Hitler, left-wing or right-wing?

Hitler, left-wing or right-wing?

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Man who wanted to save his country currently being exploited by socialist internet larpers.

third position

neither, at least economically, he had a closed economy.
but he was definitely authoritarian, that's for sure.

C'mon guys, what's your real opinion?

Good point, make sense.

I think he was left wing economically, right wing socially.

He was left wing when it comes economic policies, just read this and tell me he isn't more in line with people like Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn than Trump and the rest of Sup Forums:

"With 17 million Germans receiving assistance under the auspices of National Socialist People’s Welfare (NSV) by 1939, the agency “projected a powerful image of caring and support.”[33] The National Socialists provided a plethora of social welfare programs under Nazi’s concept of Volksgemeinschaft which promoted the collectivity of a “people’s community” where citizens would sacrifice themselves for the greater good. The NSV operated “8,000 day-nurseries” by 1939, and funded holiday homes for mothers, distributed additional food for large families, and was involved with a “wide variety of other facilities.”

"The Nazi social welfare provisions included old age insurance, rent supplements, unemployment and disability benefits, old-age homes, interest-free loans for married couples, along with healthcare insurance, which was not decreed mandatory until 1941[35] One of the NSV branches, the Office of Institutional and Special Welfare, was responsible “for travellers’ aid at railway stations; relief for ex-convicts; ‘support’ for re-migrants from abroad; assistance for the physically disabled, hard-of-hearing, deaf, mute, and blind; relief for the elderly, homeless and alcoholics; and the fight against illicit drugs and epidemics.”[36] The Office of Youth Relief, which had 30,000 branches offices by 1941, took the job of supervising “social workers, corrective training, mediation assistance,” and dealing with judicial authorities to prevent juvenile delinquency"

Hitler didn't believe in a left or right wing. He took policies and ideas from both sides of of the political spectrum. The left-right divide was always meant to DIVIDE & CONQUER a nation.

Came here to post this.


He was collectivist but if you measure left and right as marxism vs. capitalism than he was right-wing.


Hitler was a radical centrist


He was closer to marxism than capitalism.

Germany was a socialist state.

Which is why he killed Strasser and Rohm and made sure to protect private property and private trade....

This. He was in the same zone as communism, just thought it was way worse, they're like rival ideologies, communism and national socialism. he kinda used communism's authoritarian totalitarian running of the state to combat it.


Economically left, socially right.

AKA Common Sense

His own ideology which was National Socialism, Hitler loved animals and was a vegetarian and also loved nature but also wanted a strong military and traditional values like in the old USA and Europe did before the 60s and after the war, So it is the best option there is if you are white all we have to do is come together like his party did and take power by being voted in then we just deport all that don't fit with our plan, Easy !
My List of Videos of what we need to do to keep white culture ! I post this with every post you should copy and paste below this part and spread it all over the net we need to redpill so many still !


he killed Strasser because Strasserism was too close to Marxism



people in this thread mad because their "hero" is a faggot lefty

oh no my feelings are so hurt by your picture showing me that even completely useless mongs get enough food to become triple A obese

please stop i might actually have to switch my second monitor to a different pol thread while i watch anime and open up a new bag of doritos from the mini pantry next to my desk


The first use of the word “privatization” (or “reprivatization”) in English occurred in the 1930s, in the context of explaining economic policy in the Third Reich. Indeed, the English word was formulated as a translation of the German word “Reprivatisierung,” which had itself been newly minted under the Third Reich.

In the mid-1930s, the Nazi regime transferred public ownership to the private sector. In doing so, they went against the mainstream trends in western capitalistic countries, none of which systematically reprivatized firms during the 1930s.

This is National """"socialism""""

That's why he continue complicating our minds.

Yet he believed Capitalism was exploited by the Jews.

They also burned any book with even a hint of socialist ideology in it.


If anything FDR was closer to marxism with how he nationallized everything.

Yes, "exploited" by them. Not that it was wrong. He believed Jews like the Rothschilds used capitalism to make British turn against Boers and European nation against European nation. Jewish capitalism =/= German capitalism.

LOL just kidding dude, take it easy.

But he sought to minimize capitalist exploitation... By overseeing all business dealings. That's not right wing economics

Here we go again, well, not me.

>right wing retards trying to paint socialism as right wing just because their faggot leader jerked off about muh culture and muh heritage

im drowning in mountain dew bro

No, he didn't, you moron. He wanted private property and private trade as long as the Jews were all out of the nation so Rothschilds couldn't kill more Aryans in another Boer War.

Third-party duke.

Why are people still debating this? Hitler was an authoritarian centrist leaning to the left, hence the name National SOCIALIST.

Socialism only works when the society it is implemented in is homogeneous, and guess what Germany was in the 1930s? Right, a homogeneous white country.

Did you already ask that question?

whats wrong with saying he was a centrist authoritarian on a 2 axis political spectrum?

>wanted private trade
>as long as he was ok with it
>free market

Why can't you face that national socialism was a quasi socialist movement? It was socialist at first which then aligned with fascism and protected business, but still was in charge of business.

ayo we wuz private marketz n sheit
fucc dem sneak ass jewz mane

muhfugga i jus wants muh lebensraum
can a nigga round here get sum muhfuggen lebensraum?

We have to debating this because people af still with that doubt.

>Hitler was opposed to the socialist leanings of the northern wing, stating it would mean "political bolshevization of Germany." Further, there would be "no princes, only Germans," and a legal system with no "... Jewish system of exploitation ... for plundering of our people." The future would be secured by acquiring land, not through expropriation of the estates of the former nobility, but through colonizing territories to the east.[45] Goebbels was horrified by Hitler's characterisation of socialism as "a Jewish creation," and his assertion that a Nazi government would not expropriate private property. "I no longer fully believe in Hitler. That's the terrible thing: my inner support has been taken away," he wrote in his diary.[47]

Hitler told Goebbels that he wasn't going to take anyone's property or control their trade. This angered Goebbels as Goebbels used to be a socialist. he just wanted to rally people from both sides against the Jews. He had nothing to do with marxist socialism. Disliking kikes isn't socialism.

Hitler wasn't Marxist but he was socialist. Kinda weird ur trying to argue...Like what else was he then?


hating jews doesn't make you right-wing guys, it just makes you someone who hates jews.

My point was that he wasn't a socialist in the way you're trying to portray him as. He was a right-wing capitalist and I just fucking provided proof, you dimwitted chipped dicked, kike.


Right wing capitalist? Bro. There is zero evidence of that. Fidel Castro also said he wasn't a communist




What are you tryIng to prove? Fidel Castro said he wasn't communist. It's not like authoritarian figures lie. There is no evidence of capitalist tendencies from hitler, just cuz he opposed Bolsheviks (which is the only reason he rose to power, I know this) doesn't mean he was a capitalist. He socialized the nations economy to combat communism. There was no free market no matter how hard you pretend.

>Fidel Castro said he wasn't communist.

No, he didn't. I just linked a page showing he's the founder of the COMMUNIST party of Cuba. Good job. Either Grade A trolling or you're a complete retard. Also there was a free market in Nazi Germany. The only people Hitler took property from were Jews and that's good because Jews are subhumans and life unworthy of life.

That's a good way of thinking

He created National Socialism. Read Mein Kampf.

I'd call it common-sense.

Dumbass, Castro came into power in 1959. From 1959-1965 he said he wasn't communist (while being a communist) free market in Germany huh? Boy your boner for hitler has you blind. Free market was ONLY allowed AFTER he adopted mussolini's ideas. And because it was the only way without crashing the economy. He allied with business owners. Key word, ALLIED. The only reason a free market existed was because hitler allowed it for his purposes. The moment anything else "Jewish" happened, hitler would halt the free market again.

Private property =\= free market. That's just an aspect of the free market.

Link one quote where Castro denied being a communist. I've been linking proof and you sit back like a faggot spouting nonsense off the top of your head about shit that is way out of your level.

Hitler is cuck-wing.

How do you think he flew under the radar so long of the United States at the height of a Cold War?


>lost interview via the Huffington Post

Left wing; because helping out your fellow man only works when you have a demographically stable nation full of people with god-tier work ethic and dedication to the progress of humanity.

>Left or right
Dead center.

It's a recording of it. You can hear him say it. The translation is correct, I speak Spanish. I'll find another source for you, fuckin hitler baby



Doesn't matter anyway.
>Castro said he wasn't communist before he started communist piolicies. This means that even though Hitler rallied against Marxism and Bolshevism and protected private property and free trade and burned socialist works by people like Brecht, Sinclair and Hugo he was still a socialist

Believe whatever retarded nonsense you want. I don't care.

I wouldn't say way worse. Stalinist communism was an authoritarian regime far exceeding Nazism. Stalin killed orders of magnitude more people. He just so haopened to do it without particular targeting.

Hybrid. Socialism that valued individuality and property rights, everything was still conscript-able and the upper class was demolished for as long as the NSDAP was around.

>tfw dumbass kids think they were capitalist somehow
They must believe in Trudeau's policy on everything where if you defeat one you lose. It's obvious that the internal market being controlled in the few places it existed is just giving all the power to the people participating in trade. Right? Right?

>Russians still butthurt 80+ years later
Haha get fucked Ivan
See you in WW3


I'm just saying that actions speak louder than words! You're like a woman being sweet talked by hitler. Hitler was a fuckin socialist, he just opposed "Jewish socialism" aka communism. Communism is shit tier ideology, and hitler knew that, but he still employed left wing economics.

I said communism was worse than national socialism

nazis are commies

He killed Strasser because the brownshirts were nigging out and breaking and looting shit even though the party had already averted the need to switch to revolution (which probably wouldn't have worked if it had happened at the point it would have been necessary)

Private property =/= capitalism
Soviets traded internally as well, not land but goods to the government for rations and between themselves in secrecy and between themselves openly for goods.
Then again you'll probably be one of the /leftyunderagedb&s/ that thinks the USSR wasn't red enough to excuse their shortcomings and how shit your mentors' worldviews are.

There is kind of a lot of room between being a socialist and being a full blown right-wing capitalist. Respecting property rights does not expressly indicate capitalism.

Misunderstood. I see.

Literally best of both worlds

you mean like (((DEMOCRATIC))) socialism?