wtf happened to Europe, I can't take much more of this
kek. they deserve all of it and more
>Funded by Saudi Arabia
Thanks for taking in those refugees, chaps!
We need to appoint a Caesar
I just want to go back to elementary school, at least then under Dubya we were taught why Muslims hate us and want us dead. Now we just bend over backwards to anyone browner then Italians.
they took gassing the jews to new levels. they will take cucking to new levels
>we were taught why Muslims hate us and want us dead.
So you now understand that US' unconditional support for Israel is the reason why terrorists targeted the US?
Sounds like cats fighting in an alley at 3am
That's some damn fine photo shop work, son. Did you shop this OP? I'm serious, very impressive. I've seen a lot of shops in my day and this is one of the good ones for sure.
I think....I think I want Germans dead now....
Has he said anything about kathy griffen?
I lol'd my fucking face off
GERMANY YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
GERMANY YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
GERMANY YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
GERMANY YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
GERMANY YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol it's like people don't get what a non secular life is. They were away from it for so long and now there's going to be Allah songs morning night and day. Try that shit on this hemisphere and get tapped tho, good luck Muslim Elvises.
It's German culture now. Pretty soon there'll be sharia law, and most Germans want this to happen. Germany is lost, Islam conquered it. Same goes for France.
the guy sings the ezan as if he is a bedoin that dropped a stone on his foot t b h
they will celebrate it
>Refugee campaigners called on authorities to stop deportations after at least 80 people were killed in a bomb attack in Kabul a day after Sweden returned a group of failed asylum seekers to Afghanistan.
>literal niggers in the comments yelling at Europeans for doing this to themselves
>niggers screaming at Europeans to fight back
I never thought it'd get this bad. Blacks can even see how brainwashed we are
>took 4 years of German in high school figured they are a huge economy it would be useful in a professional setting
Welp, should have taken Arabic instead
its like retarded yodeling
Hamburg is a lost cause.
Only good thing is that Turks, Arabs and jihadists will soon start cutting off heads of those St. Pauli Antifa punks.
What's so funny about it?
I guess it's just me but I like that sound. This specific muazine is pretty bad tho, I agree
No, not really.
Muslims have hated the West for over 1,000 years. It has to do with Christianity, dumbass. Personally I loathe all of the big Abrahamic religions, Christianity and Judaism included, though Christianity is at this point the least poisonous of the three. Islamists still want to stamp Christianity out. They won't ever stop.
>I never thought it'd get this bad. Blacks can even see how brainwashed we are
EVERYBODY from Mexico to South Korea can see that.
Including the majority of europeans.
>They were away from it for so long and now there's going to be Allah songs morning night and day. Try that shit on this hemisphere and get tapped tho, good luck Muslim Elvises.
If we lose this war, I will enjoy one thing: watching liberals suffer under sharia. I will subsist on their agonized tears and humiliation. Part of me can't wait.
Oh no! someone from a different faith is making a call to prayer!
fucking get a life
"No, keep these psychos there so they blow you guys up instead!! Thanks!!"
Explain yourselves, Germcucks
>muhammed detected
One thing niggers aren't is wimpy. Pretty much. It's one of the prime insults they throw at "witeboys" and sadly they are correct here.
delet this
Lol, 9mm (or smaller, that's hole is TINY!)
There'll never be a Palestinian State, sorry Ahmed
I'm Jewish
Nigs are 100% tribal, so they wouldn't allow this shit to take over their communities, aside from muslim nigs I guess. If there is one thing that nigs have over the other races, it's that they retain their primal instinct to further their race at any cost. They in-fight like crazy, yes, but they are insanely good at getting the other races to make concessions, give more land, more gibs, and censor themselves against saying negative things against blacks despite it being completely warranted. Look at what whites are doing. We are so "elevated" that we'll let everyone else trample on us, because "we're not savage". Not a winning tactic against savages.
That's why people shouldn't care too much about Climate Change. Why leave a pristine civilized world to blacks and Muslims anyway? I said just burn all the coal, using all the oil and have the human race depleted altogether in 2300 or so.
all you fucks making fun of us germans but we are the ones who have to deal with this shit on a daylie basis in every bigger city. all you guys do is spam "blumpf" threads and shit like that but no one really tries to expose this shit to the public. and before you say that we germans have to do that keep in mind that the new upcoming law against "hatespeech" is going to silence everyone who is critical of shit like this and can or will end up in jail. but keep on spamming covfefe shit and keep creating more threads about the rrelevant american president who bows to the neocons.
this country is doomed and will fall in the next 10-15 years if not sooner.
come home german man, Australia is waiting for you
and then recently you have US and EU, two biggest white "organization" (for now)in the world, quarrel over every little things, SAD. White people have no sense of community anymore.
Shut up, triggered white boi. Your PM and country are the leaders of the "Free world" now. Be open minded and spread your legs.
i feel for you bro, i really do
it's not the every day common peoples fault that this is happening
it's your elites that are being bribed and pushing for it to line their own pockets
those of you that go along with it just don't know any better
>white boi
Alright...we'll nuke germany then you.
The fuck is this? How did that happen?
why are americans laughing?
>Through 2014, a building boom for mosques has been going on
There will be one in Germaniye though so cheer up.
I really want to laugh but I can tell you are an actual broken person. Sad! Chin up, I give it at least 20 years.
Why are you not protesting Merkel 24/7?? The fuck are you doing here?
Acid I would guess.
>protest merkel
>get arrested
does someone have the gif of colbert rushing towards the screen with this face it makes me laugh pls respond
Breathe it in.
The day is soon coming.
You brought this on yourself Fritz, you have no one to blame but yourselves.
Wtf do those signs say
its fucking depressing living here at the moment. everyday you get tons of articles with yet another enrichment story where some asylumseeker raped a young girl and no one bats an eye. the people who do are getting denounced by their own people. its really pathetic if you ask me. and like i said the upcoming hatespeech law is going to silence everyone who stands critically to this shit. its only a matter of time before the government decides prosecute german Sup Forums users.
protesting wont do shit. or when was the last time a protest changed anything? just look at the only people who are protesting they either get called nazis for not wanting anymore gibs-seekers or they simply get ignored. meanwhile the elections are coming in a few months and everyone is jerking themself off over the fact merkel will get another 4years of buttfucking german dry.
Did they ban Pegida or whatever the fuck it's called yet?
This, at first I was disgusted, then pissed, then depressed, and it's gotten so far past the point that they should have stopped this shit I'm just laughing at them now.
Id care, but i dont. too many Krauts find Brit problems funny
where's the outrage when Church Bells are ringing all over Europe? There is no difference between the two.
blue one
>AFD members have bad sex
>brown isnt a color
>Frauke Petrys children will be like us
if only i had known how bad it really is
in fact, Germany was a Muslim country thousands of years before Judaism and Christianity even existed
the crusades killed all Muslims in western Europe and the Christians stole Europe from the Muslims
if anything, Germany is a muslim's rightful land
The doomsayers of the past have all turned out to underestimate the problems that we are currently facing due to immigration. so what you currently think it is, ITS WORSE.
>There is no difference between the two
What if you're getting called a nazi? Who cares? I'm pretty sure if 60% of the population joined the 'nazi party' then they would have to change their narrative. Only the people who don't even go out on the street would believe it. Rather be cucked than fight? If I saw one islamic march in my shithole of a country I'd probably do something that would get me locked up, even though I don't even care about my country's history, I don't feel proud, I'm not a nationalist. I just don't want an islamic majority near me.
you will enjoy those signs
lil history update for you israel did 9/11
well they call you a nazi and denounce you at your working place so in 90% of all cases you will lose your job. congrats you now destroyed your incoming and are very unlikely to get hired again by any other company.
Oh I know. CA is bringing them in, probably through Mexico, hence their shrill battle against Trump's border measures and the wall. There are more in my NorCal town all the time. Many of our major stores have Muslim women in hijabs clerking now. Five years ago, not a one. This shit is continuing even though Obama is out, far as I can tell. They are getting them in any way they can. I'm guessing by water as well.
That sucks. Praying for you.
As a side note, dude got a really good voice there. New German anthem when?
Most people actually don't want this, but what can they individually do when the government itself is hellbent on promoting multiculturalism and Islam? If they stand against it, they stand against their very country, as absurd as that sounds. It's really fucked up. The only real way is through a rebellion, but as long as the masses remain content enough, they won't rise up and do jack shit. And (((they))) know this. They know that force is not the way, they've tried it. Nonetheless, wars have their uses. They generate a sizable income and displace large numbers of people where they don't belong. As long as they slowly and subtly keep pushing their agenda, they'll eventually succeed and Europe will turn into a predominantly Muslim melting pot. For what reason? Who the hell knows? They probably just hate us.
When you have private conversations with friends about politics, do they seem like they're waking up at all? Like they're redpilled but hopeless to do anything to reverse the situation? Or are they truly as cucked as they appear?
This is what muslims do
Those disgusting subhumans love this sound and wkae up at 4am to listen to it
This is why all the christians who live in a muslim area move out, it's not the people bullying them, it's the mosque terror sounds that go on 24/7, 5 times a day AND night
Should have banned the speakers otherwise they'll abuse it like crazy
haha you are even more fucked than i first thought
That was painful to watch. So glad that it sounds like Burmese people are getting it before it's too late.
fucking kill us already
these mosques are fucking noise
pollution, that's what germcucks get for putting jesus in the wastebasket
It needs to be seen on Sup Forums more
Save and post where necessary
and germany is supposed to be the new leader of the free world
fucking cucks
This is a thing in the balkans and even Israel
What country is this? Are they just ugly because leftism?
Hes such a jew
that's Germany for you:
>In our party you can be who you are - the left
>gangbang instead of physics
>porno instead of adorno
>pussy, dick, rainbow - that's a kid is raised
>cum in the hair instead of cake sales (?)
>literally demanding to keep dangerous muslim migrants INSIDE your country
cant make this shit up
Is it on daily basis or muzzies have some retarded holiday today?
After some googling it's just your typical socialist/SJW party. They're literally called 'THE LEFT' kek.
fucking g*rms
Try doin this shit over here.