ANTIFA thinks we have blood on our hands Sup Forums. They're afraid

ANTIFA thinks we have blood on our hands Sup Forums. They're afraid.

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Well, I certainly applaud anyone wanting to eat 100 treadmills, but take it from this old treadmills rat, I've spent my entire adult life eating treadmills, and a program like this one can do more harm than good.

If you only eat treadmills with one part of your body (and that's all a single exercise machine type like a treadmill is going to do for you), you're setting yourself up for injuries down the road. I've seen it a hundred times.

Eating treadmills basically only trains the gastric acids and to some extent, the jaw. What you really want to do is train all of your secretions, all the major fluids (testosterone, bile, and stomach acid) at the same time, over the course of eating an entire gym. So, you will need to add a step-machine and a stationary bike. Ask for the "Go Metal" program.

I'm proud of you guys wanting to do this. Big Treadmills! Falling in love with eating treadmills, etc., is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself. And you WILL fall in love with it if you can just force yourself to stick with it a year or two and experience the amazing progress you'll make.

But do it right, okay?

My advice, find any gym near you, with qualified dentists who will design your metal teeth for you (especially in the beginning, until you get the hang of it yourself) and guide you in your quest for eating metal. Three to 5 treadmills a day, three days a week, is all you'll ever need to do (I refuse to believe anyone is so busy that he or she cannot make time for that, especially considering how important it is).

And don't worry about being embarrassed or not having chipped teeth the first time you walk into the gym. You have to start somewhere and almost every one of us were there ourselves at one time. So no one will say anything to you and very, very quickly you will progress way beyond that stage anyway.

Now get out there and bite! Hard! :-)

They don't yet know what fear is.

That dude was a Bernie support though sooo...?
Antifa are all just literal retards

Remember when they were acting badass before Berkley. Look at their gay reddit page now. They've gone soft.

So much for bashing the fash.


>white men are being radicalized ahh!
>it's your fault Sup Forums!
They can never blame themselves can they?

Free speech or die.

Seems pretty damn American to me.

Yup. They absolve Islamists of the guilt for committing terrorism because Europe hasn't been 'tolerant enough' for them (when no nations in history have ever welcomed large bodies of foreigners as warmly as Germany, Sweden, and France have welcomed Muslims), but when a white guy reaches the breaking point? Do they blame Netflix and "Dear White People"? Do they blame the college professor openly saying "Some white people may need to be killed"? Nope. Then right-wing rhetoric is the whole problem.

Except that guy is a lefty so fanatical he's willing to false-flag himself. lol, too bad he left quite a trail on Faceberg showing his true leftist colors.

>Comment Removed

>Reason: Ableism

Kek, they can't even talk about this shit without censoring themselves

>ANTIFA thinks we have blood on our hands Sup Forums.

Not yet we fuckin' don't.

it is user, you are the problem, pls die

Checked. Its due to the power of the autism this board possess. Out of pure disgust and revenge Sup Forums identified a numale anitfa professor and had his ass thrown in jail facing i
8-9 felony charges. The faggot was covered from head to toe and still he was found out. The only thing that keeps these antifa people from being strung up in the streets is that Trump hasnt given the go ahead. If it was full open revolt in here that antifa commune would have been burnt to the ground already.

Oh well. Pendulum is swinging away from them, they'll need to accept it.

Did Sup Forums really thin the heard that much? Because their reddit page is so much tamer now and less violent. It's actually pretty pathetic lmao.

Thats because they've seen that rioting can lead to actual charges and a criminal record

Much of the appeal for antifa is rioting without consequence and generally just breaking shit and hurting people

>Antifa talking point has always been "Free speech does not mean free from consequences"
>That turns around on them and they can't handle the banter

Consequences will never be the same

>Comment Removed
>Reason: Albeism

Jesus Christ

I still don't know what Albeism means?

So that's reddit, huh? It sucks. Worse than here.
At least here the less words, the better. Makes it easy to spot the shill.
Reddit is like you actually expect me to read this dumb shit you think?
>maybe this comment will be good
>maybe this will get-
>one more it has to-
I really don't want to read someone else's crap reassuring conversation.
>who can show how stupid they are using the most words

Means discriminating against the disabled.
Like if you imply walking is a completely normal thing, or tell someone they're retarded. It's not fair for the retard to be compared to antifa

This. They want the cred from protesting and rioting just like the hippies in the 60s but without any consequences. Introduce consequences into the mix and they back down.
There's a moral in there about leftists and responsibility or something

Know the enemy. Know the Judens tactics.

That's fucking retarded.

antifa also desperately wants to be us

>Fascists literally own thee internet


But like good little cucks they used the opportunity to virtue signal.

Wait I didn't read the last comment

>Reaching out to neckbeards living in their mom's basement instead of using classiest, ablest, appearance shaming rhetoric might be a god start

HAHAHA that was their top comment. They are weak. Get a load of their reddit names too utter faggots.

>they still haven't realized that the internet is inherently aristocratic

B-but whining and calling people racist always works in muh university and menial office job!
Antifa are duplicitous. They participate in crowdsourced doxxing.

The only threat antifa has is Doxing, that's it. They cant hurt anyone who's not a public representative.

For instance, i have a youtube channel and am doxable, but i frequently post videos about libshits and making jokes about the helterskelter.

I don't care because i am a tradesmen who works for my own company that doesn't have my name on record besides state registry for active owner and founder.

Liberals cannot touch the common man. Pay them no attention because they are harmless.

Reminder if you are anywhere near Portland, you are morally obligated to attend the free speech rally this weekend. Shit will be real and we need as large a showing of /ourguys/ as possible.

The only threat antifa has is Doxing, that's it. They cant hurt anyone who's not a public representative.

For instance, i have a youtube channel and am doxable, but i frequently post videos about libshits and making jokes about the helterskelter.

I don't care because i am a tradesmen who works for my own company that doesn't have my name on record besides state registry for active owner and founder.

Liberals cannot touch the common man. Pay them no attention because they are harmless. God protects his own, don't let antifa synagogue of Satan worshiping faggots prevent your righteous condemnation of evil.

What happened to "punch a nazi"?

Clock a cuck.

So after reading this long ass shit on this dude (who turned out to be a Ted cruz supporter) all they did was apparently corner him and threaten his one year old daughter?

lmao cowards

We basically cucked them into submission.
Stupid little sad fucks.

I was staying overnights at my work site when that bikelock faggot got doxed and I missed everything

They predict racist gangs will return without them

and there, its come to violence

i always knew it would happen

i guess it came to violence some months ago, but its only getting worse

i entirely blame the left for this

way to, commies

>Scroll down
>See removed comment
>Reason: Ableism


Holy shit you aren't lying, that's amazing.

Return from where? Federal penitentiary?

Top kek

Pretty much. Their power was in numbers of like minded drug addicts that cannot express themselves vocally without getting btfo. Since they cant debate shit outside muh feels they resulted to violence to shut down the few brave enough to counter protest them in Commiefornia of all places. We showed them theres nowhere to hide and we will find everything there is to know about you before you can remove your web presence. The threat of being exposed was real for many of them and it scared most of them away. Even in safety of numbers and covered 95% we still burned Eric Clantons life to the fucking ground.

>appropriating their culture.
Sup Forums has culture? Even France doesn't have that.

Lurking their subreddit, apparently Sup Forums or someone has been making fake Antifa twitters and fucking up their whole organization. Some of them are so obvious too, Christ.

>The propaganda based universe the right wing of america is living in is leading them straight into becoming fascists. Fox news, Breitbart, and shit like this are the slow burning Reichstag fire in action.

I wish, it's taking too long

Lmao why are these niggers censoring themselves HAHAHA get it together for Christ sake

Yeah thats been going on for awhile now lel there is even a beverly hills antifa to mock those ivory tower faggots. It feels good to not be on the back foot anymore.

The answer my friend, is blowin' in the wind.
Cuck Clocking it is.

>neckbeards in their moms basement

Jesus Christ full on damage control.