Why is Sup Forums intimidated by him?
Why is Sup Forums intimidated by him?
the british "male" or the canadian "male"?
The English male.
this guy is geat, no matter was the average burgernigger on /pol says
Hes a civic nationalist. How do you not see the problem with that?
I don't trust anyone who weighs less than a 12 year old (non-American)
He speaks down to the same audience he whores himself to.
Because he humped Laura Southern's innie.
A lot of Sup Forums is civic nationalist.
All these jewtube purple pill attention whores secretly crave BBC in the end.
A strong muscular black beast is far more attractive than all the white beta cuck orbiters on Sup Forums & /r/the_donald put together.
Let me explain it to you in a short greentext:
>fuck the liburls
>oh no you can't be against non-whites even though you live in Europe
How is he a civic nationalist if he questions why native Brits are minorities in London? He is just hiding his power level.
All the racial supremacy, anti-semitic stuff and nazism on Sup Forums is ironic you moron, how new are you?
>being intimidated by a literal faggot
fuck off Milo
No, he speaks highly of civic nationalists that he directs his opinions too.
Tf is that?
I can tell he's not a real man by how he put his arm around her.
Women crave wealth,influence and popularity the most which a Black man will never have and will never be able to compete with a white man.
a lot of nu-pol (literally r*ddit ) are civcuck nationalist
Around him.
And yes, that's an ok place to put your hand on another man.
Nothing gets these le red pill white women more horny than dreaming about being tied up and fucked mercilessly by a dominant black beast,
He almost exclusively speaks on it from a muslim vs other standpoint. Hes also still the guy to point out mr based black man when someone speaks about racial differences.
Who is Alex sending to Bilderburg?
I've never been to reddit. And I imagine many other civic nationalists are in the same position I'm in. The whole nu-pol thing is a handful of stormfags trying to make themselves feel important.
he hates muslims and islam, also nignogs on boats, ghetto niggers and soros. there is nothing wrong
Because of his long blonde hair.
He's just using the based nigger argument to piss liberals off.
Why are you promoting 9/11 conspirators, OP?
Adnan Khashoggi financed infowars. Adnan also financed the 9/11 hijackers, their flight schools, etc.
If you want to hang the people who did 9/11, Alex Jones would be a dead man.
Thanks for clearing that up user.
okay, kiddo
I like his videos but I can tell he probably sucks to be around.
>e-celeb X is bad, here's 20 threads on him
>everyone on the right that hasn't gone full 88 is compromised
I have never watched any of his videos to even know anything about him because I'm not fucking retarded. Saged, hope mods delete this thread.
PJW is stoned right now
White men can't even compete with chinks anymore because white women despise all of you losers.
You were supposed to be strong and protect them from the Jew but you all failed to fight back. All you manchildren do is play worthless video games and worship a meme frog-like an autist and of course achieve absolutely nothing.
I'm gonna laugh when she ends up getting blacked.com
yes redpillls are ironic
I honestly can't even tell if this girl is white with that combination of cakeface and camera exposure.
Hes a good goyim
>its 4d chess
Don't think so m8. He's pretty consistant
>frequently condemns alt right
>based black man
>democrats are the real racists
>we just need to assimilate arabs into british culture, islam is the only problem!
That last point really drives home the civic nationalist point of view. Any time assimilation is preached thats what you're dealing with.
She has been blacked several times but to keep her beta orbiters, she won't be appearing on blacked.com anytime soon.
I don't need to post cherry picked pictures of other couples to over up my insecurity, jealousy and inferiority towards the superior white man :)
I'm 99% sure he's an ethnic nationalist but he knows he would get shoahed off Jewtube if he goes full 1488 and reveals power level.
Pretty sure he's also a fag but I'm ok with it since he's not evangelical about his faggotry like Milo.
With the amount of quotes he cites in his videos there's no fucking way he's bluepilled on the JQ.
nice memes
I bet your 2d waifu finds them entertaining.
I'm open to believing this, but can you cite proofs?
I've always just thought of her as an opportunistic roastie.
haha holy shit are they sitting on a bench in their house? how fucking 3rd world is that
All of them are ethnic nationalists just hiding their power levels. Look at Lauren for example, she's doing videos with a European ethnic nationalist group.
>I'm 99% sure he's an ethnic nationalist
bullshit do you even know what the difference between them are? Im pretty sure ive heard him preach assimilation.
Lauren very well might be. her material has been very right wing now that shes gone independent. But NOT watson.
asians came to whitey country and now they make more money than you snow niggers in your own country
She's not about to showcase such private material but you are correct your in judgment.
I can show you just how much she despises her fans.
in your*
I'm on my phone, sorry.
That's obviously a train. You underaged moron.
This is because fucking autists probably spam her with hundreds of messages a day about saving white race, gas the kikes etc.
They never know when to lay low or be subtle. ACTUAL autism.
Finally Sup Forums realises that Lauren Southern is a man
Sup Forums still ignores that Southern is also a jew
the weak should fear the strong
Wow man, you have so much porn material for yourself. You don't even have to leave your dungeon, you can masturbate that micro penis 24/7 while your sister gets fucked by some white guy up stairs.
I don't come from the 3rd world, so I don't ride trains. Even if I did it wouldn't look like 3rd world trash like that for aforementioned reasons.
shes not jewish yet this gets posted all the time.
>shes a coalburner!
>shes jewish!
just shut the fuck up already. cant have one right wing female show their face without neckbeards sperging out.
kek. I don't blame PJW. I think he's tremendous as a bridge between normies and reality. Not blaming him one bit and in fact he should keep saying stuff like that to remain alive.
If he really knew who pumped out most of those memes they all use, maybe he wouldn't be so quick to belittle...
What? Since when?
Your soul mate is destined to either get Blacked or Riced.
How does that make you feel?
I have my sheep which are superior to white women but you only have your 2d waifu.
Fucking hate niggers
I would also like to add that sheep are loyal and never grow jealous of your relations with other sheep, in fact, the more the merrier. Sheep love to simply form a line and follow each other into your bedroom once you have asserted your dominance. They always smell good, never rely on makeup and provide outstanding sex.
>The whole nu-pol thing is a handful of stormfags trying to make themselves feel important.
Typical nu-Sup Forums bullshit.
I know what he really wants.
? i just think he's basic, under researched, unfunny and hyperbolic. he's good for red-pilling normies i guess