Do you think there're out there Sup Forums?

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Of course, we're just separated by an inconceivably long distance that we/they will never bridge.

bumping with more hubble


ive been watching this guys video. he has some good videos about ayys and the fermi paradox etc

Yeah man, they have a fuelless technology and travel impossible distances just to crash in our desserts and plains. And they suck at anesthesia because most experiencers wake up half way through, often in time to witness large and elaborate devices in use.

People ARE experiencing something, but the element of pageantry is inescapable and bothers me more and more as I get older. I hate to be the guy that says "demons", but I'm leaning that way these days.

its highly likely that aliens exist in the universe. its highly unlikely theyve ever visited us or ever left their star.

Dont know and dont care
If they dont, nothing special
If they do, they are created to serve us and be our subordinates

> lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldn't be driven to worship them, and serve them, >>which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.

its more likely that aliens exist than god exists.

>he doesn't read the bible

Because of the age and span of the known and unknown universe, it seems unlikely that there wouldnt have been aliens before, if not, there will be eventually. Our civilizations are just incredibly small "blips" on the timeline of the universe that will never blip at the same time. Unless either of our civilizations survive and expand for millions or even billions of years, we will likely never make contact to them.


A true post worthy of .

The universe is infinitely expanding, therefore there are an infinite number of possibilities. Meaning go educate yourself faggot.

i was a christian for 25 years of my life but i cant believe in god anymore. i cant believe in a perfect, loving, all-knowing god who needs to create a hell and send souls there for ETERNITY for committing a finite amount of sin. no sin is worth an eternity of torture any way. one of the many inconsistencies in the bible that i cant delude myself and overlook to cover my arse in the afterlife.

Robert Bigelow, the billionaire who owns Bigelow Aerospace, Skinwalker Ranch, MUFON, just confirmed there's aliens already here

>In an interview with "60 Minutes," real estate mogul and Bigelow Aerospace founder Robert Bigelow said he is "absolutely convinced" aliens have visited Earth.
>In a wide ranging discussion with Lara Logan, the 72-year old Bigelow said that extraterrestrials have visited the planet already.
>"There has been and is an existing presence, an ET presence," Bigelow said. "And I spent millions and millions and millions -- I probably spent more as an individual than anybody else in the United States has ever spent on this subject."

I think some type of symbiotic parasitic life exists in space but the real intelligent Ayyys like Greys live in our oceans.

Aliens exist on earth, but they vibrate at a different frequency to humans so we don't see them. They're also Fallen Angels and Angels which exist in a higher ethereal vibrational dimension. The CIA started directly after the crucifixion of Christ and have known about all of this ever since, the Jew's are also in direct contact with Satan and plot for the overthrow of the Godhead.

T. Scientist

Disclaimer: yesthe universeexpands, no thqt doesnt mean infinite possibilities

if you want to be taken seriously, don't even use new agey spiritual bs in a sentence like "frequency" or "vibration"

realign your chakras and kys


its also highly likely that they dont follow our conventional rules for physics and physiological appearance, maybe they could be floating space jellies or impossible shapes. the possibilities are endless and even the two examples i just shared are more or less just a pebble dropped in a pond full of infinite possibilities.

Spending large sums of money isn't an indication of a successful worldview. If it turned up no evidence, it was a waste of money, and looks more like a red flag.

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Da fuq

>I don understand how dimensions work

Fuck off we're full

Hell is not a place, but state of soul. And no one tortures you but yourself.
> The Eastern Orthodox Church teaches that heaven and hell are relations to or experiences of God's just and loving presence.[26][27] There is no created place of divine absence, nor is hell an ontological separation from God.[28] One expression of the Eastern teaching is that hell and heaven are dimensions of God's intensifying presence, as this presence is experienced either as torment or as paradise depending on the spiritual state of a person dwelling with God.[26][29] For one who hates God and by extension hates himself as God's image-bearer, to be encompassed by the divine presence could only result in unspeakable anguish.

So something like out of Moorcock? I believe certain people have a higher sense of frequency as you said to see different planes of reality.

saw one in 1996 so I can confirm they exist

It's not whether they are Out There but whether they are are here. DNA is an emergent property of the universe, as are planets. How many times has it happened, how close are they in space and time?

when you drive on a highway do you stop by every ant colony on the side of the road and explain to the ants why you're passing through?

This universe is made by an intelligent designer made to test different life forms that evolve intelligently out of the physical realm.

If aliens exist, or existed I may say because they had a billion years plus head start (humans only been around 200,000 years), they probably left the 4 dimensional realm (xyz + time) into something else I don't know what.

If you want to be able to perceive higher frequencies, you need to start eating clean, no meat and also align your intentions towards love. Also you could also hit up some dmt

>Do you think there're out there Sup Forums?

Of course not.
Every single spot in your picture is a galaxy that has around 100 billion stars, each star probably has a planetary sistem.

But yeah, out of all those fucking planets, our planet is the only one that spawned intelligent life in the history of universe.

How is that "highly likely?"

No. We're not living in a science fiction movie.

I wonder if the less sleep we have is another way to unlock the higher frequencies of reality that hide these beings. Could be why our brains need to sleep.

the universe doesnt actually exist

Genesis 1:14-15
14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

A Star Close Up

I trust a billionaire spending his own money to find the truth, rather than our own government
Bigelow Aerospace isn't even about finding aliens
It's like another version of Space-X

god probably doesnt exist and if god doesnt exist, hell doesnt exist. so im not worried about it. consciousness just ends when you die.

did it rape your butthole?

Bigelow's other businesses are irrelevant to my point, its the money he spent looking into the ayyyys and coming up with empty-handed.

Likewise, not everything is a choice between believing governments or a corporate oligarch. Life isn't that black and white.

Whether they exist or not, they have to go back.

(((Aliens))) are demons, don't be deceived.

The Giants | The Nephilim Antediluvian Civilization | Pre Flood | Documentary Best Evidence 2017

Not only are they 'out there', but odds are they have technology that makes them invisible to you and one is in the room with you right now observing you and telepathically transmitting their observations to their alien friends for entertainment and they have an alien version of Trump that telepathically sends back the message 'What a loser...many such cases' then everyone laughs.
That's why every so often I randomly pull out my wiener and rub it on objects for no apparent reason. The space niggers probably say 'let's go see what that wiener guy is up to'

the possibility of emerging living organisms from inorganic matter: ~0.00000000000000000000000000000000001%

approximately the number of planets that can sustain life in the known universe: 400.000.000.000

do the math.

>hurr ant colony metaphor
>hurr intelligent design as a test
>hurr humans are 200k old
>aliums left this dimensional plane hurr

fucking kill yourself you goy normie piece of shit


ALiens crashe landed hear thousands of years ago and live in hollow earth.

The 80 foot tall stasis beings are awakening in Anartica and will come smash civilization soon because they're mad we are so unadvanced.


Yes, they manipulate the (((((elite))))) into worshiping Moloch/Devil/Satan, or whatever name you want to attribute to evil and suffering.

At least the ones currently involved on the planet Earth.

That is only because ayyyys don't force anyone to do anything. You have to ask. The occult know this and hide it from the public so we don't ask for positive assistance.

Instead, you have the occult secret societies propagating over thousands of years, manipulating the masses into falling into line due to their advantages bestowed upon them for their sacrifices to these alien entities.

Mankind is waking up and realizing that we don't have to follow our leaders into darkness, but like Christ, we can supersede immorality, child/human sacrifice, and anguish by looking towards the light.

Meditate on this topic. Control your breath. The truth it out there if you want it to be.

Personal growth leads to personal evolution, which is all you can ask for in this life. Try to become a better person every day, and you'll be surprised to see the world change around you in a positive manner.

Reptilians from Orion rule the earth. But they are just middlemen for the archons.

>its also highly likely that they dont follow our conventional rules for physics
"conventional rules for physics" aren't a thing.
they're going to follow the laws of physics, whatever that may allow for.

God is evil.

I too left that non-white, cuck cult.

What is an archon?

>Meditate on this topic. Control your breath. The truth it out there if you want it to be

actually im just gonna fap and think about ayy pussy.

They are

Maybe should have read the bible in those 25 years , it is highly debatable that hell is a place of suffering for eternity

Archons are an artifical intelligence like the Borg that are running amok.

You can read all about them in the old Gnostic texts.


God is the source of all things good, and Hell is a separation from God - therefore there is only suffering there as you choose to be away from God.

Let X be the number of potential habitats for life. Our sample size is 1. The number of life-bearing celestial bodies in the universe is between 1 and X. We can not rule out being alone.

Let Y be the probability of life evolving intelligence. Our sample size is 1. The probability of life evolving intelligence is unknown, so Y is larger than 0 but no larger than X, and most probably smaller than X.

Nothing exploded into everything. That's what you believe.
Wise up, moran.

It seems improbable, but is not inconceivable that we are alone, as our presence is a prerequisite for the question being asked. When most variables are unknown, a lifeform will have the same reasoning as we display now, regardless of whether it is alone in the universe or the universe is teeming with life.

Cool videos but goddamn that voice....

Scientists build satellite, accidentally find God

>Hell is a separation from God
>And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

>And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

To build on this, if the probability of life appearing on a planet and evolving intelligence, Y, is one in (equal or larger than X), then we are most certainly alone. It is also possible that the probability of life evolving have odds approaching one in (number of planetary bodies with the potential for life), in which case it seems likely that we are alone. We just don't know how large or small the probability is for life to arise.

>it is highly debatable that hell is a place of suffering for eternity

it is according to the pastors ive heard preach. if souls that dont go to heaven dont go to hell to be tortured for all eternity, what happens to them?

Planet earth is about 4.5 bil years old where as the universe is 13 bil. Of course there werent planets that could sustain life, or planets at all, from the get go but there are probably planets 2 times as old as ours, fucking millions if not billions of them.

Another thing when discussing life, we look for planets that can sustain our life, but it is possible that you can have a lifeform that has nothing in common with what we see on earth.

comfy actually.

I believe androids created them.

You seem to be playing devil's advocate against several posts.

Do you have any beliefs of your own? Or do you just argue for the sake of arguing?

Hell NDEs stories and vids are great. There a dozens of them, you should take a look.

Well thats amazing footage.

The firmament is real. fuck me silly.

> therefore there is only suffering there as you choose to be away from God.

what about some pygmy, hunter gatherer in africa who has never heard the name 'jesus', does he deserve an eternity of suffering like the bible says he will, even if he lived a righteous life? he didnt choose to be away from god.

>durrrrr I'm one with the force maaaaan

Vibrate a visable swastka onto my wall then fucker


Again, are you going to make your own point on anything? Or are you only hear to refute arguments? Seems like a weird way to spend one's evening.

>hate to be that guy
Same, till I realized THAT guy was right about a lot of shit.
Being young you grow into thinking stigmas matter, they don't. Just because something sounds weird or crazy doesn't mean it isn't a possibility.

I'm generally amused how most Christians will act surprised and indignant if you say God is an Alien. If God created the Earth then he existed before it was formed and is therefor an extraterrestrial.

Grey aliens from the future have traveled back in time to interbreed with current earth humans. They abduct humans and steal their spern and ova, and manipulate genes of earth babies, that's why there are so many autistic kids these days.

>calls me a kike
>devotes his life to kike on a stick

the fact that life exists on earth makes it likely that alien life could exist. this however doesnt work for the existence of god. we have a fair amount of evidence that man evolved from earlier hominids. we dont need god as an explanation anymore.

t. Mormon

Doesn't matter anyway your going to have to hit the speed of light without vaporising for a straight 40years minimum. You will never reach them without quantum physics so why care if they do or not

Look out across an ocean of darkness and void for billions of light years, to find tiny pin pricks of light to stare at, see stuff like this and doubt that God exists.

Aliens have technology to travel faster than the speed oof light and travel through time.

yeah his lisp becomes grating. good videos otherwise though.

Life in our solar system originated on mars, they lived and thrived for thousands of years, the planets environment went to shit and they came to Earth, they were wiped out on earth by some event and we spawned.

look up the operation Stargate papers.

Remember, the Jews rule the stars. The Space Jew is the final boss

Negative sir, I am a proud Christian of the Pentecostal persuasion.

We would of met them already and they'd probably live amongst us long in the past since we could be used for slave labour

Am I speaking Greek or do you not have an answer? You just try to refute posts without having anything of substance to say for yourself.

Plus the fact that we have a theory for our own evolution hardly concludes the question of whether or not God exists.

you mean (((them)))?

Imagine if mankind had said that everytime a desire or thought crossed our minds, you'd be dweeling in the caves yet.

Okay, now I know youre a lying subversive kike that has never read the Bible, since you ask such a basic bitch question that any plebe can answer.
>For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
We all deserve Hell lad, but youre actually going there for being a deceptive lying kike like the Christ killers who came before you.

The eternal torture chamber thing was made up by the Catholics. Paradise and Hell are most likely intermediate states before the final judgement where God will create a new heaven and earth and destroy all evil.

Umm yeah? Do you even Zachariah Sitchen?


That logic is retarded earth was already predicted to be sphere long before the discovery of the americas