This thread is kinda intended to be a continuation of .
ITT: post any kind of shit that has anything to do with pedophile rings and brainwashing children.
This thread is kinda intended to be a continuation of >>127943792
Other urls found in this thread:
Some videos by h3h3 shedding light on the subject
>by the recipient should get together soon regarding the upcoming events box bridges we hubby eftuuceruytfv ducting the same trip xg tech the bronze. .
My guess is kids with phones just hitting buttons. Bots could do better than that.
>trusting a jew
Every time you morons fall for this.
Every single time.
This isn't just any money garnering scheme, these are inter-connected channels that are used to communicate with various trafficking rings, on a global scale no less.
What you see are secretly placed innuendos, hidden messages that only a select few can truly understand and interpret-that is how they communicate. These messages are hidden anywhere from in the video to the thumbnail itself. Automated AIs are not entirely random in their uploads, a selective procedure is used to pick certain categories of messages-whether the video is going to be used to communicate or as an offer to any buyer.
It's incredibly complicated to truly understand the fundamentals, that is, if you are not already indoctrinated into this global cabal. There are all sorts of videos pertaining to these communication methods that they use, not only are they ones which garner millions of views-but there are obscure ones which are used to communicate more 'intensive' offers. It's almost an entire language, not unlike number stations.
You don't have to trust him.
Take his viewpoints and form your own view.
I'm not clicking on any of those links
Yeah remember the comment about the colours in pic related ? I have a theory. Some videos have multiple different coloured images in the thumbnail, like a spiderman or hulk. For example there might be a red hulk, green hulk and yellow hulk. The thumbnails are like a guide for the pedes to brainwash the kids how they want, since each color represents a different thing (eg Pink- destroy core personality)
why do you watch such a sanctimonious asshole?
Well you better buck up and click on
It's gonna be a long night
I don't.
It's just that nobody else really bothers paying attention to this stuff.
The fact that they aren't flipping the fuck out because of the easy cash in from the pedo videos sorta gives me the idea that they have insider knowledge and have been shut up/C&D'd
This is true. I hate most of their content but at least they spotted it and called them out when they did
Also anyone else getting physically sick from this and shivering or am I just a weak faggot?
>inb4 literally shaking
It depends on how much you are exposed to mainstream shit/how susceptible to hypnosis you are. The actual cipher/Finder's cult videos are like this x1000 in terms of mindfuckery tho
mayb skdjfkjhhhhdhhfksj bbbbllkjlkn hax okdofhohshdfo google osbduofbs oudbfouboudf accts sdkjonobojbbbbfsdfsduf
No, this is truly sickening shit
I'm beyond disgusted now though, now I'm just angry
Be careful with this shit man, this is one of the MKUltra vids
It's not like he's a total nobody. If you showed people a video by somebody with less than 100 subscribers they'd immediately dismiss it as a conspiracy.
h3h3 might not be liked by many but you can't deny he's influential.
It is his wide influence that makes it all the harder to go in depth about it without risking the safety of family, friends, etc.
No you still got your soul be glad and cherish it.
Hope you guys keep digging, doing gods work here.
to heal from the effects of the videos watch above
Is there any other background or info to this video?
this is fucked up
Be angry at all the shills who still want to pull the veil over our eyes! We are going to take this world back one way or another!!!
This user posted a good link for background
Some must see shit right here
Just like the elites/pedos/occultist love to do it!
Yeah, that's true. All he needs to do is just show that this shit exists. Other people will begin looking into this crap and report back.
Here's a pastebin for this shit OP.
The rabbithole goes deeper yo
>this page has been removed!
damn they work quick
It's the good old Streisand Effect. That only means that there was something worth hiding! We must investigate further!
What is the prevailing theory for why they are using Caesar shift cipher? Why something so easily cracked?
If somebody has a copy of the pastebin in please copy it and get it on ghostbin.
dont worry she marries him in the next episode
I genuinely feel awful after watching even seconds of those videos
From that thread I guess I am not the only one
My mind feels scattered, and dirty. This entire thing is disturbing as fuck. Not to mention it looks like what could have been real CP was posted in the last thread. I AIN"T CLICKING THAT SHIT NIGGA
The mind is literally just like a computer that can be reprogrammed. It's the shit running Hollywood/Pro Sports/Daytime Television and basically anything else ((they)) allow to be mainstream. Welcome to the world of MKUltra...
I have it ++++ way more interesting material but im not home
Also have the links to the secret videos
Will post when i get home
FOXACID is a National Security Agency (NSA) software designed to hack into target computers with spam and QUANTUM — a program where servers deployed at key places on the Internet backbones impersonate legitimate Web sites and trick the target’s browser into visiting a FOXACID server. If the target’s browser is exploitable, further permanent “implants” (rootkits etc.) are deployed in the target computer, e.g. OLYMPUSFIRE for Windows, which give complete remote access to the infected machine.
Would you send your kids to this pediatrician?
The Matrix was a warning before this shit really went into full swing at the start of the 21st century btw.
my theory: could be a setup to somehow retroactively depict us as the nasty people coding/decoding once they eliminate us for getting to close
So he kidnaps her, marries then diaper. I dont understand anymore lol
Thanks for the warning bro! Palantir and Petraeus's THE HAMMER are also related to profiling internet usage of millions of people.
That's exactly what I was just thinking as well. The NSA's tools are most likely able to catch on to what is happening. We just have to hope that Trump is really /ourguy/ at this point and he can end all of it...
Wait guys did you link the coded videos from youtube in this thread? I cant see atm im on phone with shit net
Not a pastebin but the previous deleted threads o this topics can be found here
More youtube links , some decripted stuff and something about a caesar cipher
This pepe is a pandoras box. Is he /sad/ or /comfy/? redpill me if I am wrong.
Found this in my PS4 youtube history, my FUCKING 4 YEAR OLD SON HAS WATCHED THIS SHIT!
I've seen my fair share of shit on here, but this one really takes the cake
My ears are ringing and am now restless from that shit, welp guess its time to keep digging
He's both. He's warm and cozy, yet something is on him mind.
Remember the video user """"""""""""""found"""""""""""""" which had meta tags that all were like "mk ultra, mk ultra trigger." Yeah real secret operative pedo handlers put those meta tags in their videos lel. You fucking idiots fall for the dumbest shit. I told you from the beginning of the thread it was an /x/ LARP and you morons still fell for it.
I don't have any opposition to this thread in spirit. But come with REAL shit not transparent /x/ LARPs
This is social engineering targeted at children with a textbook perfect application of Freud's theories about the different stages of psychological development.
Make him stop watching that shit immediately! If any kid watching this gets kidnapped (god forbid) then it will make it easier for pedos to reprogram them into sex slaves or the like.
And fuck you man, add some proper input to the thread of fuck off if you won't help.
Im going to bed ffs
To the people who were looking for the really fucked up channel with the Indian looking guy, here ya go. This shit seriously gave me nightmares a few years back when I looked into it.
I didn't feel anything but then again, Americans were exposed to their (((media))) more often during childhood... I guess, I just wasn't conditioned that much.
Are you fucking stupid? The cia has fucked up before, it can happen again. Also why would innocent kids video entertainers call the video mkultra if it was really nothing? Also the video which you're talking about got deleted soon after that soon found that it said mkultra, meaning they must have something to hide. Fuck off pedo shill
Yeah, the background is it's an /x/ LARP that these retards fell for. It has all the hallmarks of /x/ LARPer videos. Watch any of their other LARP 2spooky videos.
>loud sounds
>jump cuts
>stupid after effects effects
>spoopy pictures
I'm adding to the thread to help not get anons misdirected with false info you stupid fuck. If you want to LARP go to /bant/ or /x/
>The second stage of psychosexual development is the anal stage, spanning from the age of eighteen months to three years, wherein the infant's erogenous zone changes from the mouth (the upper digestive tract) to the anus (the lower digestive tract), while the ego formation continues. Toilet training is the child's key anal-stage experience, occurring at about the age of two years, and results in conflict between the id (demanding immediate gratification) and the ego (demanding delayed gratification) in eliminating bodily wastes, and handling related activities (e.g. manipulating excrement, coping with parental demands). The style of parenting influences the resolution of the id–ego conflict, which can be either gradual and psychologically uneventful, or which can be sudden and psychologically traumatic.
>The ideal resolution of the id–ego conflict is in the child's adjusting to moderate parental demands that teach the value and importance of physical cleanliness and environmental order, thus producing a self-controlled adult. Yet, if the parents make immoderate demands of the child, by over-emphasizing toilet training, it might lead to the development of a compulsive personality, a person too concerned with neatness and order. If the child obeys the id, and the parents yield, he or she might develop a self-indulgent personality characterized by personal slovenliness and environmental disorder. If the parents respond to that, the child must comply, but might develop a weak sense of self, because it was the parents' will, and not the child's ego, which controlled the toilet training.
Jesus, I had an epiphany.
He never watches this shit when I'm home, putting my PS4 in the room from here on out.
I watched the video that was 12 minutes long, monarch butterflies; blue, red and yellow.
Is this what the red pill feels like, because I figuratively felt a switch flip in my brain after this.
Not those, I was reffering to the supposed mkultra videos linked in the last thread, that is also linked in one the bant thread above. I would seriously recommend just leaving those alone.
You won't be able to sleep
This is worse though. That was one guy but this is mass conditioning for international pedo rings
So, we see their faces.
Is it possible to ID them?
These are adults, and the children have parents who post photos of adults on the internet. Somebody here must have a facebook.
Am I crazy?
>Using LARP unironically
It'd be easier to send an encrypted message, moron.
You'd have to communicate how to find the video first of all if this was so secret which doesn't make any sense just to use good encryption in the first place.
Is it possible you can link me the thread or video that specifically has those videos tied to it?
I want to believe you, trust me
You shouldn't have allowed your kid to use internet at all. Make him go out and make friends.
You turned electronic appliances into his nanny and then you were surprised?
It's easy as hell to target people's basal insticts nowadays, no wonder if your kid has grown addicted to that stuff.
I mean maybe. Not sure about laws in other countries and lines crossing. I mean hell Twitter allows c-p/abuse lol. Ive tried my best but can only do so much
that is cucked and you know it.
Thanks for the link! Get ready for shill overdrive now!
I regret visiting the conspiracy sub...
How do i reverse the uneasy feeling from 2 seconds on the video i briefly saw?
Quick rundown?
You can't user. I've had it for a while now and it's torture.
lel yes, pick one word and ignore the content of my post. Go fuck yourself you useless brainlet. Like I said, I have no problem with the premise of the thread (the OP might be on to something) but you idiots are getting sidetracked with a essentially proven /x/ LARPer video/troll. Look at the fucking meta tags with inspect source for the video
This is the user that found the meta data I was the one trying to tell people it was an /x/ LARP before it was discovered. I just recognize /x/fags' style of "creepy/2spoopy" film making. All these people are newfags so they've probably never seen any of their videos
Meditation might be of some use.
Hmmm i tried listening to Gospel music and jazz and it helped. I'm afraid to sleep. Gonna wait till the morning, then get outside for some fresh air.
I've had too much time on my hands and i'm noping my way out of any conspriacy theories that aren't already on wikipedia
The fact that you've devolved to name calling shows me all I need to know. Your spirit is in the right place? Not with a fucking attitude like that buddy
Continuous SEVERE trauma to the mind at a young age (eg witnessing a murder at a young age, think Dexter.) causes the mind to compartmentalize itself in order to PROTECT itself, the new baseline compartments "identities" are able to be programmed by constant reinforcement and even triggered through color coding, words, actions etc, whatever trigger was programmed to bring that mindstate out.
Sorry, here's the pastebin
Jeez, it's like I walked into a schizophrenic dystopia when I was just on Sup Forums a minute ago.
None of this even makes sense other than children watching strangely weird videos while randomly going through youtube.
Thanks for the link man. SAVED
>I was just on Sup Forums
Go back there if you are going to be this dismissive without even taking a second to look.
made a ghostbin just in case
>strangely weird videos
And you don't think anybody could be behind them?
As expected from a faggot that browses Sup Forums in this day and age.
Anyone who still can't realize the agenda at this point when the relevant info has been posted is simply shilling/too indoctrinated.
look at the playlists of the "Babies Media TV" channel. its in 3 or 4 different languages. This is a global trafficking ring right under the nose of everyone.
if you search for these channels, the first several dozen videos are very innocent looking for the unsuspecting eye, but once you get deeper into the videos, they get VERY nefarious
Yup, thats my go to. Might listen to some Alan Watts for a little too.
Just 5 seconds of the video was scary.
My last comment on the subject is that these videos look just like the others so it could be easily confused if not careful.
I think I saw a while ago about how theres/there was a fad of poorly made cartoons showing familiar characters in odd situations...I asume this could be related.
Makes me wonder if any of the cartoons i watched when i was younger had any strange effect?
ever see the cover of the little mermaid?
or the clouds in aladdin?
this is being pushed from the top down