Wallahi i can't wait the revival of the ottoman empire with the lead of SULTAN TAYYİP so i can rape wh*te women and...

Wallahi i can't wait the revival of the ottoman empire with the lead of SULTAN TAYYİP so i can rape wh*te women and kill wh*te men and burn down their churches just like how my ancestors did it.
La İlahe İlallah Muhammeden ResulAllah.

Post the real map


Are modern turks even related to the ottomans?


turks are just byzantines that are proud they got cucked by steppes people from china


I'll be waiting. Roach.

Yeah that's not going to happen. You would have to invade NATO allies. Then the entire Middle East America will destroy turkey if they tried to break out of being a puppet state and try to establish an independent middle eastern power.

And get nuked by Russia.

that's what I thought

Three words: "Kurdish birth rates". In 2050 Turkey will be majority Kurdish.

Pretty sure Russia and the US would tag team your ass for once. And that wouldnt end well for the turks.

inshallah brother we fight and die for sultan RAJAB TAYYIB

Nah they ethnically cleansed Byzantine Greeks. They're steppe tribes mixed with Kurds, Persians, some islamized Balkan peoples in the west and Islamized laz in trabzond.

Which year?

That area in Iran that is purple is majority azeri(Turkic) hence the Turkmen admixture.

You might be gay

Iceland? Really?

Your ancestors never killed unnecessarily. They also didn't burn many churches. Catholics byrned more orthodox churches in their military campaigns here than the Ottomans did

Good thread

Lets do this you filthy roach.

Are you kidding tho. They massacred entire cities during the Seljuk invasion under alp arslan.

you are going to be waiting a long time.

holy shit. roaches btfo. the only raping thats going to happen is kurds raping turks.

Post the real one you fucks.

Well you do realize that the Balkans will never yieldbto the Turks!?We had more than 500 years worth of conflicts and in the end when your enpire fell we were still there to haunt the world.Still christians.
And i dont see why you would chose the Balakns to invade,most resources are owned by private western companies,induatry and economy is shit and the whole population would be hostile.It sounds like anvoverall bad deal no matter how you look at it.

turks had such a big empire. what happened?


>posting the wrong armor for your nationality