Isn't mass immigration the only solution to Japan's declining and aging population? They don't have a choice.
Isn't mass immigration the only solution to Japan's declining and aging population? They don't have a choice
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Too many people on that island as it is. They have robots. They don't need your advice.
No you stupid kike
Death to globalism
Ship over some virile weeaboos to breed with their women
Let robotics take care of all tedious jobs.
Lower population isn't necessarily a bad thing.
1. Some jobs can't be automated
2. Automation is too expensive for most jobs
only decent answer. the only reason its seen as a massive problem is because kike run media said so and normies gobble that shit up.
This bait should be deleted on sight, it's been discussed to death already and it happens every week, fuck off
Japan is far less of a ponzi scheme than most western societies.
Falling population won't bring it to its knees.
Once again, Japan is far less of a ponzi scheme than most western nations. The base economic reason migrants are heavily promoted is that the ponzi scheme requires parents to devour the wealth of their children,.
Japan is a relatively small, resource-poor island with ridiculously high population density. There's nothing wrong with their numbers going down for a while. Eventually they'll need to stabilize, but they can do that with their own children. They don't need a bunch of niggers and sandniggers ruining the nice, peaceful country they've developed.
the jews have now managed to subvert the Japanese by lowering their reproduction rate via porn. I thought Japanese had the highest IQ. how can we even compete?
They should just let me in, I'll make a child to every cute gook I encounter.
Problem solved.
They very much have a choice. The choice to die as a culture and people that were relatively resistant to the globalist invasion of lesser cultures.
Too many damn people. Its time to go the other way. Population control.
It's a problem when you have more people retired living of welfare then there are people paying taxes.
Fuck off nigger. Leave Japan alone.
Bored of this bait already.
Kys kasoku
I'd rather let my country die than fill it with somalies.
To all the people saying no... You idiots know nothing about economics and geography.
There is a shortage of labor and an aging population that must be supported by fewer and fewer people. What do you propose is the solution you faggots?
Does a different color than your own really piss you off that bad? Mass immigration is arguably one of the reasons America is such a dominant economic power. We're stealing all the intelligent minds from all over the world and making them ours (not these days however, our standards have dropped? but you stupid fags think that's bad because some of them speak a different language?
Pol seriously is a despicable place
They don't need population control, natural growth is doing that for them.
At this point yeah, they should import some poos or something if they want to maintain their economy. Its already a densely populated place though
>only solution
>1. Some jobs can't be automated
>2. Automation is too expensive for most jobs
Japan's low birthrates are entirely women's fault. Japanese women are the most hypergamous women on earth. This is the one case where porn was a genuine niche-covering business rather than a jewish trick as japanese women WON'T have sex or relationships with 85%+ of japanese men.
Good for you. If someone needs melting pot they can go to america
>There is a shortage of labor and an aging population that must be supported by fewer and fewer people. What do you propose is the solution you faggots?
Let the old and unfit die. Stop forcing people to live longer so you can keep bleeding them you fucking kike.
No, they need to get rid of their jewish central bank which has been punishing them for wwii.
There are two outcomes to immigration to Japan
1. The immigrants integrate and stop breeding as is the culture. In which the problem is still not solved.
2. The immigrants don't integrate and all things distinct to Japan die anyway so nothing is solved.
>There is absolutely no solution which conforms to my narrow socialistic worldview so this is only option
This is why I hate debating liberals because they are just that close minded
its the end
Go watch ghost in the shell, not that hollywood shit, watch the original, it is a documentary video.
Then just have quotas. Problem solved.
I'm just saying that immigration is an important economic toll and Japan will probably need it. Do you have an alternate solution? I'm willing to hear it.
No, they basically just need to die off to lower their population, then they will be fine. Too many people on one small island is no good.
Only if you are into infinite economic growth and welfare state stuffs; A ponzi scheme you know. The population will eventually stabilize to more sustainable level when the old die off.
Increasing the population with societal dregs is literally passing on the aging population problem to the next generation except with the caveat of a fuckton of other problems. Let them automate and have the population drop.
I'm 32 and terrified for Europe. We're going to be poorer and have even fucking more old people to deal with every generation except it's more lower class poor scum from ahithole countries
Immigration is needed for ponzi schemes.
Because their labor is undervalued for the purpose of propping up the ponzi scheme of western society.* = PS
Japan through robotics and automation might be the first "western" society to not devour the wealth of their children.
PS: A secondary purpose is to rob the ambitious people of the world from their respective countries and into western nations.
It's their own Kalergi. I bet she has (((help))).
>passing on the aging population problem to the next generation
That's disgustingly understatement. It's not the next generation, but all the following generations till the end of time. Some American retards imported slaves to make some more shekels in their cotton farms hundreds years ago and their grandgrandgrandgrand children are still paying for their greed.
I am sorry to inform you that Europe is done unless some reconquista happens.
look the japs can let me an americna in and ill gladly take your women as long as they arent ugly ok
Japan has problems, but mass immigration will only cause riots in the streets. Do you really think Muslim immigrants get jobs? They don't even bother to learn the language where they live, you dumb cunt. "Don't have a choice"... fuck off.
Oh no with 1 million less births the kikes will make slightly less money. It's a fucking disaster, better bring in niggers and muslims instead
So stupid you think it came from a leaf!
Heres an idea:
Got a declining population? Give incentives to young people to have children.
Old people still around? Are they so old they're practically useless? Euthanize.
Abortion? Birth Control? Illegal.
Degenerate media like porn? Illegal.
There, I solved your problems. Now go become a politician and take my advice and make it reality.
We need a new Alhambra Decree.
Nice proxy kike.
> To all the people saying no... You idiots know nothing about economics and geography.
I bet I know more then you, burger.
Governments believe in financial capitalism and therefore borrow money from creditors. What credit is paying for the present by leveraging the future. But since the future requires as much resources as the present, more and more laborers and exponential growth is required to pay debts. It is a pyramid scheme, and one that is going to fail soon in the face of automation and transhumanism.
>Abortion? Birth Control? Illegal.
Why would you want people not wanting to have children to have children be forced upon them? Why would you want more trash?
I don't really understand why people are so scared about this, when in fact this is a good chance for the first world to cleanse itself from liberalism, nihilism and the hedonistic trash and let the people, who actually want families and want a future for their families and their children to take over.
And it's possible unless you let another trash swarm in from the outside and take over.
Japan's birth rate is only .44 percent less than the United States. Did you ever think maybe it's being exaggerated so the everyone would guilt the last, remaining homogeneous country into letting in shitskins that rape and murder
>only solution
Or just having kids
>Isn't mass immigration the only solution to Japan's declining and aging population? They don't have a choice.
Very easy solution for Japan, just have kids. Also, saged.
What I really love in this world is leftists are always saying capitalism is shit and the planet isn't gonna supports our overproduction forever.
Yet there capitalist masters tell them that countries' population in Japon or Germany needs to grow forever to supports this very economic model, and they swallow it without thinking twice !
101 regarding mass immigration:
-You're a socialist and supporting forever growing population is perpetuating Earth and climate rapid decay.
-You're a conservative and don't want these filthy scums in your lovely place no matter what, family favoring policies and autation should do the trick.
Honestly, who except Corporation and their proxy government could truly support massive immigration ? This shit makes no sens.
japan is already infested with chinese and korean scum. no need to pollute it even more