Is circumcision a way to attempt to induce sociopathy in men?
Is that why the Jews are unstoppable despite their lower IQ, that they are an army of sociopaths?
Is circumcision a way to attempt to induce sociopathy in men?
It functions as a symbolic castration of the male, and confers authority over one's household to the female.
The subconscious mind codes the act as truth no matter what the conscious mind thinks about it.
doesn't the extreme pain scar the kid's mind forever, though?
>the trauma of circumcision has been linked to autism
>the jews made circumcision the norm in america when it was only common for subhumans or medical reasons such as phimosis previously
well i never!
bankers are the original weaponised autists. we're just beginning to catch up
No, retards. It's not that elaborate. When you're a cutfag, it's the only thing you've ever known and most of the time you won't even find out youre any different until youre older. Literally no difference. Also, having an aesthetic benis is breddy gudd.
>inb4 assmad kike'd cutfag
Circumcision is a way to establish ownership of a male child. For the rest of their life, in their most intimate moments he will be forever reminded that he is owned by someone that was an adult when he was a child. He will never feel pleasure the way he could, he is forever crippled and mutilated.
i didnt know empathy resided in the foreskin
and where are you getting this jews have a lower IQ notion
>there are people with foreskin posting on this board rn
desu worse than niggers and women posting here.
along with hormones in milk, tv, vaccines, dads who wear old spice
you can make an argument to link anything to autism
maybe its not chopping parts of our dicks off, but it's the culture we have inherited that is causing this rise in "autism"?
That's like saying that if you get raped as a kid it doesn't matter because empathy doesn't reside in your asshole. You still get fucked up. The pain of getting your dick mutilated probably scars your mind for life, even if you don't remember it
Are you a kike? Were you cut by a rabbi?
This. They're building a literal autist/sociopath army. The only way they could manage to do everything they're doing is if they feel no empathy or shame
>literally no difference
Reduced sensitivity is one hell of a difference, you retard. Don't try to defend this kikery that's been forced on kids.
No. Parents are protestant Christians. I was cut at birth. They are kike lovers. I'm indifferent about it really.
Were you anesthetized during the procedure?
I'm not trying to defend it at all, I'm just saying it not as big of deal as this thread is trying to make it. Your opinion on the matter isn't even relevant since you're not cut. Just because you make it a huge deal cause da joos doesn't mean it is one. There's plenty of other important and pressing Jewish tricks that are more demanding of immediate attention. That said, it's not a practice I really agree should be forced on anyone.
Nigger I was fucking fresh out of my mom's vagoo how the fuck would I know. I'm guessing not
But it was with a scalpel and performed in a sanitary environment by a surgeon, not some pedo cocksucking rabbis teeth.
>lower IQ
Do you mean higher?
If circumcision was so bad, why do the Jews do it to themselves? Aren't they supposed to be controlling us goyim?
autism is caused by iodine deficiency. Increases likelihood FOUR times, and is present in almost everyone in the USA because of the lack of iodine enriched flour + presence of fluoride in water (blocks iodine uptake by thyroid).
to control the goyim you must understand the goyim and to understand the goyim you must become the goyim
It's from having parents that are so brainwashed, they willingly take their child to the local cult indoctrination centre to be mutilated. Sick fucks.
>cut off our dicks
>convince other people to cut off their dicks
> ???
> Profit
not trying to be an asshole towards a fellow Christian. i'm just asking because it directly relates to my point in the OP: that the trauma might affect the brain, like said.
it depends on your definition of bad. if you want healthy kids i guess it's bad, if you're a sociopath who wants an army of ruthless, dishonorable men running banks, governments, and pulling the string to get people murdered and cultures torn apart, wouldn't you want your kids to be sociopaths like you? maybe strong, early trauma makes it more likely.
also, AFAIK there are some differences between the goy and the jewish procedures.
There is no recollection of it because it is done right after birth so no trauma then, and no later life trauma cause I just didn't care and found a qt to suck down on my aesthetic peen anyway. Still feels good man. Although sometimes I wonder how it would feel different if I was more sensitive. But desu I have a hard enough time lasting more than a few mins anyway, but that's probably cause I don't watch porn and don't fap.
So circumcision is the secret weapon that makes the Jews so Jewy?
Why the fuck aren't we enforcing mandatory circumcision? Surely we will be running the world in a generation
i'm not saying it's a bad thing necessarily. i don't know, maybe it's a gift. they're in charge and there must be a reason why they're doing it to themselves. just trying to figure out what it may be.
I'm speculating here obviously, we can make a distinction between jews and goys. Maybe the reason why they spread it among goys is just to make dick sucking rabbis more socially acceptable while also making a buck.
But i'm mostly interested in what jews do to their own kind, the entire ritual. It must have a historical basis, it must have affect their psyche or culture over the years. There aren't many studies on how it might affect the brain and (((they)))'re really hell bent on not letting there be such studies. Until now I assumed it was because the pain was extreme or because it may be bad for the baby in some way or another, but what if the real reason is that it's more likely to induce sociopathy, making your kid more likely to succeed as a politician, banker, etc?
I'm also not saying it's guaranteed to cause sociopahty, just marginally increasing the chances would be enough. If it increased the sociopaths among you from the world average of 2% to, say, 8%, then you're breeding a race much more likely than average to be shrewd and ruthless
If your parents were Jewish then you are "born" Jewish, meaning if the Jews take over then cutting off the foreskin of a baby would be the norm worldwide.
yes, and it goes beyond that.
Imagine this:
-you're a sociopath, incapable of feeling empathy or remorse
-you're part of a group, cult, or whatever, that you have deep respect and intellectual admiration for
-you're entrusted a newborn, that is to become a full member of your group. you feel no empathy towards it, but you care about its destiny in the sense that it is potentially one of you.
-you're tasked with turning the newborn into a sociopath like you, however, he must still be socially functional and capable of coexisting relatively unnoticed with society at large.
What would you do?