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Thanks God I'm a Slav
That's what happens when you put too much estrogen in the drinking water, pretty sure Sweden is the site where the rich Jews pick up their boy concubines
quiet bacon
Every fucking time
Burn sweden.
Why are so long the framings on kids?
Why are they so effeminate?
This is fucking pedostuff.
I think you mean Swedes.
if it was not for the overwhelming prevalence of homosexual degeneracy embedded within western civilization i would have found this to be cute but now it just sickens me
more likely
and soon
that even makes it worse
In Sweden young boys are told and raised to act like girls from kindergarden.
And girls are raised to submit to be blacked
So what? Still sick
Is there a document, video, audio, paper, you name it, that sums up better the whole Sweden state?
where the fuck is this pedo shit, and why is it allowed ?
Lord, have mercy and strike swiftly and accurately.
this is truly sad that poor child
if you were told to jump off a bridge would you do it?
He's a cute little thing isn't he?
Asians and whites are just so CUTE. here is an Asian and a white!
Please, Western 'Europeans', leave us out of this cuckfest
they've brainwashed this poor soul, goddamn kikes
fug dis
Came up with 90% of anything worth a damn, but somehow it's culturally trendy to want us dead.
Wanna hate on whites? Here's a better target.
Hillary Clinton isn't white?
How is this even allowed? He's literally being publicly sexualized. I genuinely feel bad for this kid.
one thing i've noticed about Europeans/Whites is that they are unbelievably cute. Not in a sexual way, but I just want to hug them
Only if the person saying it came from socialstyrelsen.
White handed the modern world to everyone, now they want to get rid of us.
Electricity, the telephone, 2 simple discoveries that forever changed the world, imagine a world without tesla and edison.
Where the fuck would we be right now? not on the internet thats for damn sure.
>Muh degeneracy
Something so cute can't be bad
I want his anus.
whites are sissies lmao
She is white.
He meant that if you absolutely have to hate whites, then hate people that deserve to be hated despite being white.
turning children into sex objects is far from cute you fucking pedo scum
thas right
Is this the Western Culture they're so proud of?
What's wrong with acknowledging how adorable they are? When did I turn them into sex objects?
Even so what's wrong with that as long as it isn't rape?
I think this is.
No, just Swedes Abdul- there is no 'white'. I am an ethnic nationalist.
oh wow, an empire. no ones ever had that before
It says ,"Still living the life of an animal?"
what the fuck happened GERMANY?
>When did I turn them into sex objects?
the context of this thread would imply that given your previous post. also if this is meant to be bait or an attempt at trolling its a piss poor attempt
>even so what's wrong with that as long as it isn't rape?
you are robing children of their innocence while corrupting your mind, if you truly see no problem with turning a kid into a sex object regardless of act you are seriously mentally ill
That is just a bunch of baseless regurgitated feminazi rhetoric. Congratulations for not being able to think for yourself though.
>what is grooming
kids can't consent you fucking moron that is why there's statutory rape
- are very cute!
I'm referring to the white folks among us that can be truly considered "supremacist"
You know, the architects of the prison industrial complex, and all that fun stuff. Keep black men warehoused, keep black women on welfare, keep black children fatherless and rudderless. All for profit.
Wow Western culture is bad.
Introduce Sharia now.
It is because Sup Forums considers it CP only if it has a specific display of sexuality AND the participants are nude. I mean you could call mods if you want.
i get the feeling your trying really hard to troll but are failing miserably at it (that or your trying to hide the fact that your a pedo) 0/10
I'm a Liberal myself but this is just fucking horrible.
Arent all Swedes told that since the day they are born?
Yes because laws are always objectively truthful, just and correct right? How stupid are you? Statutory rape is a made up piece of feminist tripe.
>Calling me a troll
>Implying I'm trying to hide I'm a pedo
How new?
Asian and white
Asian honorary white + mixed with actual white.
LA or some other liberal shit hole in Cali had a public nudity event and a certain webm showed that there was a boy who enjoyed showing off a little too much. Boys are for cute, not lewd. I see boys playing outside n*de and it isn't as inappropriate as this shit, even if he is covered where it counts.
yeah your trolling (and quite poorly i might add) thanks for clarifying. also implying and speculating are drastically different now fuck off you underage twat
Swedes are still effeminate, they have much lower sexual dimorphism.
hahaha jesus kid you even suck at trying to save face
What are they doing in Sweden that's making the boys ultra queer?
This should help a lil
He needs to be sent to Comet Ping Pong.
man your really trying hard, its getting sad now
>Calling freedom fighter a newfag
Just wait 10 years. You'll get there. Postmodernism spreads even in the most retarded places.
finland is like texas of scandinavia.that is why it is best.
i think he means why werent the participants gassed,not why is this not removed from the site.
>Calling freedom fighter a newfag
care to clarify? (because i doubt you or they are military)
also is this the same person who's post got struck?
Swedes aren't white anymore, they all identify as transniggers
Holy shit you are such a newfag
Diversity is our strength.
Lol freedom fighter. Don't you mean stinky NEET fatcunt?
why was the only normal greeting there from the shitskin muzzie, thats honestly so sad, the white girl is probably autistic and the boys are femanized to shit
ok so you are the same person from before
Get out
How many extra-continental empires have african countries had?