Jewanon Here AMA

Can we please just be accepted as White? I will 100% disown Jewishness and try to do away with it. I'd practically gas myself if I could, guys, not even joking. The Jew World Order is gonna fucking destroy everyone, including middle class losers like me.

Zionism isn't even true ethnonationalism (I know they do DNA tests, but that isn't the whole story). Israel is full of muddy Sephardic and Yemeni and even Ethiopian Jews, and they want us to mix it up. Jewry is cucked. I know Ashkenazi Jews aren't *really* white, but we are close enough. As long as I reject Jewishness and accept White identity and all that, can't I please just be your ally?

I'm as White or whiter than Bashar Al Assad, for instance. We aren't *white* like a Polish or German person is, but neither are Greeks/Armenians/Georgians really. My fellow Jews have fucked up so badly by supporting the colored races of the world, and have royally fucked it up for us all. I fully admit this and feel disgusted by my Jewish heritage. Jewishness/Judaism is a stupid warlike desert cult, and modern Ashkenazi Jews are just not that. We are like slightly White wanderers who RETARDEDLY decided to be antiwhite because it strokes our ego.

You will see a lot more Jews come out like this in the coming years.

What do Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Can we please just be accepted as White?

Ok, AMA, huh? Here's one of my own. How can we be sure you won't do like pic related? There's literally hundreds of confirmed cases here:

And I want to tell you I'm so fucking sorry for how much bullshit my people have caused White Christian civilization. A huge part of the bad shit happening right now is our fault. But what can I do about it? I feel powerless. If I ever even suggest that White people are human I get called a traitor. If I even show the slightest bit of support for Trump, my friends and most of my family attacks me viciously. You have no idea how backstabbing, dishonest and fanatical Jews can be.

Two years ago, when I first found Sup Forums, I was of the opinion that this whole "Jews are fighting against White people" stuff was just Nazi bullshit. But then I began to really critically look around in my own circle of friends and family (Jews) and found it to be stunningly accurate. Jews always try to pressure me to side with whatever antiwestern bullshit they are pushing this week, because "the holocaust" and "we want to push back against those type of people who did the holocaust".

If it sounds overwhelming and fucking annoying, it is! I couldn't stop the Jewish community from its bullshit if I wanted to.

Most of them are good people but they really think that fighting "the white man" is some kind of just revenge for Hitler.

The Jew is an everpresent threat to us, what assurance would we have that you are not a Jew in crypsis?


I am 100% against those people, I'm pro-white. I just want Ashkenazi Jews to be White allies. We need to stop being antiwhite and I would fully accept govt control of Jewish organizations and educating us to be UNLIKE the anti-goy Jewry of the past.

Thanks that's all

I am a Jew but I'm dedicated to exposing my fellow Jews because they're destroying our chance at survival by being such insane fucktards.

Mass immigration is fucking us over, and I don't want to live in Ziostan with a bunch of muddy Sephardic and Mizrahic Jews. Fuck.

All of the communists of the failed German revolution of 1918-1919 were Ashkenazi Jews.

I know. You thnk that makes me happy? I'm fucking ashamed. I just want to live not fucking destroy the world with

Diversity/communism/class war/feminism/all that bullshit.

I get it.
(Also it was like 10 out of 12 of them, not all)

Around these parts, there's really VERY little you can do to earn anyone's trust. Even Brother Nathanael is still considered suspicious. But really, the best way to be accepted as a legit turncoat is to start dropping Jewcy secrets.
Try 8/10, plus one with a Jewish spouse, and one suspected Crypto.

(((@Communism Kills))) is that you?

plz stop supporting this

>pic. related

its not about what Sup Forums will do, its about what you will do.

The sick part is that Jews who know about this will be secretly proud and be like "Yea it was brutal but they were fucking antisemitic so they deserved it".

I was never very involved in Jewish shit, and I was disgusted by the truly supremacist bullshit attitude and idea that destroying the "antisemitic culture" is always justified even through extreme violence.

This has thoroughly backfired. Jewish women are insanely slutty now, it's not even funny. The cultural sickness of egalitarianism and marxism have totally infested the Jewish mind.

My fucking grandfather got called racist for talking against dating a Black guy because "that's racist he can convert to Judaism who cares!!!!!"


Communism Kills doesn't admit that communism is Jewish, also she supports Israel, which I do NOT


You can be my greatest ally Mr. Jew

Come to Finland. We love Jews.

Jews have been treated unfairly,without the Jews, Europe would be a backwater colony of China or whatever. Jews built the European culture technology and empires.

Jews are the true and rightful masters of mankind. We deserve all that you do because we have not shown proper gratitude.

The Jews will have to cease their existence as a coherent, self-aware people if humanity is to survive in a state other than complete and literal enslavement forever. I am open to the possibility that this can be achieved without complete erasure. I also believe that a world and humanity without the Jews would likely be existentially precarious for white people, in the long run, as I believe that the Jews have evolved (or were created) to challenge us in ways that are important -- Jewish Liberalism is the death force of human social evolution, and the death force is vital for the long-term health and optimization of an organism's kind, etc. In any case, the time is close at hand for the Jews to receive their traditional collective punishment for their activities, i.e. expulsion/shoah/holocaust.

Judaism is a superstition so reject it. If it were a race fucking Sammy Davis Junior could not have converted.

Be a free atheist instead. Humor Christians because they are also manipulated though they can never acknowledge that. Just don't bother with superstition at all.

You'll still have Kike heritage but heritage isn't important. It's a refuge of people without personal accomplishment, like niggers.


I never claimed to be your GREATEST ally, but I do support the AltRight groups even though they don't support me.

I have been present in AltRight meetups. When I finally got spotted for being a Jew, I was kicked out immediately and treated like a fucking invader.

I still donate because White nationalism is necessary for our survival.

The problem is that White nationalism/identity is going mainstream today like never before, but it MUST accept Jews as allies, who are honest about our people's role in screwing things up

I just want Ashkenazim to survive as a distinct ethnic group, we can be Christians, though. I don't care about all Jews, only Ashkenazim matter to me.

>If it were a race fucking Sammy Davis Junior could not have converted.
This. Jewry is cucked. Ashkenazim will cease to be a pure ethnic group within 200 yrs at this rate.



Jews are individuals, though

A Jew who rejects the religion of Judaism and the State of Israel, and who chooses to live as an Aryan, is no longer a threat to the security of the world. However, such a Jew still retains his Jewish genes, and should not breed with non-ethnic Jews.

There are no good Jews, because of both their beliefs and their perverted genetics.
However, a Jew who lives as an Aryan is acceptable.
But a Jew who lives as an Aryan is rare, as such a Jew would be forced to choose the Aryan people over his own Jewish tribe.

Any Jew who chooses to live as an Aryan must do three things:

>Abandon the Jewish religion and culture entirely
>Breed only with other ethnic Jews
>Work to wake up other Jews

Had to ask jewanon. I was in a facebook group with her for a while and I remember she used to Larp about being alt-right. She's possibly as cancerous as Milo

Get over it. Hating yourself is not helping anything. Get informed, and spread that knowledge. Thats all we plebs can do, for now.

She thinks that she can make up for centuries of Jewish bullshit by being "based" (which just means supporting Israel and voting Republican). It's not enough.

Try to get her to admit that Jews have fucked up, and she'll just block you.

I love myself. That's why I hate that my tribe has thoroughly fucked up the world and makes life harder for me.

If you can't see that immigration and marxism are fucking disasters that will fuck everyone's lives up, you are not thinking!

this. the only way for jews to make things right is to set their own house in order. that of course is easier said than done considering it will take mass exposition and extermination.

The term Aryan is unscientific and outdated. It includes Iranians but not Finns from Finland. It's a useless term.

You're never going to be accepted in any formal organization, my merchant friend. We can't risk that kind of thing.

What you CAN do is be public with your beliefs. Speak out against white genocide, speak out against the subversive media kikes. To be frank, you're never going to convert large numbers of jews to pro-white beliefs. They're too ethnocentric and unwilling to fess up to their crimes. You can redpill jew-loving goys, though. Those are the people that need to hear what you have to say.

Look, the fact that you call yourself a jew, you choose to identify with your middle eastern identity. You are a mixed shitskin, sorry. Go fuck an arab, they are your cousins after all

I was fucking with you maye, you seem genuine and I do beleive that every race deserves its place although wtih jews that would preferably be the oven. I dont beleive the average jew is the issue but when they get put into position sof power it becomes dangerous. So I would not support wiping you guys out completely or even mostly just make it illegal for jews to hold power both political, cultural(ie. the media) or economic.

Yeah. I was blocked pretty quickly. She's hot but she's a total shill and anyone who thinks otherwise is just wrong

Finns don't speak an Indo-European or Indo-Iranian language.
Why is "Aryan" out-dated because of Finns?

I was already humiliatingly booted from an AltRight meetup group. It really hurt, too. I've been very pro-Sup Forums ideas for over a year now, and I just wanted to hang out, defend the White race and kick PC and POC ass.

I just ..... I just don't see why an exception can't be made. Like I said, I still donate to Amren and other AltRight groups, but I think they need to be friendly to people like me. ffs

Aryan should mean White, and it doesn't. The idea that all Whites are "Aryan" is unscientific.

What I was trying to say is dont get worked up over things you cannot control. Example: I am mixed race (German/Dominican with some Asian in there), yet there is nothing I can do to stop what is going on except for getting informed and spreading information. Hating the fact that people did things outside of my control wont solve jack shit.

Aryan means noble. Only indo-european speakers can identify as aryan. Dont know about poo in loos though. They seem more dravidian than aryan nowadays

Personally, I had assumed that there were different sects/tribes of Jew (e.g: civilian pawn Jew v power shekel Jew, etc) & for genuine social understanding to take place the civilian pawns would have to expose the power shekels, like Yosef Porat or whatever.

Spilling "jewcy secrets" doesn't mean proving that Baphomet is totally real and the puppet master behind everything. It could be something as simple as what Nathanael does: mention how his family did not approve of him going out caroling during Christmas (at least I think that was the case) or asking an elder why Jewish Hollywood pumps out degenerate filth, to which he said "Who cares? It's for the goys."
It's totally still in use today, but mostly for Indians. And it makes sense that Finns are not including as they're unlike virtually anyone else in Europe.

>We aren't *white* like a Polish

"white" is a Jewish Trick.
The Jew uses skin tone to separate the Aryan race and to divide it based on skin tone.
Hence the many "is X white?" threads.
Hence the many "are Jews white?" threads.

White is a social construct.
Aryan is a race.

As an Aryan, I am united with the Iranians, the North Indians, the Germanic and so forth.
As a white, I am united only with other whites.

I think that we nonwhies have to support White people, because right now they're the only thing standing in the way of total fucking dark age 2.0

I want Ashkenazim, my people, to survive. We won't survive with a nuclear-armed Europe and America run by shitskins.

Aryan doesn't apply to Norwegians, though,

>It's totally still in use today, but mostly for Indians. And it makes sense that Finns are not including as they're unlike virtually anyone else in Europe.
Aryan applies to Afghans and Iranians and not Estonians, therefore it's a pointless term to use in racial classification.

There is also no proof that all blonds are "Aryan".

Meh, thats human tribal psychology for you. You will always be "the other"; you can only forge your own identity and be accepted over time. Whats pretty funny to me is that most non white Sup Forumsacks tend to be deeper in the alt right than average whites. Also there is a longing for acceptance.

If you don't see why an exception can't be made, you're lying about understanding the jewish problem. Your entire shtick is subversion. There can be no exceptions. Let whites have their own groups, apart from you.

Aryan is a totally nonsensical term, and you should not feel more united with Iranians than Finns or Estonians, that's retarded.

I'm not White because I'm not European. (I admit this, even though it makes me fucking mad)

The term Aryan is complete bunk.

As long as you don't have any power that can corrupt you and you're just a normal person then yeah you should be accepted but must publicly denounce your jewishness if you join and dont keep the fact that you are a jew hidden. Try to get into orher groups where do you live? If you live in Georgia I might ask if you can join the group im in.

Are you atleast caucasian? Then who cares.

>, you're lying about understanding the jewish problem.
bullshtit, I'm actually sorry for how much my people have fucked up, I just want to hang out and if I say anything pro-Jew, kick me out.

It's just not fair, I really wanted to be in these White groups, I hate Jewish groups.

I would fully accept a second class citizen role

I live in a state where there is a large AltRight group, and unfortunately they spotted my Jewishness early on. Was fucking humiliating.

I didn't ask to be born Jewish.

>Aryan is a totally nonsensical term
>and you should not feel more united with Iranians than Finns or Estonians
>I'm not White because I'm not European.
"White" is a term denoting a subcategory of the Aryan race, namely the Indo-European subcategory.

Yes, pretty much this.
Americans seems do be doing alright, but I dont know if you have been to Europe latlely, but I am getting the feeling they are cucked into subbmission. I grew up in Germany too and even then the cuck was strong. My fear is that there will not be enough people to fight for Europe (esp. if you consider population replacement and EU Army). Sadly, I am of the opinion this will end in blood. Enoch Powell called it.

Ay, you sound okay. dude.

remember this, a lot of Hitler's soldiers including ones close to him were ashkenazi jews whom were so devoted to the cause that they were seen as whites.

When you think about it, its all about the ideology and who you are as a person.

Without the stupid "based X" meme, any reasonable thinking person knows there are SOME good people, even within toxic races, anyone whom thinks literally everyone within a certain race is beyond saving with no exceptions might be mentally ill.
Its just fact, that within a sea of trash, there is a chance there is something of value.

Racism, as defined as blind hatred of a specific race, is utterly retarded, and even the nazis knew this.
But when you have ideologies (like the nigger's ganger ideology, or the jew's subversive superiority complex, inferiority complex, sociopathy etc) which is so prevalent, how does one weed out the ones who should be saved?
Hitler proved that this is extremely difficult and that there really is no way to do so on a massive scale.

>Jews jumping from a sinking ship they sunk and want on our floating ship which they will only try to sink well
History repeats itself

What is your opinion on this picture?


finns arent white, they are mongolian

Well man if you got skype I might add you to the group im in ill have to check with the leader but just dont say you're a jew

Because it means nothing. "Germans" aren't an Aryan people because their language is Indo-European.

If you are going to define the original speakers of IndoEuropean as "Aryan", then fine, but it's not like modern Europeans (Irish, German, etc) are fully or even mostly Indo-European by blood.

This is nonsense.

The term was always non-scientific. How much actual Indo European blood is in modern Europeans? Probably not much.

There is no Aryan race. Literally nonsense.

I find it funny and expressive, and creative.

red flag

>I find it funny and expressive, and creative.

Think he means this picture: .

Stop being irritating.
Stop whining and complaining nonstop.
Stop stabbing us in the back with marxism ans sjw bullshit.
Don't teach your kids to be whiny college protesters.
Don't insinuate yourself into every aspect of our lives, be it politics or media.
A handshake is a handshake. Honor it.

user, when you gonna have a beautiful japan waifu?

>but it's not like modern Europeans (Irish, German, etc) are fully or even mostly Indo-European by blood
>There is no Aryan race. Literally nonsense.
genetics and world history disagrees with you, rabbi

So what happens to all the "based Jews" who are pro-white and anti-kikery? Do they get deported/gassed too? Or is there going to be some kind of vetting system? It feels wrong to harm innocent people.

And now it's time to derail this thread!!
"Afghan" = Indo-European -> Indo-Iranian
Finn, Estonian = Uralic -> Finno-Ugric

No Aryan connections here. I never made any such claim that all "blondes" or "whites" are Aryan. Speaking of, where did the family come from anyway? I would certainly think somewhere with an Indo-European majority. Oh, and that claim that Ashkenazi can Christians (in huge numbers) is pretty absurd, and I think you know that already.

Racism is retarded because its in the genes not the skin tone while it is trie that generally darker the skin the dumber the person,
Nielle de Grasse Tyson is probably smarter then your average off the street white dude its the genes that matter its just generally speaking lighter skin means more desirable genes but thats not always the case

if you honestly think that, then you have to say that Iranians aren't White either

This is the problem with the retarded term "Aryan".

I'm not White, either, but this is just dumb

it makes me kind of pissed off but not much else,

I want Ashkenazim to survive, and Jews ike Zuckercuck won't help us survive.

>posts another dictionary def.
You're not helping your case. How much of your blood is original Indo European? You don't know. You have no reason to call yourself Aryan.

Mexicans today speak Spanish, so by your retarded logic they are "Aryan". Fucking idiotic.

ill tell you what I think of jews.

Inside cables there are hundreds of tiny Jews 'high-fiving' each other and running around swapping messages. This transfer of messages allows things to work, e.g. the Jews in a plug socket tell the Jews in the wire, who eventually tell the Jews in (say) a kettle to fart in the water allowing it to boil.

Atoms are in fact minuscule Jews, all holding hands and feet etc together to form an intricate web from which nearly everything in the universe is comprised. Radioactivity occurs when a rebel Jew is catapulted by his friends from their structure. Should this Jew come into contact with the Jews from our body, he will offer them gold, thus making the local area either benign or malignant. Either way, just read: cancerous.

>States of Matter
A solid is little more than a closely compacted configuration of Jews all holding hands, hats and noses. Heating (see Energy) causes Jews to become excited or tickled. They start to hopelessly lose grip of their neighbors and thus, to the goy eye, form a liquid. When Jews get tickled pink they're finally able to hold on no longer and just float away in groups of one and more. To us, and indeed to them, it's a gas. Occasionaly the Jews get so excited they catch on fire. This is what we call a plasma.
Metallic Jews (i.e. bankers) engage in elaborate flash-mob games of happy-slapping, whereby no individual Jew can be entirely sure which others he or (in the case of trans-gendered Jews) she is in contact with at any one time. Such Jews, as one might expect, get easily carried away by entartete musik. In certain situations while forming liquids, for reasons yet to be fully explained (some authorities suspect it may be just an excuse for covert foreplay) Jews get unbearably cold, in which case they all gather together, huddle up and, astonishingly, take on the appearance of ice. Colloids such as jello or glue are readily explicable: colloidal Jews have a weakness for jello and similar squishy, greasy foods; the super-Jew content (see below) of such snacks is exceedingly high, so they themselves soon end up pretty fat and
squishy, too.

Jews throw minute ropes (see string theory), invisible to the goy eye, to the ground. These ropes attach to unseen hooks that enable muscle-toned Jews to pull themselves towards terra firma. There is minimal gravity far from planetary bodies (i.e. in space) because no known Jews have access to cables of sufficient length. All bodies experience gravitational attraction to each other quite simply because Jews are, to put it mildly, sociable creatures who practically invented what they like to call the Communist Party. Jew all-nighters are where gravity waves meet Mexican waves.

If you think about it, its quite obvious, really. The Jews that make up our eyes can see what colour hats other Jews making up, say a table, are wearing. They then hi-five Jews in our 'optical nerve' who run to tell the brain Jews what has been seen. This makes us think we are seeing things when in fact it's all Jews.

Now this is a little more complicated. There are evil anti-Jews. These make up anti-matter. Done.

Just like money, all types of energy are transferred through Jews. Heat is just Jews rubbing other Jews. Potential energy is when Jews don't want to be separated (see Gravity). Kinetic energy is the movement of Jews. Energy is always conserved so fundamental Jews (Haredis) are only ever transferred and never made or destroyed. Energy caused by nuclear fission is when you make a hyper-Jew very angry, and when it gets angry enough it explodes, causing an enormous explosion. But Jews are very amiable creatures, so this never happens. Nuclear energy is a lie.

gas the kikes, race war now.

Pressure is simply the Jew density per given cubic unit. When Jews see space that is uninhabited they have a tenancy all rush in quickly and take it over. This is what causes the phenomena known as wind

>Black Hole
This is when there are so many Jews so tightly packed into a space that anything which nears to close to it is snatched up by the Jews and never released. Occasionally, small Jews get rejected by the Black Hole and thrown out into space, we call this Hawking Radiation

And thats the jewish conspiracy in a nutshell.

If Afghans are Aryan but Finns aren't, then the term "Aryan" is pointless.


Are you THAT retarded??

And Ashkenazim need to be forced to change. Give it 2-3 generations before our kikery is wiped out. We just need to be controlled and allowed to quietly survive.

sure, if you have rocking tits and don't want to make your kids jewish.

>Iranians aren't White either

You see how the Jew uses whiteness to divide the Aryan race against itself?

>posts another dictionary def. that genetics and historians around the world accept, but that I can't debunk and doesnt fit with my narrative
>oops ive lost the argument so I better start calling things "fucking idiotic"
>Mexicans today speak Spanish, so by your retarded logic they are "Aryan". Fucking idiotic.

"descendants of the ancient race that spoke Indo-European"..I don't think that applies to spics.
It applies to my Nordic self tho ^_^

Are you Stephen Miller? If not, your ass is going into the oven.

you can always move to the jewish autonomous oblast in russia if you want to avoid the sephardis

Stop seeking the validation of others. You don't need to show up at an alt-right conference to have your spot at the ballot.

If you're a right winger, a conservative, a traditionalist, whatever - just vote. Economically, legally, by interest and online activity. Share your opinions and most importantly, remain approachable to those who are on the fence or even against you.

I myself am a mixed colored mulato. But it doesn't matter to me because I'm not trying to earn the approval of others. You have to think the same way. Hold your own independent opinions, and take allegiance with whatever political body serves them best. Political bodies are not religions or families and shouldn't demand absolute loyalty from anybody.

How do you think we got into this modern political hell? Too many idiots with their sycophantic "party allegiance" and their "my side their side" mentality have polarised this nation. Relax and stop trying to "fit in". Be your own man, be strong because of your own innate power, not because of what you see among others.

You're sorry for what your people have done, but you still can't let whites organize and have their own groups which they expressly want to be jew free? Why can't you respect their wishes?

You don't belong in our groups. You're a gigantic liability. You degrade the legitimacy of any pro-white/counter-semitic group you infiltrate. Again, you're lying about hating jews/understanding the jewish question if you don't see why those groups shouldn't ever trust you. I think you do know that, though. You're doing what your people do best- subverting.

You should be kicked out of your group for even suggesting this.

Jews aren't bad because of blood. Blacks and the other lower races behave poorly because of their DNA but Jews are only bad because of culture. Any white Jew who doesn't privilege other Jews over whites is an honorary white.

You're conflating linguistics with genetics, you fucking disingenuous pilpul kike

Dude. Let it fucking go. Step one, dont play identity politics. Everyone is shit, you start off shit, and you earn your place after that. Some people are born rich, but they are still shit. You get a name by accomplishments, not by a race you are born to.

Does a race give you culture? It tends do. Does culture shape you. Yeah. Does race contain genetics that shape you? Yeah. Can you rise above if you have willpower? Yeah.

Quit begging for the attention of people beneath you, and fight for yourself. Only with power and position garnered by your own hand, directed by YOU, will you be able to make any reasonable impact. Want to help out your cause? Organize and find people like you.

Don't be afraid of the repercussions of the community around you. Don't beg like a fucking pup at the teat who is being weaned. Endure, and grow your new community, help your people find themselves again, and fight against the insane Marxism that took root.

The old generations are dying off, and in their desperation they seek to shape you to their ideals, against your will, so they have some enduring legacy, regardless of how fucked it makes the earth.

So user, I ask you again. Are you gonna stand up like a man, or keep looking for a hand to hold like a boy?

The only respect worth earning is your own; secure in the knowledge that you passed through the crucible, faced your weakness, owned it, moved beyond it, and seek to make greater the world around you, not shrouded in delusions of self comfort, or a desire for an easy life, or even a happy life.

Happiness s complacency, it is meant to be a momentary reward for looking upon your works, not a blissfully ignorant state of mind you live in. Get back to work user.

I just want to raise my kids to be:
-Religiously nonJewish
-redpilled on the JQ
-loyal to Ashkenazi bloodline
-tolerant-to-whites and pro-white

>cherrypicked crap
>he thinks this applies to all Iranians
There is also no evidence that all or most of Nordic blood is from the original Indo Europeans "Aryans".

Your shit is all retarded and you should feel bad.

yea fucking right

I want to help them be Jew-free though. I really.... really love White nationalism.

I want to help White nationalism grow, we fucking need it. We all do. There is no other option.

If we continue down the road of White guilt, diversity and socialism, we are all FUCKEKED.

So I'm trying to push for White nations to return, because White nations have been good for Ashkenazim.

We are educated to think Whites are our enemies.

No that's what you are doing, idiot, and almost no one will agree with you that Iranians are White. You're insane.

If you mean that, Baruch Goldstein has shown you what you need to do. You need to go do it.

wrong. Jewish subversion is genetic. It's been naturally selected for thousands of years due to their, uh, "unique" survival strategy

I dont know what the fuck I just read but it made me laugh

>dont play identity politics.




>Any white Jew who doesn't privilege other Jews over whites


no fuck Zionism

>here is also no evidence that all or most of Nordic blood is from the original Indo Europeans "Aryans".

post source or accept defeat.

>phonecians were European Whites
>therefore "muh aryan race"
You're a fucking idiot. Please take an IQ test, it can't be over 70.

Welp. Now I know for sure you are a troll. It was an impressive ride but you let yourself out of the bag with that one user. Try again tomorrow on a different timezone.

>There is also no evidence that all or most of Nordic blood is from the original Indo Europeans "Aryans".

post source or accept defeat.

>I want Ashkenazim, my people, to survive
Jewish Autonomous Oblast my friend. No shitkin jews, Putin, and far away from any muslims. downside is siberia, but what can you do.

I like you, you can stay on the day of the rope


Go back to teddit.

i love being jewish
globalism coming soon, prepare you fucking heathens

I believe in identity politics and loyalty to my own bloodline

That's not evidence for what you're claiming, either, wow this is sad. Grow a brain, now!

I don't want to live in fucking Russia. Fuck off.

I would legitimately help a White revolution, partly from my own desire to survive, and partly because we (Ashkenazim) fucking owe Europeans for the bullshit we have done to you.

Sign me up!

You are loyal to your own kind before you are loyal to the people you wish to be accepted by go back to Israel kike

go back to hell leaf. Welp was appropriated from the glorious American midwest. You are a cupcake dick. Eh? How about that? Thats right, its nonsensical and insane, like your people. I attempted to bridge the culture gap there, I hope you appreciate it.

So you can't give a single source for your claim that:
>there is also no evidence that all or most of Nordic blood is from the original Indo Europeans "Aryans".

Well. Suppose I'm forced to accept your defeat :^)

Welcome, Dan Burros!

Was fucking humiliating.


I know parts of it from that other thread a couple of months ago when you were freaking out, but it's kinda weird to me how someone would go "SO YOUR A JEW HUH?" in real life.

Abandon the religion, marry a shiksa, inform your kids that they need to avoid marrying Jews, which should be easy considering there are so few of you. We've always been open to this. It's Jews who segregate themselves. Why are you even asking? Easy answer.