Ask a femanon anything

Ask a femanon anything



why do you lie on the internet dude

Trannys arent welcome here

hi can you post your tits

also remember to sage

Larp much?

what's it like to be a prostitute?

>$80000 a year
Is this enough for qt mail order birde?

why post a pic of a naked woman?

You are least interesting creatures of human kind,niggers of humanity.

Go sell your body because the (((age))) is yours.


Got my attention desu

FYI you

Is this pic true?

Forgot timestamp. Out.

You don't look anything like that do you?

You know you're worthless, right?


I understand its eye grabbing, but seems a little odd for a woman to post that unless she wants to be bombarded with NEET virgins

So proud.

>muh tits

>op pic inoculated for tb

gtfo you third world cunt


hello where are the tits

How many Dicks you have handled at once?

>one post by this ID
tits or gfto

Get your ass back to /b where you belong OP.

Saged and reported.


how many times per day do you receive to sacrament of rape?

Shhh. There are no girls on this board. There is no femanon, just user. Don't depend on your gender for perks, stfu, grow thicc skin and lurk moar.

You want to move to Switzerland?
I'll take you if you're cute.
> send me some pics and a few lines about yourself via PM

How does it feel to be a degenerate whore probing the depths of the internet for validation...?

Good. We're like dogs that way, any attention is better than no attention. And you?


YOUR tits or gtfo.


Post tits or commit suicide

Eh like I'm a ghost, not that I'm after validation online or any validation at all since I have my own motivations. I probe the improbable deeps for any value worth getting and vanish just as quickly as though I never was there at all. It doesn't matter what gender an user has as they will likely never encounter me and even should they I have what I'm after already...



Are you a girl(female) or girl(male)?

obviously not

>1 post by this ID
>Thread still on top
ummm.. guys? are you retards or something?

Thoughts on how birth control coverage dominates western media?


>Doesnt matter if I'm annoying, wrong, dumb, stupid, going to get myself or others hurt, or i just shouldnt do it because I has a vagina
Fuck me m8, it's a girl confirmed, no tits needed

How do you tell a girl her biological clock is ticking? If you're gonna dump her for a more fertile girl if she thinks that "lets have kids after 30" plan is going to fly as she gets older and actually close to 30

I'm going to be forced to shit up Sup Forums again if mods don't start doing their job. The only way to get their attention is to prove shit spills over the edges.

I know right?
You should be like a braindead moron to just casually bump this for no reason

>tfw no Sup Forums husbando

I wanted to see the sources of that image for a laugh but the maker didn't even put those :(

Something like national penis inspection day and then some user thinks he's cracked the case on his statistically average penis by claiming the study was fake because he never had benis inspection day

Bullshit. Naturally.

Are you even a hot virgin?

Women don't have interesting opinions, so I'll ask for tits instead.

>one post by this ID



They just took on new janitors as well right?

Maybe janitors need some more moderation tools to handle the almost constant stream of feces flowing in.

no one on Sup Forums is attractive


>1 post by this ID

not interested

why is a freckled toothpaste pretending to be female

Oh, go and suck off a paki for some cheep cider, you disgusting trollop.
Sup Forums is a thot free zone.