Was just denied entry into their vocational program for being "over zealous"

>was just denied entry into their vocational program for being "over zealous"
>One of the reasons given was my ties to the mises institute

The catholic church is lost, literally leftist SJW have taken over. Their twitter is also currently bashing trump over stupid shit like dreamers program and pulling out of Paris global warming scam.

Other urls found in this thread:



Why does it seem like a majority of the boomers who went to Catholic school in the 50's and 60's are now lapsed Catholics?

>posting from united states
>associating with jesuits

Luigi, you have to go back.

Orthodox > Roman Catholic

fuck i messed up.

Pope john xxiii usurped his posisition in 1958 with the help of commies. then he called the second vatican council and destroyed the church.

>their vocational program
is that different from their seminary program?

I was thinking like a Jesuit plumber.

Jesuits are based, bet you are a dirty Dominican

im german/bohemian

what scholarly orders do they have comparable to Jesuits?

I took St. Ignatius of Loyola as my confirmation name, but I now disagree with the Jesuits because of Latin America.

The Carthusians are the best order, anti-modernist and syncretic, followed by the Cistercians, Trappists and Benedictans.

You should have pretended to be a faggot.

No, that's not an anti-Catholic insult. Seminaries are literally dens of sodomites. I know a former seminarian that just couldn't take the faggotry.

Just go to Franciscans or something. Jesuits and Benedictines are dying because they're too liberal

the Jesuits have always been a neo-atheist cult after they obtained the same information that the nights Templar obtained when they readed Jerusalem.

You can thank them for much of the post-modernism and rampant degenerecy when they teamed up with the jews in the 1800's an early 1900's

what memes did they obtain?

You blew it. You missed your chance to become Fuhrer.

Do you mean paleo or crypto atheist?

You might survive the purge after all, lucky you.

Catholic church done chimped out. They went full commie retard after they figured out we weren't down with the whole Reconquista/white genocide thing.

>get rejected
>waaaaaah jesuits are commies

Jesus fucking christ, I can't take your hypocrisy.

>Go to a secular school, right next to a Jesuit school
>Jesuit school is only slightly less pozzed than my school
>The people pushing the pozzed shit aren't even Catholic
Our Church needs to put its motherfucking foot down holy shit. "Tolerance" shouldn't be about tolerating people who openly want to corrupt your institution and destroy your very way of life.

Perhaps you should consider becoming a Franciscan? The Jesuits have been a hairs breadth from rejecting the authority of the church over them for generations.

The Franciscan tradition is impossible to corrupt. As soon as it is clear that the group has lost the plot, they spilt and the real Franciscans go and start the cycle all over again. They are uncontrollable, and it is glorious. Like the Anons of Christanity.

Myself, I think the anchorite tradition is worth considering again. It is very attractive to get away from the racket!

dude, we've had way, way worse

Patience my son

what could possibly be worse than commies infiltrating the largest Christian church in the world?

>joining the jewsuits
kill yourself my dude
(((you))) kill yourself too

It's okay OP, try again!

The church is the whore of Babylon


kys bill nye

>was just denied entry into their vocational program for being "over zealous"
>being over zealous
>zeal is a bad thing


I'll quote it since you're retarded

"Now, such a God can, if he chooses, operate outside the normal laws of nature he has created. And the evidence does, indeed, suggest that he has done so at times. But Thomas does not look to such evidence to demonstrate God’s existence. On the contrary, Thomas takes a remarkably evolutionary view of creation:

"Nature is nothing but the plan of some art, namely a divine one, put into things themselves, by which those things move towards a concrete end: as if the man who builds up a ship could give to the pieces of wood that they could move by themselves to produce the form of the ship."

—Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on Physics II.8, lecture 14, no. 268

In that, he is following Augustine who also sees creation, not as a series of deus ex machina interferences in nature from a God who tinkers, but as a continuous unfolding of properties invested in nature from the start:

"It is therefore causally that Scripture has said that earth brought forth the crops and trees, in the sense that it received the power of bringing them forth. In the earth from the beginning, in what I might call the roots of time, God created what was to be in times to come." [Emph. added]

On the literal meanings of Genesis, Book V Ch. 4:11"

Holy shit

>>I'll quote my skydaddy book to show how retardo you are!

The god of Abraham is literally a pagan god that had the form of a burning bush.

Somebody drop some knowlege bombs about the jewsuits pls i need to know

I hope a sandman turns this pope to jelly

We really do live in foolish and confused times. Thankfully, God doesn't tolerate confusion for very long, and this is not his first rodeo.

I can see a mighty rebirth of faith coming, but we may not like the events and pressures that will bring it about.We never did in the past, why should it be different today?

why not join FSSP?

>commentary defending evolution
>"you're retared"

What did they mean with pic related

Jesuits control the world.

Catholic church doesn't offically like freemasons but highest freemason is actually jesuit. It's public secret.

It's not coincidence that so many world leaders have been in jesuit schools. Jesuits have controlled the world for hundreds of years and they have poisoned popes who tried to suppress their influence.

Not many people realize this but you just have to look at jesuits history for meddling in political affairs. They wield the true power behind the scenes.

they were historically pretty based. Seem to be filled with liberals now, but that's probably because of their roots in (((academia)))

deus vult will never happen larper

>they were historically pretty based.
no, they were kikes. the faggot in your picture is a fucking kike, look at his god damn nose for fucks sake. spanish jews usurping the church.

Muzzies sacking the holiest city in the orthodox church and turning their largest church into a mosque.

have you looked at the church's history? we definitely have had worse. the reason it laste 2000 years is that, at least until now, goys didn't give up on it the first sign of trouble, and restored it.

thats bad... almost as bad as (((crusaders))) sacking the holiest city in the orthodox church thus allowing what you said.

He isn't gonna intervene any more than he's asked. That's how it is and it will always be.

Personally I think it's our job to do exactly as we are told

Being a light to the world, performing greater miracles than those of Jesus Christ, tearing down spiritual strongholds and principalities.

I mean come on, our current state is pathetic. We're horribly divided. Miracles happen but they are rarely incredible and quickly forgotten by people. We give our talents to one who is not Ceasar (The Zionist/Khazarian faggots) and they control us like a mafia.

I'd like to see some explosive power and I'm more than up for being part of it.

Yeah.....and the church survived, so what's to say the Catholic church won't survive a bunch of commies?

orthofags can't take banter. fuck off broski

no moishe they were based, and there are still a lot of great men in the Society
(((byzantine))) princes shouldn't have jewishly tried to manipulate the crusaders

Yeah, but that was before the recent purge of conservative cardinals.

im not orthodox, but theres no justification for the (((church))) destroying byzantium just because their venetian jew overlords were sick of the trade competition. kikes have ruled the church for at least 1000 years

The white man needs a smack in the face. Just like a father smacks his kid from time to time for being disobedient, our Father is getting ready to smack the white man for the same reason. What most of you won't realize is that he's just beginning to draw back his hand. We shall rise. But first we need to get knocked down. Love yourself. Get right with God. Realize that the most precious possession you have in this world is your own people. And before you spew some humanist version of Christianity remember this: Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. God bless.

>(((byzantine))) princes shouldn't have jewishly tried to manipulate the crusaders
but it ok when your (((venetian))) kike masters manipulate you? go look up the history of venice, they are literally khazarians.

The Jesuits work side by side with the Rothschild banking Jews. They are the exact opposite of based. They are the problem.


>Dude I'll totally finance your crusading force lmao
>Oh by the way my people are massacring the catholics
>Oh by the way I'm going to use you to fight my enemies in my capital and if you refuse I'm going to leave you to starve
>what are you doing reeeeee
orthoshits are cancer


The church is a business man, no one actually wants to give up their immortal soul, and even if they did how can you fault the church for wanting to stay economically viable by being progressive to further preach the word of God?


..I think you mean Holy Roman, faggot. Stop using (((freemason))) terminology. You guys have so fucked your shit up non-familam.

you're obviously trolling.
in case an uninformed goy believes this, the byzantines brought it upon themselves by, literally, inviting the crusader army, then refusing to pay up, during a dynastic dispute. lots of jewery on their side.
also the pope expressly forbade sacking constantinople. it happened, yes, but by no means at the church's command.
and on top of all that, just a few years prior to that, the fucking orthofags murdered tens of thousands of catholics. They got off easy.


>..I think you mean Holy Roman, faggot
>American education

>Masonic revolutionaries

>destroy constantinople goy, and ill give you the ships for my crusade you are doing for me to reclaim my holy land for me. also im the only banking thats ok goy, kill the other bankers.
>dont worry goy muslims wont fill the power vaccum or anything
dante specifically mentioned venetians burning in hell for a reason, and youll burn with them, kike faggot.

they murdered him btw

Calm down. Whoa look your 'church' disappeared, Achmed Beanerstein.

Anti-pope when?

That's why I tell faggots that culture and even religion can be subverted. Race is the only thing that can't be subverted. A society based on race would be harder to subvert because the subversives wouldn't live among us. People need to get off the niggers are equal propaganda.

Sorry Alexios, maybe try to cool it with the jewish tricks next time and you wont get your shit kicked in by pissed off fanatics.

>Meanwhile user's wife gets BLACKED

>t. dead church
no wonder your pope wants america flooded with taco nigger, only spics are (((catholic))) anymore.

love how you have to go back decades to find an okay pope

Jesuits weren't a thing until 1540, and Templars were formed after Jerusalem was taken.
And Templars were fucking based.

Who would win in a fight? Opus Dei or Jesuits?

Hey watch it fella, at least your Church has stood by its schism OH WAIT that's right the Council of Florence BTFO the orthodox churchfor eternity. Boy you guys just cant catch a break

If the "fight" is who can corrupt the church more then Opus Dei wins by a mile

The only reason they are relevent is because the russians thought their buildings looked funny and got tired of worshiping pig shit

im not even christian you retard. its just blatant how openly kiked the (((church))) is and has been. its just an italian/jewish mafia, the same faggot subhumans who destroyed rome.

Ignatius of Loyola was objectively a satan worshipper that formulated his entire order upon the instruction of a devil he met in a cave and based upon lies that break the fundamental commandments of Christianity itself; namely murder and deception. This is absolute fact, and yet Catholics will contiunue defend this. JUST

>inb4 w-we're still better than jews and muzzies because, uh..

only stupid beaners are catholic, so of course they're pandering to them. money has always been the church's real religion.

Wtf? Thats extremely disappoining to hear

equal? they are hardly even the same species.

Atheists are retarded what did you expect?

>be 1488 to fight the degenerates
>look more degenerate than the degenerates

>im not even christian you retard
Retardation is not embracing Christ and the light of his one True Church. Retardation is also defending orthoshits in any way and trying to justify their behavior during the fourth crusade. Do it again latins!
>its just blatant how openly kiked the (((church))) is and has been
The state of the modern Church is sad, which is why I encouraged OP to join FSSP or another TLM Order instead of the Jesuits. But Jesuits were never the boogeymen proteshits made them out to be, the reason they're so many liberal (and even heretical) members today is mainly there ties to the academic institutions they are a part of.
don't even hope for that, mexico has a huge problem with modern pagans and proteshits

shes a kike. look at the nose


It is known

>Mise Institute promotes anarcho capitalist
Stopped reading there. Go back to your McWarlord before he finds out you're not in your barrack with the rest of the child soldiers

wow he's slightly less cucked. truly it's another crusade. christcucks are done for.

Tattoo on fucking forehead, mark of the beast irl lol.

>Retardation is not embracing Christ and the light of his one True Church.
(((catholics))) dont even worship christ anyway, you faggots deify mary aka semiramis. its the worship of nimrod/semiramis/tammuz shit, saturn cultist faggots. thats why you spiritcook and cannibalize on effigies of jesus (tammuz) every weekend, stupid fags.

I hate it when kikes show up and try to butt into a family affair. You want to be alone so go be alone with your snakes and demons and shit.

Oh my

Modern day Jesuits are heresy tier. Try fssp instead or Byzantine rite seminaries.

I see the zeitgeist meme is making a comeback

>pay no attention to the jesuit invasion, these cucks are the real issue

So basically crypto jews?

You jewfags are dying out faster than we are.
Good riddance