Why is he so alpha? One month in office and he's already BTFO and humiliated both Trump and Putin multiple times. I honestly think France and Germany may become the new leaders of the free world under him.
Why is he so alpha? One month in office and he's already BTFO and humiliated both Trump and Putin multiple times...
He's so alpha that he fucks Eddie.
i don't think freedom is what europe needs now
>fucks a mummy
kys leaf
such a legend
macron the king of cucks
lool right.. macron is the king of cucks
not trump who's wife doesn't live with him
and is a billionaire bitching on twitter all the time about how unfairly he's being treated
>married to a granny
>screen caps video of handshake
oh fug drump is stumbt
We are literally months if not weeks away from him being thoroughly emasculated by mass casualties from a shitskin terror attack
oh god that face and handshake! So fucking funny, but why is he acting this way?
>I raped him and he enjoyed it.
>He's so alpha he got raped as a boy.
>He so alpha he worked for The Rothschild Investment Bank for years as their bitch.
>He's so alpha that he sucked Framcois Hollande's small sweaty French peepee.
(Most French men are not well endowed)
He has picked a fight with three nations in about a day.
I bet you would think Trump was a complete failure for picking a fight with three nations. And dangerous for his people.
Napoléon complex
I know I'm taking the bait but he just acts like a Frenchman. Constant lack of confidence, need to prove himself to himself, and constantly doing so in passive agressive ways just so he doesn't illicit some legitimate response.
>walks directly at Trump as if to make him move
>Trump looks at him like he is crazy
>Pretends to continue trajectory
>Veers right at last second to shake everyone else's hand
>shakes Trump's last
Passive agressive bullshit. Frenchie bullshit.
>baits Putin into "civil conversation" in public stage
>pulls out some bullshit generic hypocracy
Again, passive agressive bullshit. Frenchie bullshit.
The dude married his child molester btw. Weirdo.
>his wife is older than his mother
ikr? look at those tiny baby fingers too
>free world
>don't even have the most basic freedoms
>tfw you don't just knock the dust off dat pussy
>you also have to whack it a few times with a broomstick to chase out the bats and spiders
it's not hard to be alpha when trump runs from one retarded autistic action to another lol
trips of three of truth
hallowed be thy name
Macaroni is a cuck
>being this bootyblasted
Marcron really does look boss in that pic. Has a nicely fitted European suit while Trump looks like he bought some trash from walmart and threw it on.
Leafs aaaaaaaaalways shitposting.
Why is pol so anti-macaroni? Why is he a cuck?
Someone give me a quick rundown
>already BTFO and humiliated both Trump and Putin multiple times
No, he thinks he's hot shit, as expected, and he greatly overestimates the power of France in the world as compared to the U.S.A and Russia. As a consequence, he doesn't listen well to advice and keeps "explaining" things to others.
Also, he's as weak as Hollande. The only difference is, he knows it. So he overcompensates by having public pissing contests with every single leader he meets. Now because he's 30 years younger than Trump and 25 years younger than Putin, he looks more energetic, but he really makes a fool of himself more than anything. Now that's what's immediately visible from his appearances.
that's the funniest shit I've read all day. Have you seen his Lich wife?
Hi Share Blue
>spergs out to the media about how great his handshakes are
He has the best handshakes. Very manly. Will get him good deals!
we'll see when France is nothing but a brown shithole on fire with constant riots in 5 years time
>accuse people of shitposting
>still posting leaf memes
>pissing trump off so much that he drops out of paris accord
good job shithead.
add an e to emmanuel macron
>>get 888
it's the other orthographe of emmanuel,
This, anyone with a very basic grasp of realpolitik would realize what a fucking retard macron is.
How exactly was what I said a meme.
>leaf trying to counter attack and downplay what I said by claiming I'm some sort of shitposter
Fucking leafs, every time.
>free world
m8 his "wife" is just an old bag
His wifes son thinks he is somewhat creepy
He is 1 year younger than her oldest child (!)
Receding hairline
>kek boi leaf are shitposter shadiloy race war now mah dude
>overestimates the power of France in the world as compared to the U.S.A and Russia
>U.S.A and Russia
>as if they are remotely on the same playing field
Let me lay out the power rankings for you. We got:
United States of America
A single gnat
[snip for brevity]
that beta male effort at a alpha hand shake fooled you, OP, because you are a faggot.
The French ZOG is also prepping to assist Al Qaeda in Syria for Israel.
There is no greater cuck outside of Ottawa.
I wish these free world monkey brains would check GDP's sometime.
This isn't the 80s. Europe GDP is shit. USA GDP is stagnant relative.
The Free World = less of a % of world GDP each day. If you remove USA from it. You basically just have EU left.
Wow, Merkel is the leader of the "free world" of some shitty horrible quasi federal group of countries with minimal military power and horrible dysfunction.
If I could realpolitik and give up the "free world" europe for China, Russia, and Middle East Sunni. You would make that deal in a fucking HEARTBEAT.
The free world liberal world order bullshit FAILED. IT DOESNT WORK. UN IS A JOKE. CLIMATE ACCORDS ARE FUCKING JOKES.
Don't even need a basic grasp on politics to realize this. Just look at this gif Anyone even remotely capable of reading body language can tell that he's overcompensating as fuck.
Let's face it Russia would BTFO all of France and Germany easily if US is t there to keep them in check. These retards haven't invested anything in their military since 1990.
>that hair
fug its like looking into the future
nah I'm pissed at the moronic fucking virtue signalling and ass eating of western leaders. Go parade around in stupid ass gaggles through streets of Europe like it fucking means something
Moronic fucking NATO braindead zombies worrying about who gets teh crown of "free world leader" like anyone but gay ass political hacks give a fuck. Fucking 90 IQ morons.
>Thinks humiliating people is synonymous to being a good world leader.
Kys fgt
Putin gets the media crown of "leader of the free world"
WOWOWOOW lets have a party for it.
This is what the third rate hack morons in charge of the western media and governments CARE about. A fucking media prize. Oh boohoo Trump pushed someone. Oh boohoo Trump didn't curtsy correctly and used the wrong fork.
what utter fucking imbeciles
He hasn't humiliated anyone but France. He's just been petulant and rude for no reason. We shops abandon France to the Muslims for it.
I'm going to go to Davos and admire the amazing scenery then talk about globalism. We need internationalization and more governing bodies to elect people to so we can discuss globalization and human rights.
Women rights are human rights. The european project is awful but we haven't had a european war since it started so it's great.
>I honestly think France and Germany may become the new leaders of the free world under him.
This has already happened. The USA have abdicated leadership under Fat Donny, and now Merkel, Macron & Trudeau are the leaders of the free world.
>muh children!
>muh fee fees!!
lmao what a cuck
America is being too protectionist. So China is now the "ruler of the free world" because they are such forward looking liberal globalists. Because the Chinese leader said "we support globalism".
What an amazing guy, remember when he said "globalism is good". China are such great global leaders. They said that buzzword I liked is good! Good thing China doesn't make me upset at my expectations of prestige for world leaders. As a liberal globalist I support China now and Trump is really bad. Because China isn't protectionist or nationalist at all. GLobalism is so great lol. Hate speech to say otherwise.
>He hasn't humiliated anyone but France
He literally squeezed the orange out of Fat Donny's tiny hands in front of a live audience.
Based af
Any other liberal globalist here remember when China said they liked globalism?
That was really awesome. China is a great country unlike evil USA with Trump. China is awesome and as a liberal I can definitely say they are way better towards globalism than USA.
Mean trump insulted us omg.
It accomplished a lot. Good thing Trump isn't vindictive and isn't going to drop the paris accord in 10 hours because of it.
gtfo leaf
France is still a white country. Its rural and suburban areas remain white, while your rural areas are getting browner everyday
France deserves everything it's going to get in the coming years. It's the future they chose.
France is not a white country. They are far more cucked. They don't take statistics on race because it doesn't exist. That is how cucked france is.
Fat Donny needs a better wardrobe to handle his um... girth.
basically this
No, any failures of globalism, the EU, or post modern based ideology is because you didn't buy in enough.
The U.S.A and Russia are both superpower in their own right and France can't compare in terms of raw economic and political leverage, in terms of population, in terms of influence, in terms of leadership... You're talking out of your arsehole, mate.
>this isn't working
No, you aren't trying hard enough
>this isn't working
No, you just need to embrace it even more!
>it completely fails after trying more
Well, you fucking retarded civilians are too shit for it to have worked. If only you had been more like elites.
>Fat Donny needs a better wardrobe to handle his um... girth.
Any tailor would run out of fabric before this could be achieved.
France is also basically stagnant in terms of economy and innovation with everything going in the wrong direction. Trump shouldn't even bother with europe and focus entirely on Asia.
Honestly you should blame Québec
it's called an alpha handshake, you wouldn't know about that because your 'chancellor' is a fat carpet munching cunt who wishes she was fingering Hillary just like she does Little Macroni
>>this isn't working
>No, you aren't trying hard enough
>>this isn't working
>No, you just need to embrace it even more!
>>it completely fails after trying more
>Well, you fucking retarded civilians are too shit for it to have worked. If only you had been more like elites.
Pretty much Macron's thought pattern. It's also noticeably close to what Hitler thought.
Remember when America used to have a dignified President?
I do.
At this point, literally every world leader has managed to effortlessly humiliate Trump.
What a weak omega cuck.
>muh wife
>muh kids
>my anus
lmao what a refugee cuck
I didn't vote for him, but I'm honhonhon'ing a lot
Get buttblasted americucks
those were the days
Why are you so mad, Ahmed? Your family joined Isis and now you worried about them?
His European tour was an utter disaster and his German and French colleagues made complete fun of him, then he's leaving the Paris climate deal, but thankfully there's Kathy Griffin to distract the media! COVFEFE
Speaking of which...
It's a very common pattern. It's an easy way out for bad ideas. Just look at modern communism. It's what globalists are going down. Which is that there ideas are amazing but the people aren't good enough for them.
It's based on the false presumption that you shouldn't be pragmatic.
It's common in idealistic efforts after failure. To see the pattern for the absurdity it is. It's like jumping off a building and then being upset that gravity exists as you splatter everywhere.
Globalism superstate multicultural shit like EU is completely based on things that don't work.
At least it's so fucking extreme, people can't watch it without expressing disgust.
If only they had a commercial as disgusting as this 10, or 20 years ago.
>Let's face it Russia would BTFO all of France and Germany easily if US is t there to keep them in check.
Militarily, yes. Economically, France currently has twice Russia's GDP, apparently.
Probably Russian for "plz dont impeach me, im a gud boi, i dindu nuffin"
"It could double the number of refugees entering the country, from around 830 a week in the first three weeks of this month to over 1,500"
man, we're really getting cucked. soon we'll be just like Germanistan
my sides
>we're really getting cucked.
This is correct.
Just to educate. The most concise simplification of history.
Cold War ended, Everyone in Europe/USA thought that they had won the world forever. That history was over. That it was nothing but victory and shaping how they wanted the world to be. That there would never be any real competition again and that it came down to essentially designing the world now.
This led to idealistic designs of the world and an end to pragmatism or feeling like there is any competition. Superpower gluttony ensued.
This was a false premise and now you see the results as the West declines.
It happens everytime. You can see the same low IQ thought processes in things like Hillary Clinton not campaigning in places she needed to win, but rather in places to get a historic victory (texas, arizona, etc).
It's human nature and why empires and nations fall apart. It's the cycle of human self-destruction and it's currently in the destruction cycle for USA and EU. The people somewhat responsible for it will instead blame the people trying to course correct.
So as Trump desperately tries to reverse huge outflows of wealth from USA towards a decaying empire. People will blame Trump for the decline he is trying to stop.
Haha, only a Canadian cuck would think Macron is alpha
because they didn't need. why waste valuable resources when we had america's umbrella?
I hope you get pancreas cancer and die swiftly
>quotes from the Guardian