Well, so much for the UK.
Well, so much for the UK
Other urls found in this thread:
Do the english know that the 2 year wait was an attempt to politically reverse the brexit position?
wot u on about?
Conservatives were too confident in their victory and were bringing up ridiculous policies like legalising fox hunting, they underestimated the hate at the moment for elitists
Brexiters BTFO.
UK forever a part of EU.
Both main parties support brexit except Labour want to remain in the customs union so our economy doesn't get damaged.
The beady strikes again!
Anyone else think T may may is quite hot?.
I definitely let her blow me
Isn't this poll to you Brits in kind to one of ours from say Washington D.C.? Why are people extrapolating that to the entire country?
Say it with me lads
Prime Minister Jeremy Corbyn
I would go strawberry picking with her, dropping her off at her parents house after making a pie with her together.
They said there will be a vote for Fox hunting. Completely different from legalising it
No, 'westminster voting intentions' means voting intentions for the general election. Its misleading I know.
youguv is a polling site that pays people money to do polls/serveys and shit. its being advertised on facebook and may broke millenials are spamming the shit out of it, some even voting on their phone/computer/ipad multiple times.
Yeah, that has a stripe of 'tard in it.
Wait, those people buy spam? We did it for free.
> Labour want to remain in the customs union
people like that are called "Bremainers", its like brexit, but mainly remain. ;)
If we stay in Customs Union we have to stay in single market, if we stay in single market we can't stop brown people coming here.
tl;dr.... Brexit means Brexit
no Youguv pays people to take these polls and shit. companies pay Youguv to do these surveys so they can see if a product or w/e may or maynot do well. id say its a more honest way of doing buisiness research. But yea shills are spamming it combined with young voters being the ones that use Youguv more.
Dont forget that most of the youth vote wont even turn up, think it was 40ish% that turned up for brexit. could be worse, i do suspect its worse actually.
Never doubt the "shy Tory" effect.
Miliband's Labour were projected as a dead heat in the last general election and the Conservatives managed go squeeze out an overall majority.
Corbyns chances are pretty much fuck all squared.
The Comres methodology still has the conservatives coming out with a near 100 seat majority:
It'll be interesting to see the reaction if that actually happens..
>Current year
>Lived through the 2016 election cycle
>trusts polls
Not true. Customs union is for goods and services only. Labour have committed to ending free movement.
Average of all polls is still Tory 9-11% lead
This is something that has always bothered me: this idea that somehow brexit will mean fewer brown people. Who dyou think is going to replace the European immigrants and the (so far) paltry number of refugees? Canadians?
If we leave brexit the number of pakis, nogs and Chinamen will increase. If I had to choose between living next to a hardworking based pole or a family of pakis spanning four separate generations I know which one id pick.
>wot u on about?
"Oy Vey Goyim, you have to wait until we can subvert your political position to exit from the EU."
white men btfo
Brits are going down the drain so fast!
Whats wrong with foxhunting as long as the hunters keep the fox population in check? Do you guys have a fox problem in the UK?
you know how pakis get in these days right?
they get to one of the european countries without borders, make way to UK as asylum seekers, disappear off the radar. Live in households of 10+generations
have kids - congrats you cant get deported now
Yeah man remember how the polls showed LePen getting BTFO yet she went on to win? (((polls))) amirite?
Remember when Clinton had a 99% chance of winning?
Remember when brexit wasn't ever going to happen?
>tfw i didn't think this was real
what are you even doing bongs, this guy will cuck on the brexit deal
46 percent right wing
45 percent left wing
latest polls in Germany
62 percent right wing
34 percent left wing
Makes you think.
During the times of the fox hunts, they had to catch fox cubs and give them shelter until age 1 in order to have enough foxes to hunt.
Not even kidding. A fox can have up to 8 cubs, most of them die by age 1 - by caring for the cubs they artificially inflated the fox population to kill them again.
The number or Brits wanting to go fox hunting approaches 0.1 percent. Putting it into a legislative manifesto is beyond stupid if you want to win over the population.
'Right wing' in Germany is left wing in Britain
Incredible when the media here have been vilifying Corbyn 24/7 since he became Labour leader.
Seems everything the media does these days has the opposite effect.
Le Pen was always going to lose.
>with father that people hate, who their own laws literally 'convict of being a racist'
She never stood a chance
Now apply the rules of
>no already hated relatives
>enemy is unattractive
>younger looking
to the current candidates
I doubt it. I am fairly familiar with UK politics and Labour/Corbyn are closest to our Linke which are communists.
The CSU is closest to Tories, the CDU is more centrist than the Tories in some areas and much more (e.g. healthcare) right wing in other areas.
Our FDP is more right wing than the LibDems by a long shot. And the AFD is akin to UKIP but polls higher than it.
Corbyn is pro-brexit. He spent his entire time as a "Remain" leader attacking predictions of other Remain leaders. He was historically a euroskeptic.
I say this as someone who voted Remain, but wants May to win this election.
Why the fuck did she call this election anyway? Didn't the tories already have a majority?
what the fuck is wrong with bongistan? how can you have any self respect with over half your parliament being full on social globalists trying to welfare every third world nation in the world? why dont you just rename yourselves pakistan honestly i just dont get it
The way it's done (running them down on horses with packs of dogs by aristocratic toffs) is what people hate.
No one really has a problem with controlling the population humanely by shooting them
He's just a remain tosser who trying to regret trip his peers.
He doesn't realise how many hoops one must jump through to emigrate straight here from a common wealth country as opposed to going on holiday to Germany and then mysteriously vanishing.
They've changed their tune now. Something happened and they all switched allegience about a month ago.
Because she thought she would we win an even larger majority. They were so over confident in the beginning that they thought they could stuff their manifesto full of crap (Internet censorship, dementia tax, pension cuts) and people would still vote for them.
Worryingly it's a yank that is most clued up on British politics.
No they are and were not. Also the Lib Dems are as much a main party as Labour nowadays. Conservatives did not want Brexit, hence the very authoritative grey and white .gov logo sealed leaflets every household was sent before the vote telling us simple minded peons that a vote for Brexit was something the Gov did not feel was healthy.
The Tories fucked up by allowing us the referendum vote; at least from their own perspective, I voted leave twice and firmly believe the people would be better of independant, that they quite like to lose this election so they won't have to push forward with leaving. Instead it appears that the Tories are happy with letting a Labour/Lib dem coalition government piss 55% of us off when they join powers to cock block the bill.
The problem honestly is our politicians don't know how to lead a fully independent country. They've been so contented for 30 years with sitting back and doing what their masterminds tell them too with regards to everything except how to allocate what taxpayer funds are left; which of course end up being pocketed in their second cousins really expensive low quality council house repairs contract firms, civic gardening companies, and 'arts' funding all the while collecting lavish gifts of wealth from aforementioned second cousins.
Labour was like this, the Tories were like this, it's been this way for decades, maybe even centuries, those that rule from the shadows were the only ones qualified to actually run the country as they damn well knew they would be the ones doing so and educated themselves accordingly, the puppets Like Theresa May and Corbyn exist purely for the low brow circus theater of Westminster parliamentary debate.
Unless its the Labour version of Brexit which means, we'll negotiate whatever to remain in the free trade agreement and if they won't allow it we just won't leave.
>People still believe in polls
>Even after Brexit
>Even after Hillary
>Even after pretty much everything
>in 2017
>2000 and fucking 17
Jesus wept, he really did. Cuntservatives will win, stop being a retard or I'll nuke your home with farts.
>Oy vey, you bedda throw this election if you know what's good for you!
The cuck line everyone below this line is a cuck
You should actually kill yourself for voting leave.
Eh may just move to ROI as I'm a 3rd gen Irish Migrant descendant if things get to bad.
It's YouGov. Not the most reliable of pollsters. I'm not too worried just yet
Yeah, because polls are so accurate, like when they predicted a Labour victory in 2015, a Remain victory in 2016 and Hillary Clinton winning the presidency.
Fucking moron.
>Having female leaders
Enjoy being in a country where the most extremem militant nationalists also suppport Muslims, refugees and mass immigration.
Britain needs to just cull the current representatives in blood, and then elect new ones who will continue government in the same fashion but are never able to punish anyone for the cull. Make sure Parliament remembers who they work for.
Yougov are going full retard at the moment, nothing has actually changed.
>so our economy doesn't get damaged
Good goy.
Another victory for the Right! Get fucked Commie Corbyn!
Le pen. Face it, ypur muslim population actually votes. You probably wont
I'm an American, tell me what's going to happen to Britain.
I honestly don't know why yougov are doing this, as it's going to end up making them look incompetent all over again.
Either that or it's momentum shills.
You say that like England doesn't have 10x the problem.
Conservatives will win a massive majority, Labour will continue their spiral into irrelevance, nothing will change on the whole.
Honestly the parliamentary model is a joke.
It's going to become the USBR (Union of Socialist British Republics)
All hail chairman Corbyn.
So did the Conservatives see that they had like a 60-40 advantage and go full imperial march revealing a bunch of stupid plans that have now completely tanked them where they thought they were untouchable? I remember a few weeks ago everyone was going on about how Labour had 0 chance.
Why the fuck would anyone vote Tory?
I don't know where the Conservatives or Labor stand, explain it to me like I'm retarded.
Cool, want us to send you some weapons so you can liberate yourselves?
*Temporary immunity to cuck line*.
You not go into any of the question time threads? Or /brit/pol threads? It's pretty much certain that every real brit posting on this site actually will vote. Now you on the other hand, you don't even have a passport, let alone a voting ID/card. Fat shit.
Conservatives will win but some jump in the polls (which is an unreliable poll by yougov, fucking yougov) and idiotic chimps from Ireland and the USA start spazzing like they understand how our politics works.
Protip faggots, you fucking well don't, so when we tell you that the Scots aren't going to vote for indy, they aren't going to vote for indy. If we fucking tell you we're going to vote to leave the EU, you had better fucking believe that we will vote that way, and if we fucking tell you that Conservatives will win then you pay fucking attention and learn that they will win and if we tell you that you will suck our unwashed dicks then by Christ are you going to suck those fucking dicks and enjoy every salty, cheesy second of it.
Got it? Good.
Nothing has actually changed. Don't believe these meme polls. All the other pollsters are predicting the same as before.
Also keep in mind that despite the whole "nice man" thing, Corbyn is not popular in general. Most won't want to vote for someone so weak, especially after a terrorist attack.
We do not propose dictatorship.
Because the control of an elected parliament would still remain.
Read something before you come into a thread and expect us to summarise a whole political system in one meme post. There are plenty of resources that are better than anyone here.
He's also a terrorist supporter and enabler that wants no limit to how many shitskins can enter the UK, along with wanting to nationalise everything, borrow even more money and make it mandatory for every muslim male to rape every young white fetus still in the womb.
>rediculous policies
>like fox hunting
Your faggotry never stops amazing me
The right wing doesn't properly exist in either country.
bit rude that.
Well mainly so the EU doesn't fuck us over in the brexit negotiations.
The conservatives are threatening to walk away and resort to WTO rules if we don't get a good deal. That wouldn't just hurt us but hurt the EU, Labour wants to go into the negotiations and accept any deal the EU gives them.
>joins EU
>gets replaced by niggers
You are the one that should kill himself actually.
NIGEL 2022
Cringing at posts like this. Yanks pretending they know our system despite understanding fuck all.
I can't imagine a limp-dicked halfman that can't answer a question straight like Corbyn leading the Brexit negotiations and even more so after his recent statements about his intentions on how he will handle the whole thing.
He is soft and from where I am standing a vote for Corbyn is a vote for remain.
I understand your system, cunt. You just aren't imaginative enough to will into fruition a UKIP landslide after five years of Corbynism
You're a pathetic ameritard
Just as pathetic as those who implied Marine had a chance
I'm happy you don't live in Europe
>Just as pathetic as those who implied Marine had a chance
If by chance you mean the slimmest of slimmest of chances, then yes I suppose so.
This is a hypothetical election five years in the future, but if everyone here wants to support those who want to segregate the Internet, that's fine with me.
>JewKIP landslide
And you really don't know how our system works, do you? It's not a popular vote, so polls matter much less.
>wants no limit to how many shitskins
What's his position on immigration, honestly?
The thing about Corbyn is his plan to end the Trident nuclear deterrent. That shit is gonna make France a superpower, lad.
>Attributes user's half-assed memeing of a UKIP landslide in 2022 as not understanding Britain's parliamentary system
Don't mind us, we're just all laughing at you cunt
Do the Americans know that UK =/= England?
The 99% chance of winning wasn't based on polls.
Is anyone even moderately concerned that the plan for dealing with terrorism seems to be pretending it will go away on its own, or that you just need to get used to it?
Special Brew on tap at every venue.