Where will the Gringos go when non-whites inevitability become majority? Better buy a ticket to Poland.
Mexicans are coming for you Gringos
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well they hate blacks more than whites, so whites will have time to either leave or make peace
Nah, I'm gonna stay here and bleach all your little brown mamacitas.
I already know first hand how thirsty they are for white genes and men taller than circus midgets.
Whites and Mexicans already coexist rather peacefully in border areas. Second or third generation Mexicans usually align similarly with white values.
There will be no where else to go. US is already fucked, UK is already fucked, only literally where's like aus and nz are still really white and even we're taking in chinks at an alarming rate. Can you imagine the chance of nuclear war if a black guy gets his hands on the nuclear codes AGAIN??? We already got lucky once that obama didn't chimp out
Irish American here. I work with resident Mexicans and Italians at a pizza shop. We all have a good time making fun of blacks. And they can't fucking stand Guatemalans.
Sure....lets call it Coexist. But we will be on top and we will treat you gringos like our little bitches if you wan't to stay in the new US of M.
Non-whites will only be a majority in the South. Besides, even if they are a majority in the cities, there is always the countryside which always seems to be White, even where I lived in South Texas.
Sheeeeeit. You seen the leadership of Mexico? They all have a high degree of white genes.
Subconsciously or not, you revere whiteness and will always elevate it within your societies wherever you can find it. You were bred to do so, ever since the Spaniards began ploughing your women all those years ago. They just can't get enough.
Don't worry though, Pablo. I'll only seed your woman, you can have her back once I'm finished.
They are muh Homies too.
We all hate the lazy Gringo calling us names while we run this country. Especially the Cheeto Man.
Yo fuck u wanna be 5crap ass nigga fuck u punk, come 559 il make u my bitch scrapa fuck u up kid rat face ratta. Im strapped i kill people like u faggot.
White babies are already in minority. I think the things are going to be a bit different than you imagine in the future. Be sure to teach all the women in your family español.
You didn't try enough but have a you.
At least you tried.
Gringo is *TRIGGERED*
Not even white, but i bet ur just a white boi larping sliding threads. Fuck out my pol kid, im real mex unlike your mixed race ugly ass. U probs in between cuz u scared of being called white or allignin with mexicans. Thats some cuckery right there
Nah. Niggers and gooks will still speak English as well, so the majority will continue long after I die of old age.
In the meantime though, I'll be spreading my seed into every last spic slut I can find. My descendants will be revered within your society, possibly even rise to lead it, while your shitskin offspring toil away in the dirt for their benefit. Like your kind always does.
I always love this bait.
>Mexicans flee Mexico because it's such a horrible place to live.
Why is is horrible? Because Mexicans live there and run the place
>Mexicans wants to make America into Mexico
>Someday America could be just as horrible as Mexico.
So where will the Mexicans flee then?
awful larping
> Better buy a ticket to Poland
sorry, we are full
>Second or third generation Mexicans usually align similarly with white values.
I guess you're just as stupid as the republicans of the past that thought that they could control and attract "latino" voters by allowing amnesty....Fucking moron, Don't come here and spout clear jidf crap. If you mean they align with white values by meaning they vote democrat disproportionally, then yes, your are right and retarded at the same time. Just like any other 3rd world trash we take then they vote democrat because they offer the most gibs. You think they are going to "align with white values" when they are the majority? or are they going to rewrite the laws so that they are not just "equal" but more than "equal"....it'll be like anywhere else that whites have become minorities in their own country. Economic collapse, naturalized segregation, hatred of whites, constant civil unrest ect ect.
>Better buy a ticket to Poland.
Fuck off we are full.
>We all hate the lazy Gringo calling us names while we run this country.
Listen here juan, Spics do not provide even anything remotely close to their fair share of the GDP in this country based on population proportion. You fucking squat Incan, bastard goblin language speaking filth need to leave before we make you leave again.
>would deny white immigrants to poland
wtf is wrong with you?
I would deny immigrants from other culture.
You are not slavs, you have no chances of ever learning polish and fully integrating.
Too late. I bet you don't even lift
Don't be so harsh on him, Paweł. My best friend has Australian father that can't speak Polish and it is not a problem. Maybe if we get some white immigrants from the USA, then people will be more realistic that the more economic freedom the better, otherwise we have to wait until every generation born before 1989 dies out
Don't racemix with those ugly brown people, and don't create more mongrel children.
Are you serious annon?
Fuck off
>whitey leaves or dies and there's no more welfare for all the beaners
Where will the beaners go when they make America just as shitty as the place they left?
i hate spics like you, you're worse then the niggers.
whites willl help us fight jews and blacks, enjoy belonging to the kikes and niglets if you side against them faggot
>whites willl help us
Why should we?
See, this is why non-whites should always stay a minority, because they are all malevolent, self-centered sub-humans.
>You are not slavs
while i admire your aspiration for your own people, it's very selective and specific in-group preference like you laid out is still inherently jewish in nature. I would gladly take south african whites that don't know english into america. Even if gen 1 didn't learn english, gen 2 would, and their genetic breeding stock value is better than alternatives that are non-white. Every county allows immigration, so wouldn't you want whites as apposed to non-whites? You seem to down play american whites, but if any sort of data can show you, we are just as high in IQ as european whites, and to boot we assimilate into other cultures easily.
as if you can fight off the nignogs or kikes without us at this point dumbass
you need right wing hispanics on your side to win the upcoming RaHoWa, and you'll lose if you decide you don't
1st of all why all americans post russian gopniks when talking about slavs?
2nd of all we are 99.9% white, you will soon be minority, our ways work we ain't changing them.
>i bet you don't even lift.
no. i don't. I'm a white male in my mid 20's of average build. I manufacture my own ammunition & build my own guns. I've shoot over 100,000 rounds and have yet to meet a LEO or military man than can out shoot me. Lift your dumbbells do some squats and tell yourself that you won't be sniped at 300yrd with a .233 like a bitch nigger.
I am polish and genius getting masters, I am good
No friend, Jew Zealand and Australia are being colonized by non whites at an ever faster rate. We have "white" infiltrators here, at first glance they look white but they may have Maori ancestry. We can not allow our bloodlines to be tainted by such individuals.
They should not be in white countries period
>Whites lose
>To niggers and spics
You know that's basically impossible, right? Shit people have yet to win a single war against whites since, I dunno, the Crusades or something. Nigs have yet to win a war, period.
Idk about the hive mind, but at first it was kinda poking fun, now i think it's sort of a jab/glorification at gopnik's. My sister in-law is from Ukraine and think's that our take on gopniks is funny.
>you will soon be minority
what the hell does that mean? Yeah 99.9% of your country is white, but allowing more 99-100% genetic whites into your country isn't going to lowe that number? Follow up question, what end of the bell curve are you on?
The US in a nutshell lmao
>My best friend has Australian father
>but allowing more 99-100% genetic whites
That's the issue, you guys are so goddamn genetically mixed it's hard to tell how "white" some of you really are. Also don't you people have guns? Stay and fix your goddamn country instead of runing away.
>what the hell does that mean? Yeah 99.9% of your country is white, but allowing more 99-100% genetic whites into your country isn't going to lowe that number? Follow up question, what end of the bell curve are you on?
The point is that you can't just learn Polish mentality, you need to be born with it. This kind of stubbornness can be found nowhere else.
And as you can see, you felt for jewish tricks, while we can smell it from miles away
but we are Mexico of Europe
and on top of that WE'RE FULL
We don't want any you fucking brainwashed by liberals fuckers, is it clear?
>99-100% genetic white is not enough because you could be Irish and German and Latvian all at the same time.
Dont be such a dense nigger. White is white. You wanna hold on to just slav life and your ethic slaves, then you're going to have a bitter sweet fall from grace when every ally that you had leaves because you shunned them and let the foreign hordes take over, but oh no, you'll be fine when every country on every surrounding boarder is getting shitskin'd. They'll never get in right?
>Also don't you people have guns? Stay and fix your goddamn country instead of running away.
I will not be running away. Some will, and i expect my brothers in arms and race to open their white altruistic hearts and accept them. I will be on the front lines (Live in LA atm), The biggest issue with "awe hell, you gots guns burger" argument is... our (((constitution))) allows everyone that's a "citizen" to own them. Gun stores i've gone to in this spicland are...full of, you guessed it, spics, buying guns "legally" too, go figure. They will have firepower come the day, but i doubt they will be able to match the white man, even if they out number us 10 to 1.
>didn't read previous post that let to this one
>mental inability to understand that polish is a language, and can be learned like any other.
>reference to jewish tricks without explain which trick is being played
Low IQ confirmed. You not only make polish people looks bad, but all of whites with this low rung cognitive ability.
>calling fellow white man nigger
That's pretty much only reason we need to never allow you or any member of your family into Poland for next 4 thousands years.
And yes we will be perfectly fine when all west countries will become muslim land. Hell we might even go and "help them" and get some more clay. It's not like all those "doctors and engineers" will suddenly learn how to operate jetplanes and tanks after they will decide to slaughter natives one night. Our army will do just fine agains some retards on toyota hiluxes wielding kalashnikovs.
those are el salvadorians you maricon
Full of cum, specially your women that crave Russian seed.
Plus it would be hard to become retarded like the poles, you'd have to smash half your skull
>Calling fellow white man nigger
Glad to see you can flip your thought process and argument to any current situation. Saying we are not white enough,then to saying we are "fellow white men", you're clearly a fucking kike. Gas yourself moshe. We, that is to say, THE REAL WHITE MAN, see through your tricks.
I like how our "powerful" cucked neighbors are so full of fear. I hope you don't come here when the nukes detonate over your cities. We are full.
Good keep thinking that. You are true white man, we are horrible assholes and you do not wan't to ever come to Poland. My mission is completed.
Stop LARPing.
Anyone who's parent was born in Mexico is naturally a citizen of Mexico. OP is LARPing and so is everyone else itt though
i was calling you a jew, because you're either a jew or you'd be low IQ for all the misinterpretation from my clear language and arguments you cant seem to grasp.
Also all jokes aside i would probably have nothing against white americans moving here if your goverments would not treat us like utter shit for all those years. Pretending we are close allies and still wanting visas from us when we wan't to come and visit while promising us every fucking year it will change.
they want visas because you fucking steal everything you can get your hands on.
>>Niggers of Europe
>hostility towards common american despite it being elite class making these decisions.
You Think anyone(common citizen) was consulted when america started letting in 3rd worlders and cutting ties with european immigration? The 1965 immigration act was created out of thin air, not public out cry and demand for it. Politicians just wrote it up, and voted yes on it. They promised that it wouldn't alter things like it has, but they lied. Governments lie. "The Elite" class doesn't give a fuck about policy or virtue or doing whats best for the citizenry. To them, we are cattle, and no matter what they do, they can always win "elections" in a "democracy". All they have to do is say what the people want to hear, pour money into a campaign, then once in office, they do the opposite. Idk if you're familiar with john mcCain, but he's the embodiment of this. He votes left, pushes for far left liberal pollicy, trashes his parties leader, but has been winning his senate seat since 1987 because he runs with an (R) next to his name, says just all the gawd darn right conservative things on the campaign tail anddddd take in and out spends his opponent 10 fold each election. Our country has been sold out by our elite that would rather take a pay day advance loan than to invest in real estate. I just hope our fellow White nations can see this and harbor our people that cannot stand to be witness to the blood shed and horrors that await this land. Call them "white refugees" or what have you. I'd just be thankful some of our own would escape and be able to prosper among their own kind, even if they never came back to america, i'd be glad they and their genetic stock of white DNA survived and allowed for more whites to produce in the long run.
you might not lose the war, but you're losing demographically
use that failed public education and read that again user. I said you can't beat the niggers or kikes without us because take a look at the West. You're losing. Right wing hispanics tilted the election your way, we are a large majority of the troops in our military
pull your head out of your ass. whites like you are half your problem.
But they will be ruling a third world country...