crawl out of your dark subreddits and see the world for once
nice b8 m8 xD I feel so defeated mr gypsie!! :((( SadPanda :p
>implying he's wrong
I dont know why he's acknowledging that their is an "alt-right" in the first place. Thats a term the media came up with.
Doesnt most of their anger comes from being denied racial purity after they lost WWII? Like, thats the whole point.
I think he's talking about ebaumsworld
How does anyone like this embarrassing cuck?
Because in time he also became a media shill, even when he fails to see it or rather refuse to. Controlled opposition everywhere.
Damage control. Because for a lot of people everyone who is at least conservative and rejects mainstream news is alt-right.
>we're better because the mainstream media likes us
How many people are a better source of redpills than PJW?
Why is this board obsessed with bringing down the few people actually helping our causes? It's not like him going full 1488 would help us or him in any way whatsoever, he attacks the media and the liberal establishment that's good enough for me.
He just didn't want to lose credibility. What should he have done? Talk about the jews (half of his subscribers know of them anyway) to create an even bigger echo chamber?
Well, the stormfags exclude mixed-race people, but they've yet to define the demarcation point between mixed and pure. So unless they're going to insist that one has to be 100% pure Aryan, which none of them can demonstrate being, their ideology is intellectually untenable.
>New Right
So the new cuckservaties?
Well imagine my shock
Half of people hating pjw just don't like him the other half are shills and stormniggers.
>It's not like him going full 1488 would help us or him in any way whatsoever, he attacks the media and the liberal establishment that's good enough for me.
This. His videos are great entry red pills and yet the comment section is mostly Sup Forums tier. Even if he would go 1488 most subscribers would just hear what they already know.
His content is a second level redpill for normies, Milo being the first. Overall he refused to take the next step.
I regard him as useful and informative, but irrelevant to the main goal:
To reinstill absolute monarchism
>Why is this board obsessed with bringing down the few people actually helping our causes?
Because they're shills. Why else do you think this type of posting happens in waves?
>he attacks the media and the liberal establishment that's good enough for me.
this is what he writes:
>guess which faction the media is giving all the attention to?
turns out the little fucker just wanted attention
he's bringing himself down, he's the one trashing us like the little hypocrite he is.
PJW is on our list now!
you can fuck to the_d ok?
He's right. Besides, the right has always been this way anyway.
>mAiNsTrEeM mEtEoR
The thing about the stormfags infesting Sup Forums is that not only can't they prove having 100% Aryan genes -- they worship the wussy metrosexual Spencer, who can't defend himself. Total beta cucks. They ain't changin' shit.
yeah fuck r/the_donald, we're the true masterminds
>Be a total nobody, no one give a real fuck about you
>post some pseudo smart shit on Facebook about shit that nobody care to look smart
We are done boys, it's the end for us.
To all the people acting adversely to this:
I didn't know this was a sub-reddit.
wtf I downvote you now!
Lol no, I've been saying alt-right a few years before hillary open her dumb fucking mouth. Jesus look at all these Johnny come lately's.
>another ___ right "spokesperson" is a ___
And not a single fuck was given. If people here can't recognize the divide-and-shill tactics occurring here on a daily basis nowadays, and respond without indulging the swine further, they will be lost.
Just stopping by to say that I think PJW means well and has done more to the truth movement than most.
Nu/pol/ can hate him all they want, but old/pol/ would have respected him.
Yes, yes he should.
Actually, there are at least 4:
Just Right
hes a fucking plant isnt he?
is pw a trap tapper?
not even surprised
if this isnt shopped thats hilarious.
>Civic Nationalism
>a functional ideology
pick one
It really bothers me more that he says we gather on plebbit and not Cambodian basket-weaving websites REEEEEEEEEE
>Helped Hillary lose the election
>Unironically support eugenics, removing 5th columns from countries and the fact that niggers still live in mud huts because they're niggers.
>absolute monarchism
So it's treason then
You're also a tripfag on Sup Forums of all places. Might as well just bend over and plant a rainbow flag in your asshole.
Alt-right was a fringe term at best and only came into conventional use during the election cycle. It was clearly coopted to try and paint trump supporters as an extremist faction in an attempt to push conservatives who were on the fence to not vote Trump. Despite its origins, the term was popularized to mean something new and In that sense the media did create the term as the public knows it.
So the real alt right are the 'new right?' Neocons? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss
So basically r/donald vs. Sup Forums
we did more stuff for election than those meme robbing copycats
It bothers you that hes not breaking rules one and two whilst also helping our PR in public?
Newfags please lurk more and pay attention this endless summer is horrid
>Le memes!
>For le lulz XD
Both "rights" are cancer. Conservativism is dead
>i have to like him in other to like his message
Muh fee fee.
It's fine like this, Sup Forums is supposed to act as a the grumpy swamp monster occasionally swatting other monsters aways and unwillingly helping.
To begin with this whole alt-right/new-right/whatever-right is ridiculous, Sup Forums is far right conservative with a certain love for totalitarian nationalism, no need to make up terms.
>looks like a possibly tough swarthy man in his twitter profile pic
>looks like a pale, weak, nerdy faggot IRL
I don't like this guy
...Is that tie shopped?
The line between New Right and alt-right runs right down every human soul.
what the fuck is a "subreddit"?
>It was clearly coopted to try and paint trump supporters as an extremist faction in an attempt to push conservatives who were on the fence to not vote Trump.
It's impossible for me to believe they didn't know this would backfire spectacularly. They can't be that stupid.
Sadly for PJW the Festering Faction create all the best memes, and the Rainbow Coalition Faction just re-purpose them and make them embarrassing.
and yet he literally can't stop writing articles about Sup Forums and using words like "cuck" and "red-pilled".
The Alt-Right is a white indentitarian movement in the U.S.
It was co-opted by Le Faggot New Right to describe their Wacky Zany Rebranding of conservatism. They borrowed some ideas, but left behind the stuff that makes normies uncomfortable.
It goes like this;
>Sup Forums, TRS, DS, AI etc
>Co-opted by the fag Milo and Breitbart to describe not only the more Sup Forums elements of the above lot, but also the general Anti-SJW movement and the Paul-ites that shared spaces with the 14's and ironic 88ers
>Hillary and fags then adopted the term to basically describe EVERYONE I DON'T LIKE THAT ISN'T ALREADY A NEO-CON OR RELIGIOUS FUNDIE
The left effectively diluted the term (by applying it to everyone, regardless of of their affiliations) AND helped promote ethno-nationalists like Spencer and later Taylor, who rather than coming off scary, come off as either retarded or moderate.
>tHe So-CaLlEd "ToLeRaNt LeFt"
yeah what a faggot. of course he can't address the elephant in the room or else his career will be over. he is only entry-level-normie-tier
How the fuck can you call that kike retard a source of redpills when he's doing the exact opposite?
>It's not like him going full 1488 would help us or him in any way whatsoever, he attacks the media and the liberal establishment that's good enough for me
Do you know what controlled opposition is? He's building up hype as ''anti establishment'' so he can guide people exactly where he wants when the time comes.
and EVEN IF the viper bites your enemy once or twice, that doesn't make the viper your friend.
>we iz alt rite
This is the faggot who said to not fight back in the video in which he proved that they are replacing us with niggers.He says to not kill our enemyes because they will win and he would have jackshit to wine about and make money off.
He never gives any solutions because his solution is watch my videos so i can make money.
Faggot kike.
>mfw i'm in a subreddit called Sup Forums
>go to Infowars Youtube
>50% of the comments name the Jew
>"""""""""tiny fringe minority"""""""""
PJW is biting the hand that feeds him.
The only thing blown the fuck out is PJW's anal sphincter.
i always come on this Sup Forums subreddit right here and obsess over the jews, jewish superiority, and adolf hitler.
he's 100% right.
PJW should be made the top moderator of Sup Forums for his keen insight.
Are there any queers in the theater tonight?
We Wuz. Kingz and shit if the Alt-Right
top kek
Buy my MAGA meme hat, goyim!
What is it, don't like having fun?
Maybe you like Hitler, then?
Is anyone else bothered by the fact that literally every attempt of being funny (most of the time failed attempt) in 2017 is called a meme? Fucking hell. There are difference between memes and a picture with a fucking caption.
friendly reminder
Because they make the right look like spineless cucks who are too afraid to say what they want. Before long the 'alt-right' will just dissolve into some BS centrist ideology.
Because he's playing the culture warrior narrative and calling libtards racist like it's something we're supposed to care about.
I swear to god todays 'right-wingers' are proudly celebrating the fact that they're to the right of current leftists when we've swung so far fucking left that even Stalin would approve of this 2 party charade
Long live Assad!
What a day that was
How rude of him
Holy fuck the lackey for the guy who sells placebos to slack jawed yokels on Jewtube is trying to pick a fight with this board now?
Why do all these Tsundere fucking losers keep coming here for attention?
Get in line behind Buzzfeed, salami nipple kid, the CIA, JIDF, and all the other alphabet agencies you uninteresting homosexual cunt.
>You're also a tripfag on Sup Forums of all places. Might as well just bend over and plant a rainbow flag in your asshole.
Just a 100% hetero guy working at a store for 11 years.
>Alt-right was a fringe term at best and only came into conventional use during the election cycle. It was clearly coopted to try and paint trump supporters as an extremist faction in an attempt to push conservatives who were on the fence to not vote Trump. Despite its origins, the term was popularized to mean something new and In that sense the media did create the term as the public knows it.
Looks like the media played you. That sounds like a "you" problem, not a "me" problem.
He is just stating he isn't our guy. I never thought he was though.
What is Rabbi Paul Joseph Watson trying to tell us?
I'm part of both those groups, so that asshole can toss my fucking sallad.