So who *really* won the Cold War, pol?
So who *really* won the Cold War, pol?
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the jews
it was a three way war
only USA and USSR fought each other
The third participant were the globalist multicultural Jews allied with eastern communists and Western liberals
It is the latter who won
This is our enemy
It isn't over, but we're losing.
Japan and America had to treat Manchu more carefully before WW2.
The area worked as a wall to block communism from Soviet Union.
That is one of reasons that Japan obsessed the area.
After WW2, Manchu was lost and communist took China. Then Korean war happened. Vietnam war happened.
It was exactly what Japan was worried about in the before WW2.
Which alliance still exists? NATO or Warsaw Pact?
The Scheissjuden
The Cold War never ended. It only transformed.
Looks like China
Europe and East Asia won the Cold War. The NATO countries, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and especially China all have made great progress under US protection. Anyone who disagrees with China on that list doesn't realized their role in WW2 and Deng and Nixon in the '70s.
The berlin wall came down, Germany is capitalistic, the Soviet Union dissolved, and Russia is capitalistic, and only China, Cuba, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam, and California are communist while the rest of the world is Capitalist or a third-world shithole with no REAL government.
the wrong side.
>he thinks the cold war was about capitalism vs communism
last i heard there isn't any USSR
just some shithole called Russia which nukes civilian airliners from orbit and does le edgy meme cyberattacks on election processes like some shut-in neet
FPBP based american
did the ussr come in second place? where did they go?
A rootless international clique of corrupt narcissistic predators won the Cold War. We're still fighting them, and even winning, however much the media refuses to acknowledge the conflict.
Nobody. It cost both sides massive amounts of resources that could've been put into actual innovation instead of their respective military-industrial complexes - and neither side really wanted to take over the world like the other suspected.
Cold was had no winner, it just ended when soviet union collapsed, would to say that you cant play the game if other player dies in middle of the game.
Think about it. For example in tennis game, if other player dies before the first hit, does it mean that player who did not die won?
The Massive Military-Industrial Complexes aided space travel by a thousandfold over what we could have done in Peace.
I think, usa+brittany
The atlantist. Nothing to do with jews anglos are litterally the enemy of the free people of this world
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The Cold War was an attempt to bring full control to the worlds major nations, to keep people under control with fear forever.
It didn't work
They won the subversion war, look at our universities.
Not the ones overrun by commies
>>he thinks the cold war was about capitalism vs communism
It was you tin foil wrapped millennial cum stain.
All proxy wars were won by the USSR, so atleast military wise the answer is obvious.
the deep state
Russia wasn't much of a threat because Communism is a broken system.
The commies
The red dont need a pact anymore and nato is a sickness leading to globalization