Wtf I love the alt-right now
Wtf I love the alt-right now
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me too, 14/88
He's right ya know.
Isn't he flagged as having been involved with interracial gay sex?
Them he jumped off the Trump as soon as the road got even the slightest bit rough.
Fuck PJW... he's a lefty.
People like this self-absorbed, holier-than-thou closet homosexual faggot really piss me off. You don't speak for me. You don't speak for "the fringe." You don't even speak for the people in the (((New-Right))). You just say whatever you can to get people to listen so you can make money and be famous. You're a cultural whore who is taking advantage of the downfal of western civilization and standing your soapbox and screaming what people want to hear, but never what to do about.
And that's why, Paul Joseph Watson, you are and will forever be nothing more than a shadow. A silhouette of the larger picture. A foregone exclusion in the annals of history once things actually go down. A foot-note is what you'll be.
Nice tie, Jew.
This guy is controlled opposition. He said outright that race doesn't matter and that culture is the only thing that matters - the latest vid about the rapefugee crises. He's working for the kikes.
>implying there aren't millions of nonwhites who love Hitler
What a fag.
PJW is a meme but this phenomenon is constantly referred back to by Sup Forums, that we are the most diverse white supremacist group in the world.
right wing policies are correct and everybody is drawn to truth eventually
Nazi fags are basement dwelling edgy scum.
>Them he jumped off the Trump as soon as the road got even the slightest bit rough.
>he didn't suck Trump's dick after the Syria strike so therefore he's off the trump train
because jews dont have wildly disproportionate power over our media, money and politicians, and jews did not leas the charge for war on Iraq and now Syria and on to Lebanon.
Fucking cuck.
He's alt lite. And hopefully gets stoned or btfo in a terrorist attack.
It's a valid point. The meteor gives coverage to attention starved loners. Generates moral outrage. Attracts more attention starved loners to the alt right. Generates more moral outrage. Attracts yet more loners etc and so on...
It will only end when everybody in either in a state of permanent moral outrage or an alt right troll.
Your red pilled person should be blaming the after math on Jewish propaganda... But nevermind me, you're a good goy!
nuright are just leftists exposed to the wrong propaganda. They are our useful idiots. Heil Hitler.
This old banned book is, truly, an amazing read:
You will find it difficult to put down once you begin reading it as it is so dead-on-target in describing the centuries-old machinations of Organized International Jewry (((OIJ))) to bring about their complete control and domination of every nation and human being upon this planet.
Note that the Jewish doctrine vowing to indebt, enslave and murder non-Jews has been staring us in the face for centuries (Torah quotes)
Judaism, in its OWN WORDS, on who is human:
>>*also see suppressed historical sources:
***re the Syraq proxy war and manufactured 'refugee' crisis (ODED YINON PLAN and KALERGI PLAN):
***re 9/11:
people have hated Jews as a group
because Jews as a group have murdered, stolen from, and hated non-Jews... as is evident all over the Torah itself, as well as the quotes of many rabbis.
And they (at least the 'elite' and the fundamentalist) believe Jews are meant to rule the entire world.
Read the Torah.
That fringe group rallied the bigger one
The alt right was a meme that got out of hand
And usually they're Muslims.
this, there's even rap songs made by based niggers who love adolf hitler
r/The_Donald BTFO
I'd love to see pjws BLACKED tape and have his career ruined so he stops shilling himself in here every night
Shut up fag
>if you fight your enemies, they win
If that's true, then as a Swede it's your duty to embrace National Socialism in order to better accommodate your Muslim brothers.
Yup like Gavin and southern. You can tell they are CIA because they try to coopt whats not theirs aka alt right
Capitalists are nigger loving trash
>He thinks I'm a swede
>i put the other opinion next to a smell fat person, therefore I'm correct.
Pepe is a racist alt right frog. I guess PJW hates Pepe now. He's just as good as Hillary. And we're all just a basket of deplorables. Pepe won the election for Trump.
wtf I love r/The_Donald now. Oh wait, it's run by jews, nevermind.
>"I'm now off the Trump train."
>"No wait I meant I'm off the Trump train with regards to Syria."
Regardless of your opinion on the matter he backpedaled at top speed. That said, he spends his efforts spreading diet red pills and pissing off liberals so I'm content to just ignore him.
>Paul (((Jewseph))) (((goys there is no evidence for Jews being in control lulz))) Watson
Fuck off, just fuck right off, then fuck off some more and don't come back.
>Sup Forums gives these fucks most of their meme material to get Trump into office
>"They had nothing to do with Trump getting elected"
Wtf I'm #I'mWithHer now
And what have you done faggot
I don't mind when people are quiet on the JQ - speaking up on it has massive consequences that not everyone is preperared to deal with. But when you go so far as to counter-signal those who aren't quiet on the JQ is when you belong in the trash.
PJW isn't an idiot, he has to be aware of the role Jews play in the things he spends his life complaining about. So this is a disingenuous and cowardly move on his behalf.
>its only a tiny fringe minority goy
>no reason to take it seriously
>just stick to the superficial, maga-hat wearing, low expectations having, eceleb worshipping right-light
>remember 6 million goy
>no impact on the election
>if the jewish owned media only focus on those bad bad fringy alt righters to make us new-coke-righters look bad.
>homosex isn't all that bad.. going to a gay bar doesn't make you gay..
>trump is winning so much. anybody who says otherwise is just a naysayer
>6 million goy... 6 million.
>don't listening to people discussing all those unpleasant things. why don't you wathc this video were i totally eviscerates this crazy SJW. hehe isn't it funny how crayjzy the left is. hehe. look how cool i sound when i debunk this Salon article. Salon really represents the opinions of democrat voters.
>did you know that jew have suffered from anti semmitism for thousands of years. how can we not support israel?? its only right they get a jewish homeland. damn those pesky arabs
>buy some dick pills goy. 6 million. its way purer than the competitor. hmm.. maybe pure isnt a good word for it..
>anyway goys. just listen to what we tell you here in the alternative news. we tell you the truth unlike the mayn streym medeeuh
>crispy clean lock goys.
He's become far more redpilled since that status.
Watch "Dear Black People" and "The Truth about Refugees".
Dude is literally one hitler propaganda video away from going 1488
funny thing is i am the black asian gay latino and everyone else, but i'm still the fringe minority as he puts it
when i larp as a white supremacist, it's only fractionally in satire
i really do hate jews
fuckin cuckold
>believing that alt-right is a thing
Anyone who considers themself an "alt-right" member is fucking autistic. It isn't a thing.
they don't create memes
why is this guy fuckin lying?
to an extent
everyone overblows the niggers and gooks and everyone else because they genuinely are accepting and know minorities are good shields for what everyone knows deep down is a WHITE movement
the OTHERS don't give a shit about accepting them because they don't have to and are mostly autists on the internet
WE are the political thought leaders, le_donald is our ideology distilled enough to be fed like steroids to our shock troops
Aren't Indians and Thais really fond of Hitler?
>there are people who willingly label themselves as alt-right and are posting in this thread RIGHT NOW
that's about the size of it
Isn't Sup Forums a diverse place too ? We got our blacks, our Asians , explosive Arabs, the superior whites and degenerate gays/traps.
We just tell em like it is, bell curve and all. The brutal reality of things.
fuck pjw
He's fought for something, not to get a monetary gain. Faggot.
>. hehe. look how cool i sound when i debunk this Salon article. Salon really represents the opinions of democrat voters.
Left constructs strawmen, right spend time attacking them to show they are strawmen, classic misdirection.
What if you are somewhere in the middle? Meaning you believe the Jewish stuff is true and ideally America would be 80% white at least but you don't want to murder people and think there are some good people in every race even if they are rare?
just to expand, it's the same shit on the left.
your average leftie is not a raging communist faggot with aids, it's a bleeding heart liberal afraid of losing friends or social position.
>but behind them, it's ZOG and NWO puppetmasters who are, on a fundamental level, diametrically opposed to the principles of the people the manipulate against us
>worst thing to happen
t shlomo
mayun strweem meedddd0rr
yall wuz dik washerrs n shiettt
Im alt right you finnish faggot. Sup Forums is autist central newfag
This faggot speaking on behalf of everyone again is he. You don't own the movement now fuck off PJW
"I'm Paul Joseph Watson and apparently, thaaaat's raaaacist."
Notice this cuckold faggot punches right. He has a big interests in protecting his jew masters
You've got to go back.
>left leaning media will give any lunatic a platform
>((new right)) spend 90% of their energy debunking and laughing at lunatics.
well i guess i'm just the idoit for not watching all those great informing mark dice videos
I spend most of my politics time watching congressional hearings or listening to C-SPAN
i'm a nazi who openly loves jewish women and am socially adept, often loved by many and have had sex with every girl i've ever desired.
>i genuinely hate niggers
>i genuinely hate jews
>i genuinely hate all non-whites besides americanized indians
>i genuinely hate fags
>i genuinely hate nonwhite men and gay white men
>i take everyone as they come individually and never pre-judge, but i never forget what they are
>the love of my life is a bisexual jewess
>my best friend since kindergarten is a nigger
>my other best friend is a fag white boi in the navy
where do i fall on your scale, nigger?
Paul Joseph "let that sink in" Watson.
Where is the like button here?
Sup Forums is pretty much mainstream nowadays anyway.
We used to convert and redpill people when they came, but such a big number all of the sudden cannot integrate.
it is 50/50 Nat soc now.
Right next to the spacebar
guess I'm part of a tiny overrepresented minority
I'm da Jew now
gavin IS pretty great, though.
he's a canadian who lived in new york city and now lives in larchmont, i guarantee he's as racist and anti-kike as the rest of us EXCEPT where he lives and who he knows precludes him from being able to speak out
he's even said it, "how do you avoid being called a racist?"
>get a black wife
it's tongue-in-cheek, but seriously.
t. metro jew yorker surrounded by niggers and spicks and jews everywhere i turn
>can't buy a cheap house or i'll be surrounded by niggers
>can't buy a nice house or i'll be surrounded by jews
the most redpilled people on the planet are redpilled new yorkers. seeing and hating degeneracy from a far is nothing compared to actually living with and experiencing it.
we are quite literally in enemy territory
congrats. my point was that these yt politic channels are distractions for the gullible goy. and you see how after the election they start to split people up. Sup Forums was great 6-8 months ago but now Sup Forums is just a irrelevant dark fringe.
No. We used you. You are useful idiots.
Good goy
Sup Forums doesnt cover any actual politics anymore, just plays the game
>He's right ya know.
Sorry, Paco. You and Alex's cuckboy didn't expose or fight. You just showed up and stole the memes. Made them unfunny.
Chicago dweller here.
They say Chicago is a smaller New York, so I agree with you. Being around the most vile degeneracy that humanity has to offer on a daily basis will make you racist, xenophobic, homophobic, islamaphobic, and basically bigotted against anybody who is not a White Christian.
Not just any white Christian either, they have to be baptist. Many white Christians are huge degeneracy enablers because they constantly virtue signal by "helping the degenerates!".
All faggots, niggers, liberal college professors, and leftist babyboomers will get put up against Trump's wall some day
Sup Forums is not all that mainstream, but it is far too /r9k/
way too much:
>thinly veiled my dik is small n i suk w gurls i hate women and niggers
>thinly veiled "HAHA WHEIT BOI I FUCKIN LMAO LOL MY DIK LMAO" self-loathing white trolls who get off on trying to make whites feel inferior and sub-ben carson tier /patheticniggas/ who resent not being white and not being able to live up to perceived standards of their nigger race
>generally /r9k/ posting
antifa can kill him anytime they want, its fine by me.
Politics are just a big game.
Correct and he represents neither.
The consequences may never be the same.
when you realise utopias dont work other then in your head you'll move to the next ideology and start over until you come to a point it is not about the ideology but about the ideas put together which fit best in this (part of the) world. and then you can think about what is best for the majority of the people and before you know it you are some mix libertarian+something.
you all know deep inside that liberty is only thing that works.
Because of Hitler "le white nationalism" which never existed, became taboo?
So it was Hitler that made America not white.
It was Hitler who made American abandon their Nationhood for Communism?
It was Hitler that started the war.
It was Hitler that didn't end the Soviet Republic of Bavaria and block Soviet expansion, resulting in a Berlin wall.
It was Hitler who told you to stab your race in the back for Jewish television?
It was Hitler that forced you to elect a Communist, FDR?
It was Hitler that forced you to teach your children to dance like niggers and worship nigger drug dealers?
It was Hitler that ruined the (((Alt-Right))), which was an attempt to hijack Sup Forums's dangerous redpills?
t. Shitskin
the shit game.. i know..
Don't bother lecturing me go cry to someone else.