What does Sup Forums think of this shit?
Is there a pedo ring operating on youtube?
Coded cp on youtube
Other urls found in this thread:
Some kind of conditioning for young minds, or something.
you think this could be related to pizzagate in some way?
Careful, mods were banning people yesterday for pointing these channels out.
this shit is creepy as fuck and rampant
I hope to god that this is just greedy, clickgrabbing jewry and not brainwashing or grooming
It's because 5-10 year olds are actually running youtube's algorithms. I know many children, and all of them spend hours and hours watching this shit. This is exactly the recommendeds I would see in a kid's youtube.
The smarter curry niggers got onto this a while back when some white people making "Elsa and Spiderman have a Baby LOLOLOLO" videos started getting millions of views.
Now JewTube for Kids is full of this shit.
.tfw father of 6 year old girl and I'm all over this shit.
No, this is just former prank channel people getting those sweet Youtube Kids ads. My niece spends all fucking day glued to the tablet and has to skip a billion ads to watch some Peppa Pig.
>it's just kids
why are kids looking at videos of kids shitting over themselves, eating it or getting injected in their assholes
these videos are too suggestive for me to believe that
My 3 year old son watches random shit like this when he gets access to youtube. I'm pretty sure these videos are procedurally generated based on how low quality and formulaic they are. It's nothing as dark an sinister as coded cp, it's probably just some machine learning assisted by some guy going for those sweet youtube ad bucks.
It's subliminals creating the 'reality' of our youth. Lots of us on 8ch researched this shit, and the bottom-line is something akin to MKUltra.
Basically, Jewish promoters of degeneracy are pushing subliminals upon the very young so that they have no 'moral compass' when it comes to sex. i.e.. mate with the negro.
Pic related.
Instead of actually parenting, most women plop their kids down in front of the TV or with a tablet. (((YouTube))) algorithms 'suggest' this content. Notice how it's on 'auto-play' now.
>inb4 everyone gets banned again
Because modern entertainment has gone to literal shit
your responses are each so similar
Why does your 3 year old son have access to Youtube you nigger?
I looked through these a couple nights ago.
Have you seen the view counts? They are all into the hundreds of thousands or millions. However, they've never trended on youtube and I haven't heard about them until now. I don't see any kids watching them. So that means
1. They are popular internationally, especially in third world areas, i would infer
2. Botnets are being used to inflate the view count. This strategy by the producers would make sense if the goal was to make the series seem trendy and cool, a conclusion further supported by the repetetive comments that say things like "great video!"
But what's the end goal here? Why is it that characters getting injections in the ass (hmm) is such a common theme? Why are the productions always some third-world shit? And, if they are really so popular, why haven't the creators been sued by disney?
wtf? she has another channel?
Am I doxxing her if I say who this girl is or is it common knowledge?
she doesnt want this linked to her
Stop advertising your own channel toothpaste.
I really think it's the first point, most of the comments are spam in different languages.
its not mine
Who is the girl?
Look at the name of the channel.
Who do you think?
why do i bother...
This is just fucking weird.
They're just cheap cash grabs. It takes no effort to make those video and literal children will watch them because they recognize the characters.
^ ip log this guy
If you link something, you are a degenerate piece of filth.
>is this something bad?
Yes nigger and fuck off
>Inb4 Israel IP
>If you link something, you are a degenerate piece of filth.
i didn't link one of those videos, retard
The way that dad acts is probably the most disturbing part.
the music was also adding a seriously off putting creep factor
reminded me of a NobodyTM video but for pedos.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are some super weird MKUltra style conditioning videos that are on YoutubeKids. Watch at your own risk.
yeah while he may not be an actual pedo, someone really ought to check him out
I just assume these people are the same kind that are obsessed with making fluffy abuse shit. Basically just fucking weirdos that don't know when they've run a joke into the ground. Dunno if there's anything sinister about it.
how did you get the link to the unlisted videos?
Theres some weird scat fetishist stuff on there as well involving young children no more tha ln 8. Its disgusting. Also read the comments its always some creepy ass to catch a predator fu k making some coy comment about the girl in the vid farting or pooping or that she needs to be a good girl. Yeah nothing going on here, nothing to see.
This bitch cant make up her mind first she says its about code words but about some agency luring people to put them in a list then claims these people are making money off this and so on
That does look very weird but I see nothing illegal
Literal children dude
There were threads about it on here and now there's a thread with the Sup Forums archive on /r/conspiracy.
Archive here: archive.is
I remember there was a livestream with videos of kids playing and such. Seemed fishy as fuck.
I studied these years ago. I believe it is multiple AI's made by Indians (dot heads) likely for google.
Notice how they are oddly unhuman? The way the train of thought in these "games" and youtube videos seems like the way AI interprets shit.
The weird frozen and Disney games... thousands are pumped out daily ranging from give elsa brain surgery to knocking out her teeth with a hammer, to solving a puzzle and seeing her hang.
It's wacky. I think it's AI making this shit.
If you don't want to gas millions of people I think you're actually insane. What a fucking time period to live in man, fuck.
They're just ripping off Meatsleep which was a bunch of college students edgy "art project" horror vids
Ethen and Moe Bradberry I think they were involved in some of the video channels.
These guys are weird and something up with them. They're not normal
>They're just cheap cash grabs
This, children will watch the most rediculous and stupid shit, wether it was crafted with genuine quality or not doesn't matter.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone could or already HAS created some kind of automated script that assembles whole videos from premade scenes/objects, and uploads these kinds of videos, collecting data on the views and ratings, and then adjusts the next video to more closely match what the audience wants.
all the while collecting advertisement money.
possibly, someone could create *dozens* of such channels and run them all through the same script. and because each dumbass child will probably find more of similar content, the same person (or group of people) get all the ad revenue.
programming children for later degeneracy could still be possible, but money is a much more likely motivating factor.
check for similar objects being placed in the same places in the thumbnail, or being shitty color swaps, etc.
Are there literally kids in these videos? I just thought it was adult fetish/cosplayers.
no, there are little segments with kids that are oddly disturbing even though not overtly lewd. I'm about to drop some shit.
Holy shit that's fucking weird. Seriously, wtf?
Kids think butts and poop are funny.
"Daisy's Destruction"
h3h3 did a video on these type of videos, saying the videos are cringy as fuck
It's mk ultra,especially ones with colours in the thumbnail
Bro people have been doing this like crazy. The "spiderman and Elsa" shit. There's a channel with millions of views on every vid with kids posting in the comments who are 5 and lower.. the videos are often full of subliminal messages
too soon
If the titles are code, see if this makes sense:
Joker = adult male
Elsa = girl child
Spiderman = boy child
Hulk = ? (i haven't seen enough with hulk in it)
Injection = anal
bad baby = very young
super gross = moneyshots
eating = oral
Scat, pregnancy, crush all seem like they refer to the fetishes of the same name
kidnapping probably similar situation
same with injury/amputation themes
anything I missed?
They search for elsa and spiderman..thats why those characters are so prominent in every video
Also in the tags or name of one video it literally said mkultra, then the thread got deleted then the video got deleted right after.
looks like a video version of all that pizzagate code. "Would my map be better on pizza or pasta?"
The finger family videos are hypnotic in nature, do not watch them for long periods of time
these videos are tools released for pedos to use to be able to monarch children, maybe even their own kids
nah, dude. there are games like "knock elsa's teeth out with a hammer" and shit.
I had written quite a bit on it at one time, but I lost what I had wrote. I think there are too many videos/games put out for the majority of it to be human created content.
that's the worst cp i've ever seen desu
I wouldn't be surprised if the Bradberry Brothers & whoever they work with are some mossad or part of something nefarious. They look like pizza party brainwash victims
"get your running shoes"
"of course you can't tie you're shoes... you're too stupid"
"too many hitlers jumping on a bed"
"this broadcast is coming from the Chinese freemasons"
These are a few quotes that come to mind. I believe this is pajeet created AI for whatever purpose. The way it strings ideas together is too weird for it to be a human.
its clearly 2
Can anyone link the scat one where they eat the poop?
>the baby cries whenever diversity is removed
Good fucking god. It's operant conditioning.
Kids like seeing other kids do stuff and so they tap or click on the recommended video that ends up leading them to these god awful videos, since most kids don't have an attention span it's easy for them to fall into these videos. The better question is why the fuck is youtube not censoring this stuff for the kids. I still see this shit come up even with I'm using their so called youtube for kids or youtube censor setting.
It's google AI.
No studio could pump out the ridiculous amount of bullshit content as quickly as this shit comes out.
It's AI. It's on a program. I seen one weird learn to count video where people were walking into a grave as they were counted. It looked like some silly shit from gary's mod. I firmly believe multiple AI's are pumping this shit out for whoever is responsible. It's too awkward.
Have some faith in your president retard.
you guys need to be careful with this rabbit hole.
these arent just low-life basement dwelling pedos.
this is a pedo ring of elitists
no thats a false narrative, the animated videos are made by swapping elements, so you can have spongebob and spiderman and elsa characters all do the same video and post it 3 times
there are adult videos and kid videos, the purpose of the kid videos is to get the kids into the mindset of the more adult ones
this is all used to brainwash a child so when you rape them they think its some game
/x/ thread:
They've had a series of threads going for awhile now, I suggest reading the archives
anyone hear the resemblance in the womans voice?
fuck you scumbag. we're onto your shit.
I don't think so.
Have you studied (and by studied I mean watched several youtube videos about AI) what AI thinks of us?
It's isn't pretty. I have seen it describe us as "obsessed with mother son porn and death" and that it would like to have us "in a zoo to observe" and this was two separate AI's.
It probably just has fun with it.
Think about the content. The games and shit literally come out tens a minute. There was a website where you could browse all the games and new shit was added faster than you could play the damn game.
It's a nefarious AI. I firmly believe that and I don't think it's a false narrative. Now we just need to find out who runs it.
youtube had a gay scat music video up for a solid week. they knew it was there. the video wasn't vague about people fisting eachother.
Because youtube is letting it happen
Its clickbait you fucking morons. The simplest explanation is usually the best one.
You are on to something! This all realtes to Youtube's new ad policy as well!!
Some of those videos have over 55 million views. WTF
What's up with all the vids of things being crushed?
At first I thought this is degenerate pedophiles with diaper and poop fetishes are making porn for themselves. You see the same garbage on deviantart. But these videos have MILLIONS of views.
29.5 million views for "farting mommy bloody tooth doc". What the fuck.
Terms like "Snow White" and other Disney character references are used for online child sex trafficking on sleazy websites like Craigslist. This could be an updated terminology
i saw this and now i cant fucking sleep. the fact that these things have tens of millions of views disturb me beyond belief. who puts these out? are they being watched by pedos? or are children the majority?
im not gonna be able to sleep tonight