Can we please just be accepted as White? I will 100% disown Jewishness and try to do away with it. I'd practically gas myself if I could, guys, not even joking. The Jew World Order is gonna fucking destroy everyone, including middle class losers like me.
Zionism isn't even true ethnonationalism (I know they do DNA tests, but that isn't the whole story). Israel is full of muddy Sephardic and Yemeni and even Ethiopian Jews, and they want us to mix it up. Jewry is cucked. I know Ashkenazi Jews aren't *really* white, but we are close enough. As long as I reject Jewishness and accept White identity and all that, can't I please just be your ally?
I'm as White or whiter than Bashar Al Assad, for instance. We aren't *white* like a Polish or German person is, but neither are Greeks/Armenians/Georgians really. My fellow Jews have fucked up so badly by supporting the colored races of the world, and have royally fucked it up for us all. I fully admit this and feel disgusted by my Jewish heritage. Jewishness/Judaism is a stupid warlike desert cult, and modern Ashkenazi Jews are just not that. We are like slightly White wanderers who RETARDEDLY decided to be antiwhite because it strokes our ego.
You will see a lot more Jews come out like this in the coming years.
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