Covfefe was a code

Covfefe was a code.

Covfefe is Ancient Aramaic for Apocalypse.

Original Greek word for Apocalypse is Apokálypsis, which means to make knowledge known; a Revelation.

Covfefe -> Apokálypsis -> Revelation

This has all been in the works for quite a while.


YouTube Covfefe Apocalypse and you get one hit and one hit only....the following video from 2015

Don't worry about the content; it's the description of the video which confirmed what POTUS was doing.

It's go time, boys and girls!

Other urls found in this thread: fe'fe


There were some interesting hits for its Gematria too.

Victory, hints on the coming happening please.
Economic collapse?

About those sword-fighting children...

So they just updated the description ?


World is about to get interesting

How goes the new religion?
People seem to be taking to it.

This tweet is only proving right time and time again, trump fans are brainwashed idiots

What the fuck is going to happen the day of the eclipse?

Thank you, ETA?

theyre just taking full control now, dont worry



Isn't that, like, kinda defeating the point?

BOB (based o'brien) BTFO Grumpfy Twoscoops

Can you at least try to hide the fact you're a shill?

is this legit???
sun (or something?) started illuminating the sky at 3:20 am here on the west coast, is that normal? Have I just not been paying attention to when sunrise starts this time of year or what?

Exactly, how many times have we seen this cycle?

>trump; gives Russia American secrets
>trump fans; no he didn't!
>trump; yes I did
>trump fans; it wasn't important secrets anyway!

>trump; confeve
>trump fans; it was a typo!
>trump; no it wasn't
>trump fans; it's a secret code word!!

There's millions of examples, the mans a joke

>Don't worry about the content; it's the description of the video which confirmed what POTUS was doing
Yeah, except for the part that Jewtube allows you to change the title and the description, which was certainly done here.
What did you think, that Sup Forums would fall for such a lousy trolling?
Hahah...O-oh, right.

>rational human beings are now shills
The brainwashing is strong in this one

I have the good beer.
Drink some good beer for me, so i don't feel so alone.
Pic related is in my hands and belly.

sweety-scoopfkins btfo?

>is this legit???

yeah man super legit

holy fuck you are retarded

Trump is just doing A B testing, seeing how much influence he wields

Lay off, man.
He's just excited by things that may or may not have any basis in reality. Totally normal.
You know, like Muslims.

trying too hard

Thanks for the follow user...

He spoke through me last night (UK)...

The light of dawn has begun.

It started here I love this ride

I study biblical Aramaic, and in Aramaic, 'covfefe' does not mean 'apocalypse'.

Rather, I think it means 'basket'. See e.g., [link to]

Recall that Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters a "basket of deplorables".

IF the President is using Aramaic (e.g., Deut. 26:10 referring to Jacob as a wandering Aramean), then the President would likely be referring to the basket used on the first day of Shauvot, which began May 30, 2017 this year. See e.g., "Shavuot was also the first day on which individuals could bring the Bikkurim (first fruits) to the Temple in Jerusalem (Mishnah Bikkurim 1:3). The Bikkurim were brought from the Seven Species for which the Land of Israel is praised: wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates (Deut. 8:8). In the largely agrarian society of ancient Israel, Jewish farmers would tie a reed around the first ripening fruits from each of these species in their fields. At the time of harvest, the fruits identified by the reed would be cut and placed in baskets woven of gold and silver. The baskets would then be loaded on oxen whose horns were gilded and laced with garlands of flowers, and who were led in a grand procession to Jerusalem. As the farmer and his entourage passed through cities and towns, they would be accompanied by music and parades."

Mind going into a bit more detail?

Anyone else feeling tired? It's late where I am, gonna turn off the old computer and get some rest.

>not realising they fucked up the sun.webm recording
flat earth proof

hello GLP

Wow, larping as a CIA shill?
This is feeling a bit forced.

its no religion faggot

read it user... welcome to the party

Kindly and humbly asking for more info.
Getting a bit too defensive.
Kinda early for the dogmatic approach, don't you think?

Good to see you back VictoryOfLarp.
Looks like your story has become that much more interesting.

That video you linked did seem a bit apocalyptic, I hope it really is knowledge related. So which aliens will humanity serve under as slaves? I guess they will try to lie to humanity to make humans do as they please.

I say mankind, with new tech , goes on a crusade staring out with the elimination of the reptilian homeworlds and colonies, down to the last reptilian.

>read it user... welcome to the party
I did read it. I was part of it.

You can edit titles and descriptions at any time. Also it's Arabic for "I will stand up" but if you find evidence in the actual video post that shit.

dude i'm at work

just go to the thread click my ID and see what was said

if you a want a tl;dr well i can't help coz its fucked up

go to VictoryOfLight twitter and experience the rabbit hole

>implying you are rational or that shills aren't human

Okay well after watching it maybe there is something else going on. Also what said piqued my interest

Going to bed after 12hr shift. Keep digging, hope to see more in the AM

I've been living in the rabbit hole for about 15 years, so I suppose i may be taking some of this for granted.
I agree, synchronicity is incredible. I've always considered it to be the voice of god pointing me in one direction or the other, or a confirmation of sorts.
Be wary, though. We are living in strange times, and there are people out there who are aware of whats going on, and are more than willing to try to capitalize on its effects.

Religions are created in times like these, that's why i bring it up.

Maybe covfefe stands for something about Vince Foster and Hillary's tweet is about Trump also having skeletons lol jk

I was just wondering why the sun came up at 3 am when it doesn't usually do that. thought it might be related or something,maybe I shouldn't have attached the vid though

I think that's what she was implying, sending a message to her peers that she has dirt.
She most certainly does not.
If she did, it would have come out during the campaign, so more an appeal to her weird cultish base than anything.

Personal opinion, Trump is controlling the narrative and Covfefe was some nonsense intended to cause chaos, which it did very well.

What am I looking for in the description? It's just some sperg talking about the trailer he made in hopes for a sequel to some game.

Fair enough, thanks for the advice user... i promise i will give no money, and i am ALWAYS skeptical

OMG, so spooky.

Didn't come up at 3am here, i would have seen it.
Not sure whats going on there, though I have seen the sun set in the north a few times.

Are you literally retarded? There were TONS of dirt came out during the campaign, you idiots ciclejerked on CNN polls instead of bringing her to jail.

fucking faggot

Money is money, use it for whatever you want.
If it brings you peace to give money to anyone, go right ahead.
Point being, know where you are being lured. I can't say for sure that any of this is true or false, but the tendency for lost souls (such as ourselves) to latch on to a morsel of obscurity is very real in times like these. Especially for those of us who are open to these kinds of things.
Wisdom is key.

In the one article you shared it described the coming age as "Cosmic-fascism". You said you disagreed with the interpretation, but conceded saying the coming age lines up with what is presented. Why do you disagree with interpretation?

>Trumpcucks unconditionally worship Trump
>Everyone else are shills
You cunts are the shills, you've reached deluded hillshill status and show no signs of returning to reality
This. they aren't going to stop anytime soon either

It's entirely possible that you failed to understand the meaning of my post.
I meant to imply that she has zero on trump.
Hillary, on the other hand, is a walking pile of dirt. She is the whore of Babylon.

I thought the whore of babylon was Queen Elizabeth

I could be wrong, but the whorish behavior doesn't match at all in my mind.
Who else so prominent has been selling themselves out for power?

>so more an appeal to her weird cultish base than anything.
>Trump is controlling the narrative and Covfefe was some nonsense intended to cause chaos, which it did very well.
too much Ironing, do you really not have any self awareness? or is this bait?

i really thought you mean she has no dirt :D

time will tell

Thanks for CorrectTheRecord Ahmed.

Though there is this. What color has Hillary been wearing lately?
>And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour. Rev:17:4

Clearly he dozed off mid-tweet, while trying to binge watch season five of House of Cards. Sorry no mystcal aliums code this time. Besides, many are familiar with project blue beam by now.

Kill yourself Larper5

Trump made a typo, don't take it and run with it.

perhaps that was the reason and no cryptic code?

The periodic system thing is quite interesting anyways

By the way, this is Anonymous5 under a different tripcode.

It's cool, mang.
yer allright.

Kind of interesting that Hillary herself would make a light joke of it, seemingly having a bit of fun.

Out of character for her, especially with Trump of all people.

have you ever been on Sup Forums?!

this is what we do

Trump is a boomer. He's going to mess up when it comes to social media.

My initial thoughts as well, minus house of cards.
Then I realized how difficult it would be to hit the send button while sleeping.
If it was an accident, the certainly spun it to their advantage. Turn the conversation to something you can contain and control.

What the fuck has Trump done that's seriously bad... I can give you 1000 bad things Obama, Hillary have done for every 1 bad thing Trump has done. Go suck a mudslime dick you shitskin loving faggot.

nvm name. He isn't using his trip

>Covfefe was code
>Covfefe is Ancient Aramaic for Apocalypse

cov fe'fe

Take a step back and see what's really going on.
No one would care about this if Trump was actually doing something wrong. They would be sticking to the real issues, but no. No, they are going ape over two schoops and typo tweets.
If this is all they are going to get upset about, it's going to be smooth sailing to Trumpville as we all laugh at the unhinged left for tearing their own faces off over literally nothing.

Haven't you watched berserk

>the predictor of the covfefe catastrophe is a chubby asian guy

LARP harder faggot, you need to get it all in before summer ends.


bumping a rare OP
what did he mean by this ?

cov fe'fe is arabic for "I will stand up" ya dinguses

guess what language they speak in Saudi Arabia, the country Trump just visited?

That's because in either scenario. It's fucking ridiculous that there's ever this much a reaction every time he does something that's a total nothing either way. It's insane how radical these people have gotten. A fucking typo got a picture of his bloody decapitated head paraded around on MSM and social media. Do you understand how fucking vile this shit has gotten?

Lol aliens don't exist. You lost all credibility nigger.

They are lying about the true human population. We are around 2 Billion in total, not 7 Billion. They want 500 Million, like the Georgia Guidestones say.

People are pigs to nature though, so maybe they are right?

Too bad it's gonna be a fake disinfo disclosure. We won't know the full truth for another few decades at least

That's an interesting conspiracy theory. I feel like Africa as a whole, China, and India inflate their population counts.

That was the original intention apparently, but who knows. Like everything on Sup Forums, always push for more information.

To what end?
I've been to Delhi, and I got the feeling there were a good 7 billion people in that city alone.
I hear my friends talk about cities in China, smaller cities that no one has heard of, having a population of 9 million.
I go check out the pics online and see a city twice the size of New York in the middle of nowhere.
I always thought the number was much larger than the 7 bil they say.

It's not 3:20 am on the west coast yet, what the heck are you talking about

That could be the case as well. It's a fun one to think about is all.

>There's millions of examples
lies, I demand proof of you're statement, or it will be implicitly withdrawn


The normies will never see it coming.

They already here

I get if they are trying to push the 'oberpoulation' thing to make us feel guilty about breathing, but about half the people i know in my own life have never filled out a census, making them zero in the total sum of things.
Hell, the number of bums and... fuckit.

This song is amazing for comfy feels.

That baseline. My balls explode

Kek Wills it.
The time is now.
Pic related.

victory at sea is better

So, derailing the derailed thread back to its original purpose, are people really itching for a new religion or what?