No wonder Canadians just have fun and everyone hates them for it here, everyone else lives in a shitty country with governments who don't care about them and their quality of life is so bad they have to take out their anger here. Why do your governments treat you like such shit non-Canadians?
Canada is better than you
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Yeah, that's it leaf. Nailed it.
The same (((people))) who wrote this also decided that the us was no longer a democracy shortly after trump was elected
Let that sink in leaf
>using the old flag
shamefur dispray
Whatever you say, leaf.
Thanks for the input buds, what does your country do to treat you like shit? I thought America was the greatest. Why aren't they the greatest in quality of life then?
Also we won it two years in a row, Ol' Barry was still in office when we won.
That flag looks sick tho
Canada definitely is #1 for QOL if you're a refugee who doesn't and will never contribute back to the country, ever. All the perks of living in Germoney as a rapefugee without anyone hating you for it to your face.
If you're white or productive? Then you're just a slave to generate more tax dollars for those sweet sweet refugeebux
>what does your country do to treat you like shit?
Not jail me for criticising islam
yea nah get fucked leaf
Australia is full of pedophiles so I imagine you would like it there but civilized people prefer a high standard of living so they choose Canada.
You guys made it illegal to be rude to Muslims I think you guys are ducked beyond repair
>Have to do what USA says
>Have cuck president
>Laughing stock of Sup Forums aka fucking leaf
>Have cancerous french tumour called quebec
>Government tries to enact german/swedish SJW policies
You're a big fat mess.
No those are geese bud.
But can you critique islam without getting jailed?
>high standard of living
as always you are beneath us, leaf
Australia? You mean China 2.0?
yet more leaf projection
Canada is cucked. Just look at the cesspool that Toronto is. No thanks.
What is the final solution to the Canadian problem?
You're one to talk
In 50 years your country will be split between changs and mohammeds fighting for dominance, long after whites have left
day of the rake soon my friend
If all that is true and bad then how are we officially ranked the #1 country to live in? You can't talk of tumors as if you aren't Australia's.
Yes. I cant walk up to a woman in a hijab however and berate her on the basis of her faith however or refuse employment on basis of her faith.
>he says while literally upside down on the sole of the planet.
Thanks for agreeing, I know it's pretty bad in Norway these days.
America is cucked, just look at the cesspool that California is. No thanks. (Toronto is smaller than the entire state of California by the way.)
There is no problem, as proven by the OP image.
Canadians work more hours for less money than any other Anglo country. I don't see how they can win a quality of life contest with anybody.
Trump must perform the greatest merger of his career and save us from dudeweed
Not saying Canada is any better... we're fucked. Hoping I'll be long gone by then.
A rake behind every blade of grass.
1 v 1 boxing match... Trump vs. Trudeau, winner takes all
>I cant walk up to a woman in a hijab however and berate her on the basis of her faith
How is this possible? Is the outside world really that shit?
Auto correct wants it pg
You are just a gas station.
Yes, if you are a feminine gay. Canada is the best country for them
You would get charged in America as well if you went up to a man in a wheelchair and berated him on the basis of his disability, it's the same courtesy. I know courteousness is an alien concept to most Americans but stop being an obnoxious slob for just a minute please.
We can control the price of oil! OH NO!
Yes Canadians have it so good that people don;t have any real hard problems left so problems are being created to fill the gap. It's a strange psychological phenomenon that was birth to this entire gender bender debacle but besides our government accommodating these people's delusions which is honestly sad, we are clearly the greatest country to live in and those regulations do not negatively impact the quality of life.
>You would get charged in America as well if you went up to a man in a wheelchair and berated him on the basis of his disability
Wrong, it's obnoxious but not illegal. Have fun in jail for telling a muslim woman the hijab is oppressive
I hope you stub your toe
Fucking leaf
You fuck animals.
You're a pack of hedonistic self pleasuring degenerates
>Yes. I cant walk up to a woman in a hijab however and berate her on the basis of her faith
yes you can, I do it all the time
Stop duty free shopping in my Country you fucking parasite.
Maybe because you get to fuck dogs, that's why.
Fuck off arctic jew, gb2 selling lead paint & asbestos to developing countries, having a human trafficking rate that's an affront to the first world and clubbing baby seals.
Honestly, the fact that Canadians call themselves a moral superpower is just tarnishing the label for Sweden.
You are sick, degenerate.
>Be Canadian
>Open your ass to Ahmed
>Be American
>Harass random Saudi ambassador until he suffers from a stroke simply for looking like a Muslim
How will Leafs and Eurocucks ever recover?
Then you weren't reported because most Canadians let things slide since we are so comfortable and understanding.
I'm not a dick like you so I won't.
Whats wrong with attaining pleasure when you live in the greatest country on Earth?
Come up and get some poutine some time bud.
No, only Europeans are opening their ass. It's actually very hard to get into Canada.
Best korea thinks not.
>Be Canadian
>Be even poorer version of the USA
How will leafs ever recover?
Jealousy is all I see, it's like a childish bully pushing around the kid who has nice clothes.
Once you learn that money can't buy happiness then maybe you can become the greatest country.
Give it a few years.
This post of dog shit. The rating system is based off of everyone having a high quality of living. Guess what? When you live in a nation of 22 million people, it's a lot easier to have social policies that cater to all. Also, here the in US, you work hard to win in life. I don't need the government to allow me to be lazy, that's why I make more money that OP does. So enjoy your government housing and free life of mediocrity. Real men are changing the world in the US. Not your faggot SJW frozen trash hole of Canadian. Faggot
>(((Quality of life)))
This is a great example of the anger that people take out on others here for having such bad treatment from the government. My heart goes out to your struggle user.
I see someone's dog got lucky tonight.
i could be poor and happy if i lived in a white country... but watching country turn to shitskin, i duno
you have too many blacks to ever have a hope to be high up the rating, don't beat yourself up over it. we're trying our best to catch up to you guys :(
Leaf, I will admit you have a strong economic standing, but your prime minister is going to fuck your governmental and social standing. He's a full Libtard that supports Brexit and is accepting millions of Muslims to immigrate to your leaf. By the end of the immigration you will be in the same position as Europe. Conquered by Islam
Vancouver used to be great. look at this video.