One will Protect You the Rest will try to Kill You

Who do you pick?

This is what top human performance looks like

Take the Vlad fag from this chart, he doesn't deserve to be on it

Hitler Walther P38 has 8 bullets. Two for everyone of them.

If no guns I chose Ivan, he can lift all the manlets.

Who's Vlad?

thats not vlad, thats terrible ivan

Well not Hitler, that's for sure. The scrawny little faggot had next to zero military accumen and while that might not translate directly to bodyguard skills, I somehow doubt he would excel there either.

I'd probably pick Ivan desu

My boi Ivan and use the ol' coldaroo on them again.

Sorry, I thought it was the other slav, I thought it was the impaler, but it was another slav impaler

There's nothing wrong with Ivan the so called "terrible". (correct translation Ivan the Formidable)
He fucking conquered and pacified by force all the Muslim Khanates originating from the Mongols that were a scourge on all Europeans.
After that the only threat left to Europeans came from the Middle East.

Since Wellington isn't on the list, Napoleon is the only correct choice.

> Learned from Alexander and Caesar
> Perfected methods of fast attack
> Logistics and political mastermind
> Beatable only if you literally destroy your crops and cities before he can and run away

The black one.

I wouldn't pick Alexander because he's a gay homo civic nationalist cuck

Napoleon is too small to fight well

Hitler drank too many beers and he's worn out from all the wars and assassination attempts

I'd probably go with the big burly slav

Ivan. I'd rather he be my ally than be captured by him.

Saladin deserves his spot on the sun as well

This is the only guy I would trust in a fight to save me.

Shit I assumed they had their forces but the rest of Sup Forums seems to be assuming it's just them. Well Alexander the Great, Caesar, maybe Ivan but I'd be afraid he'd kill me for being a pussy or eat me or something.

whose that handsome devil bottom left

Hitler would probably have me gassed as a degenerate desu.
>implying gas chambers were real

I concur. But do we include that Persian fag xerxes or Erik the red?

Assuming battle royale, Alexander is the best choice. If the armies get involved then Napoleon.

Ivan would go batshit insane on you 2bh

Solid point. There is no predicting the insane.

A man still put fear in the heart of people after all this time, goddamn

>not picking the Wehrmacht vs at best frogs

Lol if you can't predict the moves of a madman you are just stupid.
Insane people only scared people in a time in which the commonfolk were too malnourished to reach their intellectual potential
Ivan would be in prison throwing his own feces at the guards were he alive today.

Maybe the real question should be, 'Which one of the five is the ubermensch?

Alexander easily

Yeah, like you wouldn't fear for your life if a crazy bloodlust tyrant came to power in america, and started killing, torturing, and doing satanic shit just to show he could

All military tactics used by these leaders would be worthless in today's world anyway. Hitler is the most modern so he makes the most sense.

>Ivan can lift the manlets
>lost to a 5'4" beaner