If black people are supposedly inferior why is it 99% of the worlds best athletes are black?
If black people are supposedly inferior why is it 99% of the worlds best athletes are black?
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Monkeys have much more strength than humans too. Are they superior to us?
>American education - the thread
Slightly related: I heard Foreman was drugged during RitJ because Ali has some Nation of Islam tiers. Also, Liston-Ali was fixed by the same organization.
Can anyone of you nigger lovers confirm?
This is bait but it's obviously bc out greater minds chose to selectively breed the stronger ones and they also worked harder being Savages and then slaves. You're welcome nignog.
Blacks are 20% weaker than whites pound for pound.
Why do Americans still believe this?
Why would you even breed slaves for speed strength and muscle mass instead of endurance? Doesn't make sense.
Is he OK?
If you actually do some research you would know while the fastest runners are African, the strongest (recorded) men are all whiteys. I'm no eugenist really, but to say that 99% of X race is the best at Y is just retarded on the face of it.
What about the swimmers, ice hockey players and cyclists?
Kys paki nigger
Then why do whites dominate strength sports
i thought that was because of their natural eugenic program that happens still in africa, i mean all the weak or sick black die over there thanks to the constant tribal warfare. i hear they have the same program in detroit
Checkmate, paki nigger. Whites have a monopoly on Cyclists.
>If you actually do some research you would know while the fastest runners are African,
Hahaha, what?
The fastest runners are Jamaican and American blacks because of no doping tests. No west African sprinters, even though it's supposedly the "West African genes".
A store only sells Coca-Cola and Pepsi. If the owner keeps the Pepsi in the back, unavailable to the customer while stocking Coca-Cola in the store for customers to purchase. Why do 99% of customers like Coca-Cola?
Because we bred them to be pack mules. That's why African Americans have totally different muscle mass than straight up Africans. We bred those fools to carry shit and prize fight not run from lions.
Are Jamaican blacks and American blacks from west Africa? I know nutrition and higher facilities for training play a part.
Because many of them know that they are too stupid to do anything else, so they train for all life.
And they are not 99%, much more lower percentage.
Hey Ahmed I know you're just getting on the internet after getting rescued to Germany by white people. But endurance is also useful by atheletes. I know sodomizing little boys is about all they consider sports there in sandland. At least now you're there ruining Germany but you can enjoy their disgusting shit porn before they turn Central Europe into a meat grinder for the fourth or fifth time.
Also retard does my flag look like stripes and stars. You missed a golden opportunity to dismiss me far easier by calling me a leaf. It really shows how far down German intelligence has gone once they invited all the poles and sand niggers.
Enjoy being a nuclear pile at the mark of ww3 while I'll have a chance to scurry into the woods and forge a life away from the apocalypse that will be your end of the woods.
He really stuck that landing. 9/10
Not to mention we made them fight each other like dogs. It's not like we want pussy dogs fighting each other.
Ignore the filthy immigrant btw. He's obviously new to the internet and has much to learn.
Wouldn't surprise me. Pro boxing's been rigged as hell for a long time.
Most likely fractured/broken vertebrae. He didn't go into decorticate/decerebrate posturing, so he's probably not dead. He might not be doing any frontflips any time soon, or walking, for that matter.
Go back to Africa pussy.
If snow leopard are supposedly inferior why can they jump so well and run so fast?
>all the best gladiators are gauls
>gauls must be superior to romans
Niggers are used to run away from their children, and jump fences escaping the police, so obviously that's why they're best athletes.
Whites on other hands, are scientists, engineers, etc.
Wow, look at this fucking nerd everyone.
Bred like horses for our entertainment
t-thanks for the y-(you), user.
The eugenics that don't work and are bogus nazi science bred generations of super niggers due to manmade evolutionary bottleneck during the slave trade and use in USA.
I think they allow blacks to take steroids and also pay off the whites to lose in order to humiliate the white spectators. professional sports are all a fraud.
>so are 99% of the worlds criminals.
That's why African Americans dominate sports like, us football, basketball and baseball. They have a brute strength bred in them by slave owners and Africans in other parts of world dominate track and field sports. It's environmental and breeding.
He just paralyzed himself kek
and what percentage are nobel prize winners?
That's one hell of a conspiracy theory bruv.
Blacks don't dominate baseball man
>Because we bred them to be pack mules
Pack mules don't need max strength or speed strength.
Why exactly?
Ah, you guys are cucks. Okay.
Most black athletes have small dicks.
I was shocked when I used to win the 400m how most black athletes had surprisingly small packages.
Seriously, watch the crotch during any Olympic event, no significant bulge.
Also, people of African heritage respond better testosterone based steroids and it's much harder to detect steroid abuse amongst west African heritage people's. Like most Caribbean former slaves are.
Have you ever seen them working for more than 5 mins? Why do they need endurance?
Also, there is more blacks than whites in the world, they don't go for education obviously. When a white kid is young his parents always make him put education first, which is a foreign concept to most negroes
Google caste football. It's not that far off, only a little.
>He's never heard of Sammy Sosa
>Have you ever seen them working for more than 5 mins? Why do they need endurance?
Exactly my point. A slave would be bred to have a lot of endurance, so he can work all day.
Blacks aren't, though.
>Also, there is more blacks than whites in the world, they don't go for education obviously. When a white kid is young his parents always make him put education first, which is a foreign concept to most negroes
I don't see your point? Many countries are like that.
If animals are supposedly inferior [to humans], then why is it that they can run faster and jump farther than us?
Name one winner of world's strongest man comp that is not white(you can't). Fucking dumb nigger.
It's a professional sport that fat dudes and the Japanese participate in. I'm not saying a black player can't excel but I don't think there are primarily black teams.
Wait..Magnus Samuelsson isn't black?
Times like these are when I wish I saved a screen shot of that bizarro world thread. Nigs only dominate Basketball, NFL and track and field, virtually any other sport in the world is dominated by white people.
Why is /pol so racist
I honestly have no idea user. I don't see this shit outside of Sup Forums, so. . .
Milton Friedman did nothing wrong
A nigger who can't stop being a dick to others is easily taken out by two cooperating niggers with 3/4s of his strength.
When it comes to being human, It's not all about muh dick, you shallow animal.
Fucking work animals, duh
Same reason we like to watch horse racing, lobster knife fights and kangoroo boxing, wild beast amusment.
They are inferior intellectually, which matters a LOT more than ones athletic ability. Society will function just fine without athletes, but will fail if we were all as stupid as they are.
If this is true,why does it take so long for them to cross a street?
because being athletic doesn't equate to being superior. it might have 2000 years ago, but intellect has long been the standard for superiority.
Long live the Asians
kek most of the athletes are whites and whites win most disciplines. nig nogs just winning jump and running all other athletic disciplines are dominated by whites so as lifting, even asians have more succes then niggers there
They have all the muscles they need except the one that counts. Who gives a shit if u can't even build a civilization. Those muscles are used to be slaves
Black males have won 85% of medals in all sports worldwide and they dominate 95 % of sports like Soccer, Baseball, Volleyball, Water polo, Weightlifting, Judo, Martial arts, Winter games, Water sports, Swimming, Gymnastics, Motor sports (big time), Auto sports, Rugby, Rowing, Kanoe, Fencing, Golf, Tennis, Nascar, MMA, Diving, Sailing, Archery, Shooting, Ice skating, Skiing, Motocross, Cricket, Australian Football, Handball, Surfing, EXTREME SPORTS (BIG TIME), Bowling, Cycling, Climbing, BMX, Racing, WWE, Sambo, Strongest Man Competition, Karate Kick Boxing, Taekwondo, Triathlon, Pentathlon, Cross Country, etc. SO 95% OF SPORTS AND OVER 85% of medals in Olympics ARE dominated by black males like Michael Phelps
Now we, whites, we dominate Basketball in the USA and American Football and Track running events.
So why do white men claim racial superiority in sports based on 3 sports and ignore the domination of black males in 95% of sports?
Are we afraid or just jealous?
how can black males get over 85% of the medals when there are ~50% womens events?
checkmate racist
Blacks are generally inferior with the exception of a few things:
>stronger muscles
>bigger dicks
>stronger genes
They just aren't one for brains.
>If black people are supposedly inferior why is it 99% of the worlds best athletes are black?
If black people are supposedly superior, why is it all successful, most technological advanced and desired societies are white?
I swear to God everyone in your country is a fucking race cuck. No wonder you guys are known as the 56%. You don't even fuck your own wife
blacks can win swimming?
95% of all swimmers are white or asian.
Literally there have been 2 great american black sprinters and they both only swam on relays
this copy pasta is so stale I found it next to my pepsi crystal
>You don't even fuck your own wife
I fuck my own wife, I just use our black bull's semen as lube. Why don't you understand that blacks were bred to be better?
>bred to be better
The only way you do that is to make the nigger a mulatto. Nothing else is going to make the nigger better.
The leaf is always right
You fucking what?
Let's see, sprinting... basketball, and football. Literally everything else is dominated by whites and asians.
what about every sport besides basketball? soccer is the most played sport in the world and it's dominated by euros
>basketball and football
All the best players are the old white dudes from the 60-80s. The new nigger ball sports are hardly the same sports as back then.
If you play fallout then the followong analogy makes sense: blacks are super mutants, whites and everyone else are humans.
can you outrun a hyena?
>tfw you find out you're white
This is literally true of only one sport, running.
Sauce on 99%
Dumb analogy. Have you ever seen a monkey play baseball,basketball,soccer etc?
Stay mad white boi
>best athletes meme
>US jewish sports
>niggers take roids at 13-14 years old
>99,9% of niggers on roids dont become a pro
>70% of nigger athletes die before 60 years of age
>75% of nigger athletes go bankrupt within 5 years of retirement
>jewish and evil white men laugh all the way to the bank
Yep, Jamal. You and your nigger athletes are an inferior and retard race.
Yes. You'd know this if you weren't, yourself, a monkey.
Weird place to have a battery pack
Breeding, just ask Jimmy the Greek.
we dont need more people to play with balls we need science and innovations, blacks have no talent in those so they´re obsolete
He didn't flip so good.
what is the NBA?
Then why are 99% of scientists and mathematicians not black? Oh wait, helping humanity doesn't earn as much cheddar as playing any variation of nigger ball.
Get your priorities straight cuck troll faggot
Mentally inferior. Not physically
This is a very inspiring video.
Also because they cant do anything else.