Hello fellow kekistanis I was wondering if we could discuss our God emperor or our diety in this thread. May Kek bless your soul and shadilay
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Go fuck yourself OP you Damn redditor Kek is for faggots and you're a faggot
literally kys
this is the most magical thing i've seen in months
Don't you two see that If you trust in kek all your wishes or greatest desires will come true
Sargon pls go
It's over. Stop.
No faggot fucking kill yourself and take your faggot shit with you
Trump loves Israel, fuck him.
>hating on trump supporters that just happen to be from reddit
what are you all, a bunch of hebes?
hello based pedes
Kek souled for your die.
Bunch of kike loving normie faggots in your pic.
Trust in our God emperor for our numbers and words will create a new state of Kek far beyond our imagination
This /based/ leaf gets it
When Trump nukes Israel and kicks out the ZOG, then I'll buy his bullshit.
fuck off
Why wont you just fucking kill yourself, no one will care if you left this earth I bet trump is the closest thing you've gotten to a father figure you damn nostril seething cunt
Yall really killed the whole "kek" thing. I cringe when I see posts like this,
dirty gaels.
it's all over sorry
reddit vape shoppes have destroyed your religion
i take that back i don't even know much about gaels. but those guys look stupid.
Embrace Kek for he is the saviour of our times, the sides, the digits and the holy emperor. Doesn't truly compare to our covfefe God emperor though
I like kekistan
You do, but how do I know if you're /our guy/?
>those based black white supremcists
Jesus Christ what kind of heretical shit is this, straight from three neckbeards mouth. Let me guess, you look like pic related
Our God Emperor has lost his Mandate of Heaven, Kek's wrath be upon him for his betrayal of Kekistan.
It's pretty interesting to watch this play out in real life.
I was at the 3rd Berkeley battle (where bike lock guy was), and it was cool for a second to see the Kek flag (first time I had seen one IRL, didn't know they made them) and then I saw who was under it. The weirdest fuckin people yelling "free kekistan!!!"
I suppose it was more T_D users than polacks, or probably Sup Forums users who only really started coming here after the election.
But Sup Forums has always been like that, even back in 06-09 when Sup Forums was actually turning out good content. Before "meme" was a word that baby boomer parents knew what it meant, Boxxy shitposting kind of stuff. Funny shit would start on Sup Forums, eventually migrate to Reddit where it would get corrupted and played out, then 9gag or whatever, and by the time the nasty jpeg'd cropped and watermark pics made it to Facebook, the joke was already so dead that Sup Forums didn't even use it anymore.
Just interesting to see "normies" corrupt shit. Do you guys think that it's because normies co-opted Pepe and Kek that they died, or is this just the natural life cycle happening again?
Don't you dare speak ill of our God emperor you shill be gone from this thread heretic. Deus KEK!
Kek hasn't died, he's a God and Gods never die. Kekistanis will live on as long as Keks wisdom spreads to the normies and redpills a generation
Tryhard bait
>intentional cringe
That's fucking it you damn faggot I'm dumping my pics showing you what complete faggots you look like, maybe you'll have some clarity
You're a shill fucking shariablue, who sent you the DNC?
Kek has turned his eyes from the current God Emperor. If you can't see what him and his subservient supporters have done to the Kekistani image then you are truly blinded. We must seek out the next God Emperor and hope that he'll bring us out of the darkness once again.
Southern Poverty Law Center
Praise kek
Youdfucking normies runiend the kek meme. It will still be used but you sargon and "kekistan" should burn in a fire
Kek is all inclusive user the swatsika has no place in Kekistan
I hope a nigger breaks into your house tomorrow and punts you in the ribs with his Jordan's. Then fucks your fat mom while you watch.
The sad part is you could be literally just copy and pasting T_D posts.
I'll admit that I lurked TD a lot pre election, it was a quick way to catch up on the news and it's mostly SFW, easier to browse at my desk than pol, but jesus that place has gone to shit.
Anger in your hearts, give in to the one true God user. See the light your numbers entail
lmao praise kek!
Every day I praise Kek that our God-Emperor won! Shadilay brother and sisterpedes!
>rrreddit, im a kekistan reddit, god doesnt exist free pepe reddit
You are angry because you know it's the truth.
Holy shit you are. The true heritcs of the kek faith. You reditors and normies took it and made it shit. We have to clear the church of this hearsey
You couldn't have lurked the_Donald pre-election since Sup Forums made it during the election. You need to go back too
Kek is both a reddit and Sup Forums meme, please respect our beliefs
>before the election
>November 9th
Nice cringe thread
I consider the months leading up to the election day part of the election No words, only anger
hello fellow based pedes let's upvote this post so it's the first result in google when people search for OP
are the days before 9/11 "pre-9/11" or is that one too difficult for you?
Praise Kek
Cringe?how is this cringe? Having conviction in your beliefs isn't cringe, it's the exact opposite
It's threads like these that are going to get a Democrat elected in 2020. That's the only fucking way.
No because the days before 911 no one But select officers were aware of a terrorist attack going to happen. Nice false equivalence.
I'm focusing on other things right now
Leave r/the_donald. That meme died months ago
Sup Forums flips left and shills for a dem candidate in 2020 just to troll T_D users for lulz... interesting turn of events.
You guys killed kek.
Fuck off
Praise Kek he is with us today blessing this glorious thread
Digits confirm. All kek fags BTFO.
T_D users will justify this.
Go back to re*ddit faggot
Kek is not Jesus, faggot
I feel very neutral about kekistan enthusiasts and Sup Forums puritans but I love seeing you two at each others throats.
It didn't die, look at all /our guys/ in Berkerely college fighting SJWs and antifa for our God emperor or for Kek.
This meme just started and keks reign will never end
You're right he's Kek
Fucking faggot die already
kekistan, like any other political idea is subject to immediate co-option and subversion
I hope your mom is dying in her sleep while you're busy shitposting in this thread. You acned faggot.
>these are the people calling you nigger and cuck
Yeah globalist subversion and liberal subversion. Don't try to imply that Jews will try to undermine our movement when there are Jewish 'pedes making sure we MAGA the right way. Also Israel is our greatest ally trump even said so
I mean t shirt or whatever is one thing, but the hand painted shields are a little much...
Nice to see basement dwellers out of the basement.
I'm still concerned about kek's return this September. How's everything else feeling about that?
Its not shitposting in the slightest, Kek deserves its own thread on the board that found him
You guys know they're here right, I mean this thread is living proof but they're grouping here for some odd reason
Oh wow Milo, love that fag shame about his firing tho
kek pride world wide
Thanks Kek
>t-mobile phone
Confirmed PoC.
That's right brother!!!
That's not my screenshot btw
How long are you guys gonna ignore these digies?
>Kek faggots call us the normies
That's one of mcinnes' proudboys. They wore those same black shirts with the gold in Berkeley while they were bodyguarding Lauren southern.
Fun fact.