What is Sup Forums views of Climate Change.
Climate Change
I've always felt too many threads about global warming cause global warming.
It is observable and likely exacerbated by human activities. Anyone denying that climate change is occurring is literally retarded. There is no benefit to continuing to rely on fossil fuels and such other than "muh profits"
It exists but temperature levels and statistics are being extremely exaggerated for political gain
Your mom's a fossil fuel
It's a Jewish doomsday scenario that had nothing to do with science or reality, but everything to do with political control.
alarmists forget how many ice ages there were in the past.
even if it's exaggerated, we should try to make the world colder to make it a better environment for whites.
It's real. Africa will start cooking up soon. Africans will start migrating to Europe not in millions, but in dozens (and later hundreds) of millions. It's all over. We're dead either way.
We will all be brown skinned slaves before climate change effects the world in any meaningful way, that is, if it exists.
are trips still worth anything on Sup Forums?
Accelerationism is the final redpill. Yes, GW is bad, but the gains from not caring about it will lead to a very aggressive economy and scientific development, which will lead to the invention of tech that solves it faster
It is extremely important to keep energy cheap for humanity. The fall of prices and accessibility to energy is one of the primary factors for why our civilization is here
no action should ever be based on false pretenses, even if it is for "good" intentions. the reality is that it's a political issue that is being pushed to benefit an industry before that industry is mature enough to stand on its own merits.
This tbqph the green tech is ight but it just isnt good enough to warrant the price for a regular person.
Checked, but is correct on this issue. Memes aside don't fuck with something when it doesn't need to be fucked up. We just got over an ice age during the last Napoleon war, we are due for a period of intense heat.
Do you really think country's near the equator will survive long?
have a red pill on me
the climate changes often
It's not man made. If we contribute to the change in weather patterns (and I'm sure we do to some infinitesimal amount) its not enough to make real, observable, verifiable change. Everytime I see someone sperg out about glacier temperatures in some extremely specific spot on said glacier, only to have those results redacted a week later by another article, apologizing that they weren't more thorough in their data taking, just makes me want to beat my head against a post.
It's not as if green house gas levels haven't been MUCH FUCKING HIGHER than what they are today.
I'd remind people that we're more in danger from nature taking its ACTUAL course and throwing us another ice age, as that HAS been observed to happen in cycles. We're already in the local maxima (or perhaps we've passed that maxima) for the heat up phase. The Earth tends to get hot and cold in cycles, and we're due for another ice age. It's that whole equilibrium thing.
The problem is no one can know these days if it is true or not.
There's lots of conflicting science and then there's the fact they first called it Global warming and then suddenly the "Great Pause" came along because warming stopped for a decade.
Now it's Climate Change so we can blame any snowstorm or hurricane on it.
Government funded universities (doesn't matter if directly or via very cheap loans to students) produce leftists universities (because leftists love statism) which in turn produces science that supports statism.
"Climate Change" fits very well for anyone wanting more statism, as it gives governments the right to interfere with corporations and private property almost without any justification.
And then it's also great for any globalist, because it creates the incentive to have a world body regulating economic activity and interfering with private property on a global scale.
Who knows, we might some day see leftists starting wars because some terrorist or some government threatens humanity by ignoring these new rules set forth by the UN by emitting too much CO2.
We might even see some day a worldwide policy that limits birthrates. Guess who's gonna be the first they'll foist a one child policy on to, it'll be Europeans, because we as the most industrialised countries have the most economic activity.
Doesn't matter if half of the world population would starve or fall back into barbarism if we stopped, main thing is that they want to eliminate us.
Non issue. If Seattle is going to be underwater in 50 years because of global warming, then we should be building infrastructure to handle the climate change.
We shouldn't be faggots who pretend that they're helping by driving electric cars around and drinking soy milk.
I actually had to do some research on this topic for a final exam. Truth is were only scratching the surface of the heat period and are expected to go through another 65-100 years of it before things get cold again. Well have to prepare, but it won't be in our lifetime
Oh and well, it also gives a nice justification for mass migration of niggers to Europe.
Because it's white mens fault the kikes will say.
It's the perfect justification for lots of evil policies for our elites.
That's not how it works retard
Or for Terra forming a planet with a smaller atmosphere
I forgot what's the current narrative.
Global warming or cooling?
I hail to any activities making temperatures raise.
It's almost mid summer, fucking 9 degrees above freezing.
Hell, I even sieg hail if it makes it warmer.
Disable the HAARP system and it will stop.
Science says it legitimate so I believe it.
Those who don't believe in said science due to their political views are idiots, and I say this as a Trump fan.
Anyone who believes in science is an idiot because it's literally the opposite of faith based belief.
my view is whatever dilbertman tells me
I don't know, can't know, and my individual knowing/not knowing has no impact on any theoretical climate change whatsoever
climate change is real, we go through all four seasons in a day here in new zealand. sometimes its misty in the morning, and then the climate changes to a rainy mid-day, followed by a sunny afternoon which ends in a freezing evening. as for whether humans are responsible for this change, i would say its produced by the tilt of the earth mixed with the distance of the sun with a touch of geo-location.
to answer the question of whether the earth is getting warmer, i would agree. the earth was in the midst of an ice-age some 10,000-100,000 years back and the earth has been growing gradually warmer since. do i know whether this is the hottest surface temperature? no. it is the act of a fool to speak of these matters before there has been sufficient data from which to work from
tl;dr - i don't believe in man-made climate change
There's something about that guy that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It's like he's obviously genius level smart, and he knows he manipulates what other people believe, and at this point he even tells you he does it and to some extent how he does it. But then he gets this wry little half smile micro expression like he's getting to suppress an emotion but can't quite manage to. And then you realize he probably thinks he's manipulating YOU right at the moment you're watching him, and hell he's probably right. So if he is, you have to ask to what end, because he's not making money off you which would at least be slightly honest, so what the hell is he getting out of you?
He reminds me of Yuri Bezmenov.
>because he's not making money off you
He will once you buy his book "How to fail at everything and still win big" or his future release "Win Bigly: persuasion in a world where facts don't matter". Which you will buy because dilbertman has a wry little half smile and a signature little "aheh" chuckle
fuck no I won't. I'll pirate it.
The discussion is manipulative to say the least. There's no arguing that it's desirable for us to embrace alternative means of energy and fund research in that regard, but media treats people who disagree with the Paris treaty like Holocaust deniers.
If Climate Change is an undisputable fact and billions of people are going to die from it, it doesn't make sense not to go full force right away. Letting China grow it's carbon output until 2030 while restricting our own economies is not even trying to solve the problem but rather a simple redistribution.
If we really care about the environment it means to stop population growth. But no one's even touching that subject.
Why is it okay to enforce a one-child-policy in China but not in India or Nigeria?
Why invite millions of people to Europe to reinforce our wasteful lifestyle?
If it's real? What can we honestly do to curb it? We're fucked. We all dead regardless. Fuck it.
I feel like it's too soon to know for sure. I find the whole thesis where it's all just Sun cycles to be more believable and plausible.
Though what we're currently doing is certainly not sustainable in the slightest and the emissions we're causing likely have a negative effect on our atmosphere.
I think if it was an actual big deal than there'd be laws in place to prevent "dem der big bad corporations" from buying the patents to anything that could put the energy sector in jeopardy.
Seriously though, look into the solar cycles and it all makes sense.
>Also, Cern fucks with our O-Zone more than you ever could.
I have heard it argued that it would indeed be good thing if the US stepped out of the PCA, because then other states could get on with it without US knobs making all of the regulations extraordinarily lax for their benefit.
there's no way to stop it now
that's the only thing that matterys
Also I recall watching a periscope once where he mentioned that every day he wakes up and thinks "what can I do today to make the world a better place". In another one where he talked about the meaning of life/happiness, he said that his belief was that when we're first born we're pure selfish (can't do anything for ourselves, need to be given everything to survive), but the older we get the more selfless we are meant to become - you have kids and dedicate a lot of time to them, and by the time you're a grandparent you spend most of your time for the sake of other people. And if, at any stage of your life you're not at the appropriate spot in the selfish/selfless balance you're more likely to feel unhappy and unsatisfied with your life.
Dilbertman is almost 60 now - going by his own model, he's at the end of the chart where he's meant to act selfless. It's possible that he just considers himself philanthropic - He has political ideas of how to improve the world (reducing the cost of healthcare by switching to an online system for most basic consultations, for example). By using his persuasion powers to spread his ideas to other people, he's making it so that not only can his ideas outlive him, but that they can be spread to enough people and perhaps enough important people that they can be considered seriously. He does like to humblebrag about how important people in high places watch his periscope and read his blog, or at least get the important details passed onto them (eg he takes credit for the "should daily press briefings be removed" idea that got floated a couple weeks back). If he truly does think this way, it would explain why he's not out for monetary profit from his audience. He's just trying to advance his political goals in a way he considers more effective than running for office himself.
Just another judeo-globalistic hoax.
>Tfw renewable energy is here to stay
>Will overtake the market in 15-20 years
>Oil prices will plummet
>Middle east will have nothing of value
>Middle east will become irrelevant
Only winnings
what isn't how it works? I made several points, faggot.
Not gonna happen for one reason alone.
>It'd make the petrodollar useless.
Why the fuck do you think all the "renewable energy" either gets bought up or the person disappears.
China is fucking the world.
Don't give a fuck about global warming, droping plastics and heavy metals in the ocean, all cucked globalists sending there the industry.
Irresponsible farmers giving tons of antibiotics to the cattle creating superbacterias that make our medicine useless.
Living in hazardous overpopulated cities where weak chinks are a farm for viruses and bacterias.
Petroldollars will cease to exist user.
We already pump up more oil than we'll ever need and with china pushing for renewable energy within their own country the only way to be competitive on the market will be to abandon oil.
All the assassinations of the world won't be able to keep renewable energy off the market, there's too much money in it.
80% of the biggest companies currently on the planet will fall within the next 50 years.