Hillary Clinton losing her mind

Ok which one of you did this?

Other urls found in this thread:


My dog was chewing on my keyboard one night during that time. Could be him.

Weird, wonder why Shareblue and CTR are shilling now and using bots?

But it's true.

>tfw russian agent
>haven't received payment for shitposting in semichki and kvass yet
Cyka Blyat

wtf im russian now

we kgb now

No, the demon whore is subverting you.

Alzheimer's did it.

it's probably closer to the truth to than anything trump has spouted off

She is utterly destroyed that she lost the election.

she was always insane. remember the "vast right wing conspiracy"?

im your hucklebearer

I put the bots on facebook and the lies on twitter. No wonder my payment never came through.

Realizing I was KGB all along.

sounds like the "russian hackers" are Sup Forums memers.

Did she not do the exact same fucking thing?

Always accuse your enemies of doing that of which you are guilty.

Jewlinsky 101

Did what? Like with a rag?

>Literally spending millions of dollars on paid shills
>Accuse Trump of Russia/twitterbot collusion

You should file into the knuckles and make a serration.

They do a lot better like that.

She's talking about us

all they fucking have is this conspiracy LMAO

Dang I just saw that movie

>trump paying russia to fill facebook with fake adds

but yet they can't seem to believe the inter-dimensional pedophile vampires? this is where things get silly, watch


We Russian hackers now.

I will never get over the complete 180 on "hacking the election"
>haha drumpf you can't just HACK the election

Shit bitch, I was out there on the front lines of the meme war converging digits for kek every single night for free and I'm no Ruskie.

>1000 Russian agents
But I thought that Sup Forums was responsible for Trump's win? Wait, does this mean Sup Forums is actually populated with Russian agents? Bozhe moi!

Hello fellow Russian

All my posts were satirical and not meant to be taken seriously

yfw she is admitting we beat her


Dogs are a good judge of character.


Sore loser

Vodka vodka, snow, gun shoot, Am russia very cute and sex

Ivan! Is good to see! Is me, Pavel! Come, bring wodka!

Pavel, my friend! How goes hacking of USA?

Peggy is doing when not doing credit card line job! Is going good! Komrade Putin very happy, potato rations doubled!

That's literally what happened.


Post YFW you're a russian deep sleeper agent, and didn't even know it.

Please show sources.


>potato rations doubled!
This is very good! Lets hope the Pale Moth gets us our bonuses soon! I have to go I hear someone knocking on the doo

Hillary is the type of person who cheats on her spouse and then gets super mad that they were looking at their phone.

She lost her mind a long time ago. She just doesn't have any handlers to hide her insanity anymore, since she doesn't have any political power left to offer them.

I thought that's what she did?

hillary is just the image of


source on this pls

>Manbun Scarfbeard

There's way more than 1000 of us dumb bitch

Kek, I was on Twitter for the whole election, pushing edgy memes to normie conservatives. When they first started calling people Putin agents 75% of my follows/followers changed their names and bios to include Russian words or names, or changed their location to Russia or Crimea. I can't help but think part of the current Russia hysteria is due to what was essentially spontaneous mass trolling. I had hundreds of shitlibs accusing me of being a Russian bot because my location said Sevasto/pol/. Even the most conservacuck types enjoyed it, calling each other comrade etc. I think these leftists really believed it.

and we did it for free

Or you know it could of just been people who didn't like you and did it for free. And they say trump has an ego.

But Hillary, people in covfefe houses shouldn't throw covfefe.

No its not true...those "1000 Russian agents" on kikebook and twatter were nothing more than Sup Forums type shitposters.

Never having experienced it, she doesn't understand the power of many people enthusiastic about electing you. There was a real enthusiasm and interest in making Trump happen.

Where do I collect my backpay for being a Russian agent?

Oh they did believe it, they still call me a putin agent on Twitter bunch of wacko single moms

Looks like it's the Clintons hanging out with the Russians



Confirmed Alinsky all the way. Accuse the enemy of whatever you, yourself, are guilty of. Never before has it been more obvious.

I'm still waiting for my check from Cointelpro, Rothschild, Illuminati, Shareblue, CTR, Freemasons, Reptillians, JIDF, and Russia

Whatever was left certainly fell out when she was convulsing and pissing and shitting herself on Election night

That's why she couldnt come out and made Pedosta do it

why cant hillary just get cancer and fuck off

I legitimately think she may have suffered some sort of brain damage from her illnesses during the campaign.

Kek, I got purged in the aftermath of the election. They really got butthurt about how well we organized against them on there. They made a list of the top ~200 'altright' accounts and banned most of us. They know they fucked up big league by letting Sup Forums teach normie Republicans to notice Jews and such.


Bitch just get one of those little pocket sized O2 bottles if you're too embarrassed to carry a full sized tank in public.



Pretty fucking much. We're not bots, we're just shitposters. But they've seen that blaming it on some formless "enemy" is far more effective than actually just reporting on Sup Forums as it is. Nobody gives a shit if it's us doing it, but as soon as we're actually the Russians, then they can stoke fears.

Is it any surprise that these cucks grew up in the cold war?

>russian agents

this is basically "alt right" for the older crowd
for the younger they say "alt right"

in the end, it amounts to a real diverse group of shitposters

if you see anyone talking about Russians, it is code talking about us. They can't admit publically that a political subset of a Malaysian Spear Fishing Enthusiast Bulletin Board kicked their fucking asses until the butthurt became eternal.

It's an established fact that there are russian propaganda departments that shitpost on facebook

I doubt that Trump has anything to do with them though

That's because, ironically, Sup Forums is more diverse than the Left. The Left is mostly just white women and a crowd of niggers and Muslims. Meanwhile we've got just about everyone with an internet connection.

she's embellishing the numbers but overall she's right
admit it Sup Forums, we were used

yep. being paid by putin using trump money. they were pretty easy to identify on pol, a few admitted it at the time

Hitler once said - always accuse your opponents for what you are doing.

We should ask David Brock for comment.

underrated Leaf

We aren't just shitposters, brother. We are the A*Team of shitposters and our plan? Best believe it came together.

I would take any Russian puppet over Hillary.

Yeah, funny that

I suppose Russia told her to hide a unsecured server in her bathroom too.

hahah never, well, ok, i admit it


>Sup Forums was just russian bots this entire time
I fucking knew it
beep boop cyka blyat vodka babushka

That's a very convoluted way to avoid saying Sup Forums.

At least us and the dems have one thing in common, we don't want more normies here.


Underrated post Straya

>she paid a thousand neets to shill for her and still lost...just.

They don't want to say Sup Forums because no one gives a shit what a bunch of fat neckbeards do. However, skinny neckbeards wearing tracksuits is a fucking fear vortex.



Kinda, CTR is weak sauce, at least she hired Americans. And at least everyone knows Putin has no use for her.

Wheres my borsht and QT russian grill putin ?

>Hillary Clinton losing her mind
this isn't new, friend.
She blamed rumors of her husbands infidelity & follow up crimes on 'right wing conspiracy theories' and she tried to do it again during the Benghazi hearings.
She literally fell and hit her head, causing enough brain damage to make her resign as secretary of state.
And she personally thought that "Donald Ducks his Taxes" was a good campaign move.
This woman is, and has always been, insane.

>tfw this image was posted so much last year but you never see it anymore

There is way more documentable evidence that Hillary astroturfed the entire internet than there is that the Russians even tried to influence our election.