa, but for some reason they insist on living on the coat tails and gibs me dats of whites.
People who support jap war criminal is enemy of whole human beings
Nazis Nazis Nazis
Shame on you Nazis
Your mother is fuckrd by Nazis and you born
What are those gooks living in anime land called again
>Japanese made a violence act toward korea last soccer game.
Well they should the gooks wont recognize based japans rightful claim to dokdo
This is War criminal flag!! Say fuck off jap
Well, when it's time, we'll fight with you this time around. Just leave our boats alone.
>nazi piggu go home
Could be worse i could be corean :^)
The cross of christianity, the star and the creacent of Islam or the sickle and hammer of communism has been used for far greater crimes throughout history, yet neither are looked down upon.
Who gives a crap about the Rising Sun, wave it proudly.
shut the fuck up you south korean worst korean degenerate gook shit.
it is a piece of history
Nah, you guys paid your toll. It's time for you to start reasserting yourselves. Just dont turn out like cucked germam faggots, okay?
Make daddy proud. You are our favorite son.
It's their naval jack too
Chinks didn't kill any juden so it's not considered counter-semitic to fly that flag, unlike the flags of National Socialist Germany or of Palestine.
They seriously complain about those uniforms? How sensitive are you Koreans?
What's with all these English teachers?
Because of China's territorial aggression and N Koreas complete disregard for the international community. You're either on a proxy or some Chink/Gook that is willfully ignoring the fact that N Korea JUSt fired a ballistic missile into Japan's territorial waters. Don't be surprised that nationalist sentiments are increasing. God I hate Chinks.
why do countries have different flags for wartime? Its confusing. Just use one flag.
That's a naval jack retard why does your country have a naval jack?
It is definitely some english teacher that is colon crucified japan isnt a playground like he thought it would be.
They still use it as a naval flag
>colon crucified
I'd be killing you for blasphemy if I weren't laughing so hard.
Will they be allowed at the olympics?
Because they aren't pussies who welcome brown people into their homes to fuck their women.
how could you do this to us
bait desu.
Because it's the Asian nazis flag
Nazis flag is banned by international law!
Why the fuck rising sun flag ban also?
Why only Nazis flag is baned and not rising sun flag which sooo offensive to Korean people?
Are you guys crazy racist? The god will punish you the name of jeasus. This unfair will be never allowed
Rising sun flag is nazi flag in Asia!!
It's a bitchin flag, tbqh
Fuck off netuyo.
Netuyo is shame of Japan
Because of netuyo Nazis like you, while world people hate Japan now.
Netuyo is truely an anti Japan who make Japan hated.
Good work netuyo jap haha
Lmao just stop, it's a beautiful flag design.
We are with you!
Nazis jap in USA
Die in fire of hell punishment
No actual japs post here. the guy is just some dumb ass English teacher or a queer on a naval base or a butthurt gook
The Jew fears the Samurai.
Land of the rising leaf.
Holocoust of Asia by Japan.
Never forgive jap war criminal denial.
Japan must compensate.
Gunkan island.
Beginning in the 1930s and until the end of the Second World War, Korean conscripted civilians and Chinese prisoners of war were forced to work under very harsh conditions and brutal treatment at the Mitsubishi facility as forced laborers under Japanese wartime mobilization policies.[1][6][7][8] During this period, it is estimated that about 1,300 of those conscripted laborers died on the island due to various dangers, including underground accidents, exhaustion, and malnutrition.
Japan mast compensate and apologize for this!
Korea is makeing the movie how brutal and evil in gunkan island,.
We can study true history of war criminal of Japan by this movie
This is the true record of war criminal.
Pls enjoy the movie and support Korea. And blame Abe and nazis Japan.
Kids this is not joke it's a war criminals
You know what is war criminal?
Whole Asian willl never forgive you
Sorry for locking up you nips in Sunshine Valley, but no hard feelings eh? Water under the bridge, see? Next time we'll be fighting on the same side.
Japs are animal Nazis
Except japs
Whole Asian hate Nazis like you.
Nazis who support rising sun flag is isis and Nazis in Korea
It's a pretty cool flag desu.
No. This op is either:
That one trans (male to female) guy who hates Japan and wants black mass immigration to riceland because he's attracted to black guys and shitposts here and on r9k all the time.
Is an English teacher from Canada or Australia who is a jap larping lib who want to trigger pol acks.
Either one of these are the most likely scenario and are a constant here on pol and r9k.
BTW, has anyone daxed this trans jap guy who wants mass immigration yet? I see his posts all the time and they're getting annoying. I've been stalking his posts to dax him but I don't have any real leads yet. He's been pretty good about not giving too much away.
im a huge weeb i totally agree with this. japanese people are some of the worst in the world
Nice troll attempt English teacher weeaboo san.
Nazi flags aren't banned by international law, just faggot countries who hate themselves and want to be cucked by foreigners.
The Korean OP is just mad because his grandmother willingly chose to be a comfort woman to the take the BJC.
Why so Jewpanese?
>are you guys crazy racist
Yeah, so?
90% of japan flags is not real japanese in Sup Forums
redpill me on japs. why did they start shit with pearl harbor when we might have stayed out.
Thinks calling people on Sup Forums Nazis is some kind of insult.
It's literally the words in chinese "origin of the sun/day"
All these butthurt Koreans and Chinese make my Jap dick hard. God, seeing this just makes it all the better that I'm currently cucking a Korean couple. Man, you guys are fucked up.
Seriously though, get over it fags. Your ancestors fought like shit, ran away, and whored themselves out and they paid the price. Asia belongs to the Emperor.
between it being vacation season, Okinawa, and engrish teachers, there's at least a few.
Ink on cloth, get over it.
beacuse it looks badass
>btw nanking rape
as far as i know they all hate thenselfs.
hahah on every single soccer game on brazil its all the same shit, congrats japs
you're brazilian tier nao
Yeah, we should remove the reason they are evil, which is Korea. Nuke Korea (both) off the face of the Earth
i cant see this as a leaf anymore, looks like a broken window.
It's a Zainichi gook, aka the kykes of Japan. They adopt Japanese names and pretend to be Japanese while hating Japan and Japanese people. They dominate the Yakuza, the government, the media, and the pachinko industry.
Are you denying he is one of yours?
You will be rendered into fertilizer and doggy kibble
Supposedly if they took Hawaii it would be hard for us to have a Pacific theatre having to launch from maintain usa.
Yoshinoya is good and cheap by the way.
how does it looks like op
to be a immigrant, you really trought that japan was like the animes right?
are you happy now gayjin ?
I really doubt he is korean.
he's an obvious Zainichi gook
I've known plenty of American raised Koreans and exchange students.
Always Christian and bitch about Japan.
The South did nothing wrong!
I support them.
You type like you're Indian
You're just a butt hurt poo who used a proxy to avoid being called a poo aren't you
Gooks in Japan are the worst
I don't get pissed off by it because that was the was probably on the uniform on the pilot who tried to straff my grandpa in Shanghai, frankly I think you degenerates aren't worthy to use it anymore.
Rot in hell niggerfaggot
>. Your ancestors fought like shit, ran away
Since when you've start talking about Japanesse army?
Japan knows well what privileged minority is.
Are you real japanese or koreans, or you are libtard burger on holiday/teaching english?
I love Sukiya!
>they decided
You faggots shouldn't have killed Abraham Lincoln then, retarded Rural retards.
>They still use it as a naval flag
and the royal navy still use st george's cross (with uk flag) as jack (Now recognized as a symbol of white sumpremacy by many in the UK, not that I can understand that one entirely)
and the USA still uses Gasden flag (snek memes lul) as jack, that has been appropriated by ANCAP and LIB(ERTARIANS)
And yes that shit is dope, as if the red circle in the white cloth wasn't enough, haha we keep nrising sun, faggot
It's just working class football pride.
george's cross Is not war criminal flag
Rising sun flag is war criminal flag
That's all
Rising sun flag is flag of nazis
Do you hate Nazis flag?
Isn't it offensive for people?
Rising sun flag also are.
It's both war criminal flag you fucker nazis