
Why does Sup Forums care so much about "white identity" when in reality whiteness was never a thing until around five hundred years ago (maybe less)?

Even in Europe in 2017 nobody is "white", they're French, Swedish, Polish etc, just like how nobody is "Asian" but rather Arab, Aryan (Indo-Iranic/Indo-Aryan), Chinese, Korean etc.

So why do even the non-Americans on Sup Forums obsess over some concept that Euro-mutt Americans started using 500 years ago to distance themselves from everybody else? Especially when this concept changes so rapidly? For example, the one drop rule was in effect for seemingly forever, but nowadays you could be 100% North Indian and if you look pale enough you're fucking European in society's eyes)?
>tfw whiteness actually is a social construct and I just proved it
>tfw Sup Forums btfo

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>inb4 a hundred replies of containing no actual arguments but rather buzzwords like sage, jidf, shlomo and nigger

Idk but white girls are hot


Damn, nice ass. I don't see a white girl though, I see a European girl. Stop using that retarded fucking term.


Whiteness became what it is today when our own governments decided to bring in insane amounts of nigs and shitskins to replace us.

White literally means European.

Asians have tons of different countries that have historically been in conflict but nobody seems to be concerned about deconstructing the idea of Asian identity, or Black identity, or any other equally broad racial category.

You only care because it's white people and "nazis are da bad guys." Pathetic.

>the existence of subcategories disproves the existence of broader categories!

Besieged threatened minority groups always band together for mutually protection. Whites are a besieged threatened minority in the world today.

It is just easier to say, "white" than "Europeans and European Diaspora - Bosnia, Albania, and Turkeys stolen greek clay + maybe Persians. Maybe."

>maybe Persians
This proves how subjective and utterly useless the term is. As a Persian let me be the first to say we're not white and to suggest so is ridiculous.

>Why does Sup Forums care so much about "white identity" when in reality whiteness was never a thing until around five hundred years ago (maybe less)?

Maybe because everyone in Europe was white, dumbass.

Semantics. Call it white or European. I want to preserve my people and culture.

>Why does Sup Forums care so much about "white identity"

because statically whites are better at most things and have accomplished more for humanity than any other racial group. why do you obsess about us keeping watch of our own and culling the herd? are you afraid you won't make the cut paco?

Exactly! It doesn't matter what you call it. It's just easier to say white, but European American is fine too.

>implying there won't be blood testing before distributing star patches

Racial differentiation goes as far back in time as there has been civilization, you utter fucking moron. Go back to sucking the Jew cock, you mindless faggot.

Objectively false.
Not semantics, Europe has clearly defined borders and all Europeans hail from within those borders. American law considers Arabs white somehow.
Why are you such a defensive little shit?
No shit, when did I say it wasn't? And I already said >inb4 buzzwords so fuck off retard

100 years ago Indians were defined as white by some people you fucking ignorant retard

>persians aren't white

Then get out of my country you retarded monkey

It is called Caucasian taxon you dumb ass nigger. and has been around for ever.

The high iq in a wide range of intellect allows whites to be creative and inventor. whites are the creators of civilization.

Ow and because they are so kind they are dying to those who are violent and destructive.

>Objectively false
Well, true. The borders between races were thinner, in that people didn't think Arabs and whites were from a different "race", in which opinion they were right. But people always thought Blacks were from a different race and always treated them as inferiors, and prevented them to live within civilized lands
That's natural sense, you have to be blind not to see Blacks are an inferior race

>namefags as OP
>expects not to be a fag

>says my claim is "objectively false" without providing any evidence or argument


American was just white prior to 1965. the fact that you are saying european american is giving recognizing to the shitskins taking over your country.

Countries are created by the ppl in it, meaning race.
America is not america anymore because of the 50% decrease in demographic of Caucasians.

Because I prefer this

She's a white Canadian

Why don't you respect our socially-constructed identity? Are you anti-white?

whiteness is an umbrella term for all white ethnicities

So if whiteness doesn't exist then I guess white privelege doesn't exist either? Good.

Than this


>what is 23andme

>"nobody's proud of being white! Muh rights!"
>walks past Greater Cleveland Slovakian social club eating a Bratwurst on Pulaski Day

Mine is coming in a few weeks

>Even in Europe in 2017 nobody is "white", they're French, Swedish, Polish etc, just like how nobody is "Asian" but rather Arab, Aryan (Indo-Iranic/Indo-Aryan), Chinese, Korean etc.

>a subset is not contained within a larger set

Riddle me this, why does black identity and asian identity also exist? Is "blackness" a thing?

There is more diversity in the white demographic in the US, people who complain about White identity lack imagination.

White people on the North-East coast are different from the white people in the mid-South who are different from the white people in Florida. And that's just one coast of a pretty huge country.

Simply put, I don't take any white-identity fags seriously because if you really cared about your identity and heritage, you'd be a lot more specific than just 'white/general European'.

The other hand of this is that you can't actually blame any individual white person for the sins of the group, past or present. You can't point to your average white person and say "You're responsible for Police Brutality" short of that person either being an abusive police officer or calling police and overselling something that is not actually a threat.
Also, as said, standard of beauty (at least in terms of face and body) of white chicks are considered to be THE global standard. If your skin color could be swapped out for white and you'd still be considered attractive, you're attractive period

Because no one knows what ethnicity Ameriblacks are

Black identity is some retarded thing American niggers do because they have no clue of their history pre slavery, and Asian identity isn't a thing considering both Arabs and Koreans are Asian. Try again.

you need to read Hegel, your identity is in part determined by how you're seen by the Other, and they see us as white, not German or Swedish or English etc.

they're ultimately from the west coast of Africa, places like Togo, Ivory Coast, Ghana, etc., their ethnicity is piece of shit subhuman

>Objectively false.
t. learned history from Dr. Who

Asian Identity does not exist. I don't know any asian individual who identifies as "Asian"

As for Black and Blackness, that specifically has to do with how slavery basically wiped as much African culture from Slaves as it could over multiple generations until all the particular customs that were initially brought over became a single, homogeneous culture in the US. The irony of all this diversity discussion is that people don't acknowledge that Whites tend to be more diverse regionally in the US than Blacks

Blackness is generally used to describe how in tune with the general African American sub culture an individual is. A lot of people consider a guy like Obama to be in touch with his Blackness (despite being the president).

Black identity is mostly a function of the very particular relationship that African Americans have in this country, being descendants of people who did not want to be here, being persecuted by people who either used them or did not want them to be here (post Emancipation) and being influenced by both public and private efforts where they were collateral damage. It's somethign shared among Black people by history where white people in this country are generally more diverse in background as well as representations in the media

I've read Hegel and I agree but who are 'they' in this situation?

"White identity" is a symptom of everyone viewing white cultures and identities as the same. I am well aware that different regions in Europe have completely different cultures to the point at which even countries like Germany or probably more strikingly Italy have multiple different cultures within their own borders. However they all fall under the umbrella of "whiteness" and thus are attacked. Which is why the umbrella has to be protected. Alot of morons like Richard Spencer don't get that the end goal is not to create one giant conglomerate of "whiteness", it is to maintain the individual white cultures. Faggots like Richard Spencer do contribute to the problem, but they are not the main source of the problem

If it is the Blacks, then I agree, that's what this whole white privilege thing is about.

What's stupid about the White privilege debate is its been hijacked by SJW's on both sides about a moral superiority rather than acknowledging really simple facts: that there are very particular issues that black people deal with more than white people.

White people are less likely to be pulled over by the police on any given day while demonstrating the same behavior on the road as a comparable black person. That's just one example but it's the truth.

That doesn't mean that Blacks suffer objectively more than any given white person, or that blacks' suffering absolves them from harm they inflict due to those issues. SJW's on the left say that not having privilege is basically a moral/legal get-out-of-jail-free card. SJW's on the right say that pointing out these issues just divides the country more and we shouldn't mention them or they're nothing compared to the suffering of disenfranchised white middle class workers.

and they're both fucking wrong


i think you have white privilege confused with jewish privilege

i'd agree with you though that asian privilege, muslim privilege, and hindu privilege are harmful to society and need to be stopped; whites fortunately don't have power and can't be racist, since racism is power + hate

For many they're indistinguishable.

Jews have some really ridiculous privilege though, at least in the US and Western Europe.

>Familial ties that will engage in open nepotism
>Sub culture that is very focused on education
>Don't get shit on by Left-leaning SJWs

Dave Chappelle had a great joke about black people and jews one-upping each other in a 'Who's gotten it worse" contest
>What about Egypt

>asian identity doesn't exist
to be fair asian identity generally means east asian identity in the us.
>I don't know any asian individual who identifies as "Asian"
every single east asian person I've met identified as asian and I went to schools where asians were 10%-20% of the population

So all you've written tells me that black identity exists as a reaction. So in the current environment where whites are constantly attacked for their "white privilege" is it not unreasonable for them to also develop a white identity? As America gets less white, won't white identity strengthen?

James Baldwin had a great bit about whites and blacks that, for the most part, Whites don't hate blacks: they just don't care about them.

It's apathy, not hatred most days.

Anyways, Privilege is a stupid discussion and I think it was the Left getting REALLY too big for its britches. They kept pushing and pushing and didn't realize that there's a logic that goes along with things before they become accepted. Hell, it's taken a while for the notion that you can't pre judge someone solely based on the color of their skin to take hold in most nearly every part of the civilized world.

The issue with Privilege is that there were larger, more tangible issues facing the unrepresented minorities of the US than the perceived, intangible social stigma people held subconsciously. They were counting their chicks before their eggs hatched

>started using 500 years ago
Bullshit. My family is Scottish and my direct family line is 1800 years old. My people are much older than that, and most of the Saxon, Celt, and Germanic peoples had a knowledge and notion / opinion of "racial" differences. England fought "racial" wars against the French and Germans, identifying themselves as distinguishable from both. Both by skin color and cultural traits. Only the outsider comes up with this "whites have no culture" rubbish. Fuck off back to your melting pot shithole faggot farm.

actual fpbp

fuckin shill ma fucka

Black identity is not just a reaction though, it was the actual erasure of a culture, blurring its distinguished elements until only a skeleton remained, at which point it was fleshed out over generations of new stories and experiences.

I mentioned above that White Identity is essentially synonymous with White Privilege: the aspects of being white in the US (or Europe) that are put in contrast with the experiences of non-white people, In other words, the observations of White Privilege is the reaction to being soloed out.

The issue with White Identity getting more pronounced, in theory, as the country becomes less white is (at least compared to the emergence of Black Identity) that Whites are not actually treated all the same as slaves were. The treatment of Slaves was far more homogeneous than the treatment of white people are (on the basis of them being white at least).

The Black identity emerged mainly out of a singular similar treatment of slaves and negroes and blacks over America's history (Slavery, Jim Crow, War on Drugs, Portrayals in the media).

White Identity would have to be built out of the handful of shared experiences that white people all over the country are experiencing but that is debated even among white people. You're claiming we're being attacked but I've never felt attacked or alienated based on the color of my skin by almost anyone. I've been told I shouldn't say the N word (I do) but that's the most I can relate to any other given white person on the street

Can you fucking read?
>my direct family line is 1800 years old
Oh, that explains it.

When did I say whites have no culture? Different European ethnicities have different cultures, there isn't a white/pan-european culture though and you even backed me up by talking about those racial wars.

Damn, how insecure are you?

That's a rare one, how is the weather in there?

>but nowadays you could be 100% North Indian and if you look pale enough you're fucking European in society's eyes)?


It's true that we're a disgusting mongrelized people but that doesn't mean we can't consolodize on what's best about our races and eventually create a man that isn't an uninspired mess.


Here's a general question for the thread

Given that new races come about due to the synthesis of prior ones to form the current gene pools of certain regions and countries, what traits from each of the constituent races and ethnicity in the US would you like to see in a new American race


>you can't use shorthand to make a point succintly
pretty sure you're the nazi

White identity shit is just a reaction to black identity. Blacks felt like a lower class that lacked the respect white folks got so they worked on creating something of substance. A lot of whiteys, especially those who aren't very socially adjusted took offence to the positive reception of black culture and found the acceptance to be an attack on the white norm of whities being best.

So what you see on Sup Forums now is a hilarious attempt to redpill normies to be more white supremacist combined with an utter distate of everything that is normie. But who can blame them, social norms are powerful as fuck. Crackers being taken down from the throne is def going to hurt people even though it's proper justice.

This board is shit

They are in progress to replace the y chromosome.

The male nuclear y chromosome only mutates 0,3 % per generation.
This is why we used to have male upon son inheritance to ensure the bloodline and genetic identity.

Most countries in the world still know this but the west forgot and is quickly losing their genetic identity because men dont have male offspring any more.

The thing about the European genes ,Europeans have more population groups (family trees) and much shorter/younger family trees then the African and arab genetics.
These genes are inbred, this causes those to be more dominate.

The media is using the term genetic diversity for a old population group who lived in isolation for a long time. This is where the misconception of African Negroids being more genetic diverse comes from aswell (the African family trees(main ethnic African groups) are bigger and have longer branches but the rest of the world Asians and Europeans have more family trees

Because of this long isolation these genetic groups(trees) gained genetic dominant genes true interbreeding and strengthening genetics by keeping a selecting the same set of genetics over and over again generation after generation

All other so called junk DNA, that causes the unique mutations needed for evolution and diversity decay with every copy reducing mutations within the population group

This is the cause of recession of the European genetics AKA genocide.

Tl;dr european genes are recessive, they will regress when bred with dominate arab or african genetics causing the disappearance of them.

You need less then 5% to cause this genetic shift, most european countries have 10% of their demographics being african/arab. most only have around 60% 70% of their native population left.

>so they worked on creating something of substance.
You have never met a nigger.

>anything with any gradation can't be classified
>there is no such thing as a color of any kind anymore because some of the colors are in between
Red doesn't even exist you bigot!

white = Caucasian taxon. can you ppl be less retarded pls.

Indians are Caucasian though.

Whiteness wasn't a thing until 50-60 years ago and guess who made it up
No it's not kikes it's Americans, by then and now most American Caucasians are so diluted and ignorant that they have forgotten their European ancestry. KKK and Burgers used it in force when the civil rights movement was heating up and their only difference was I'm white he's black
Not even Hitler used white, he used ethnicities, Anglo, German, Slavic, Arab, Jap etc when describing people. He even called blacks negros.
That's why white nationalism is fucking stupid with white supremacism because white is an arbitrary term so they can eliminate European ethnicities that never prospered; i:E Greeks and Italians
tldr: it's burgers fault, they fucked up Eurocentricism and nationalism

Alternatively, blacks do have a strong sense of being "black", or having skin containing lots of melanin which certainly suggests more similar genetics as opposed to white people. White people in the US have mongrelized themselves to an extent that puts them in the same position of blacks, that is not having any instilled culture besides what was created socially in lieu of having traditions passed down. I would say it is a natural reaction that a human that doesn't have anything to speak about about itself (i.e. genetic make up) to try and create one. Multiple ethnic nations can exist in what was the US and be peaceful and share culture.

Clear physiological and intellectual differences in
different Phenotypes and Haplogroups would kindly disagree - Sincerely, Science


>However they all fall under the umbrella of "whiteness" and thus are attacked.

I've never felt attacked or threatened in my country (politically) for being white.

Hmmm that's weird heres an example of our founding fathers referring to whiteness in a law from fucking 1790 you FILTHY LYING KIKE.

Kek, because half the people on here are retarded virgins. Being white basically means you get cucked by niggers and immigrants and do nothing about it, it's more of an insult than anything.
t. A beaner

Times change nigger.

The old ways are dying. We don't have the luxury of relying on definitions and lines drawn when Europeans were the globe spanning colonialist giga power they once were (and the infighting and differentiation that comes from that).

White people are on the back foot, and to prevent the utter destruction of that individuality were it subjected to the whims of niggers, chinks, kikes and sandpeople, we must coalesce long enough to carry the embers so that they may be revived to the roaring fire they once were.

Find another word for white privilege then. Even kikes know we are white

Who the fuck cares about "identity"? What is that? We care about biology and our genetic in-group.

The billions of people who hate white people are extremely clear on what white people are.

whiteness is a 'social construct'

not European ethnic or cultural heritage.

funny how the jews and latinos and blacks who perpetually advocate for their group interests are not 'social constructs.'

Is this you, Jared Diamond??

also your history... is absolute bullshit you got from some dumb cunt hypocrite.

This is one of the more hilarious kike contradictions.
>cry about white privilege for decades
>claim whiteness doesn't exist

What is this delusional mental masturbation?

This is it. An actual red-pill.
LOLing at this globalist
Whiteness is a social construct, European identity is not

^ this guy

is not a scientician

>all these claims and not one single source to back them up
You leftards want to get rid of the term "white" so you can claim shitskins are "European" or "French". Both those terms automatically implied pale or white skin. GTFO.

jews are 2% or so of the population

so why is it about half the time someone publishing on 'whiteness' is a jew who most odten clings feverishly to the mythological construct known as Jewishness?

serious question.

some light reading:


Historically speaking, you're wrong. The Chinese and the Middle East had huge contributions.

>the concept of whiteness is a brand new social construct borne of the civil war!
The original United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character.

wow some funky sink state defined what it means to be white
europe was the dominant powers for centuries and what defined people in Europe was ethnicity and culture.
Frenchies, Krauts, and Anglos may look similar to you burgers but they're different because of CULTURE
>b-b-but what about muh skin colour
they were not retarded, they would obviously look at a black person and think "oh he's obviously not European"
funny how whiteness and white supremacy never took off until after America became a world power and the civil rights movement

The mere observation that white people are not as powerful as they were when they did have multiple globe spanning empires does not make me a globalist you shit eating faggot.

I think it's mainly a thing in the US,
When you live in a country that's 95% white people with no "history of racism", people don't care about race.
Except the immigrants who tries to profit of of calling out racism where none exist, and retarded Norwegians going along with it to the point where I can no longer by a "negerbolle" because some asshole decided "neger" is a racist word now.
This comment took a turn, I started out with one opinion then I remembered all the neger incidents in my life, now I fucking hate white people.(not all, just the "anti-racist" ones)

No 'whiteness' is a term the Academic Left cooked up. it is not a 'social construct' ontologically but an academic concept promulgated by Marxists largely.

by the way, repeatedly asserting 'whiteness is X' is not any sort of argument, particularly as you dont care to define it in circlejerkulatory terms.

European heritage is not 'whiteness'

'whiteness' is the term used by anti-whites to promote more government interventions, quotas etc

more briefly: 'whiteness' isnt a thing.

this is tedious as fuck; anti-Whites who claim everyone has culture abd rights but a group of people who are a 'construct'

absurd, which is why imbeciles believe it and are easy to muster for violence and groupthink


Identity is created. You don't have to agree with it.

Kinda cloudy today, but it's a tropical island anyway

You denied the concept of white existing until recently you dumb faggot and I proved you wrong with A DIRECT QUOTE FROM LEGISLATION FROM 1790. Now you've changed your argument in typical kike fashion. But you were wrong. Please report to your nearest holocaust center for gas treatments.

"White" is a valid identity. Sure, white americans are a mix of different European peoples. But so are the boers, yet no one questions their peoplehood.

Deconstruction of whiteness is one of the major achievements of post-war jewish academics.

allow me to rephrase, whiteness wasn't a thing until 50 years ago because the small irrelevant nation that came up with it didn't became relevant until 50 years ago u happy

Pretty much any advancement made in the past few centuries has been made by whites, while the rest of the globe piggybacked off of it.

No whites = no advancement = perfect ground to plant seeds of communism

You kikes cant fool people who know their history

It wasn't a thing to Europeans because a global race war against whites hadn't begun yet.
Not sure how that makes the concept invalid though.

>tfw I'm a disgusting euromutt lacking in any cultural identity and i know it

at least i just have just euro blood and nothing else. shit i even have puritan blood at the least

there's no reason we can't create a white american ethnostate from that