portugal IS NOT WHITE! portugeese are shitskin subhumans and they dont belong to Europa, they need to fuck back off into india and ME
Anyone who disagrees with it is a jew globalist shill.
portugal IS NOT WHITE! portugeese are shitskin subhumans and they dont belong to Europa, they need to fuck back off into india and ME
Anyone who disagrees with it is a jew globalist shill.
Knowing how cucked white countries are I think we'd rather be nonwhite.
Go heal your complexes schlomo.
>anyone who dissagrees...
Yeah sure buddy like there's just good and evil.
Yeah fuck off shill
Fuck off back to Asia, Mongol scum
Daily reminder.
Fuck off OP.
Thats made by shitsking and shills to disregard the truth
fuck off kike, take off your proxy
OP is a faggot.
Portugal posts a steady stream of nigger/poo hate on Sup Forums, upon which I find the banter to be exceptional.
Jew harder, OP
Anyone who tans isn't white desu, senpai.
>portuguese colors
this triggers me everytime
Leave portubro alone. I bet you play the fucking accordion in Lisboa's metro.
ooohh, mommy got fucked by an angolan?? poor thing
>relevant at anything
gib clay back to romania
Yeah, fuck off you. Kriptoshill.
Spanard vs moortugese.
Learn the difference.
He's Indian I think
he must be from cape verde
>portugal IS NOT WHITE!
But it's still European, dipshit.
And Feijoada is delicious.
lel, rajoy is more portuguese than costa.
(((Divide and conquer)))
Not european
Globalist shill
Because he's Galician
>portugal IS NOT WHITE!
Not entirely, but they're still European and still based. Europeans never used to worry about the label white, they put more pride in their ethnicities and nations instead. It's mostly Americans that obsess about the label white and always like lump up all Europeans as one, when in actual fact Europeans don't consider themselves as one. I guess it comes from the fact that Americans are still extremely insecure about their mongrel mixtures.
Thanks based neighbour
>tfw Hungary tries to divide and conquer but just shoots its roach self on accident
Shutup nigger
Globalist shill
Sage. Off yourself.
OP is projecting so hard, I almost feel bad. Almost.
>Not european
European influenced, though
What do we get from Hungary? Goulash, stuffed peppers, and eurotrash pornstars.
saged and daily reminder that everyone with light skin from european and/or caucus region descent is white
Mediterraneans and some eastern european caucus region ethnic groups are white.
And most of the modern technology, nuclear bombs, computers, c vitamin etc
>1 post by this ID
b8 thread, don't reply unless sage in options
Hungarians aren't white. They are mongolised subhumans. They don't belong to Europa.
you just got called a shill... by a Jew.
Let that sink in for a second.
I've been here 10+ years and have NEVER seen a Jew call someone out for shilling. Not as a proxyfag... not even once.
You have literally shilled so hard that the Jews are pointing you out as proof they aren't the ones dividing goy.
gas yourself
By that logoc africans are white too
Last years summer didn't last 10 years, newfag.
We're done here Ahmed.
Caucus region is not in Africa and yes, people from the caucus region are in Asia, but Russians are also white and are partly from Asia even if they are not of Asian descent.
what a lame fucking thread.
>Nuclear bombs.
Not Really
> vitamin c
I sure that you get form lemons mate.
>most of the modern technology.
It's either Brits, Germans or long lost whites of the USA
Go away jamal
Oh white knight Juden. Where have you been to defend the white race since drumpf election? I am an old fag who joined all the way back in the primaries
You kinda took my summerfag joke too seriously.
Everytime I call someone a shill or newfag (un)/ironically they try to be as antisemitic as possible.
>you don't say
Why do you include the Caucasus?
Churkas aren't european/white.
butthurt much of what an user wrote?
There are also many nonwhites in Europe, so Europeans aren't white?
>some ethnicities from middle east and caucus region
>everyone with light skin from european and/or caucus region descent is white
In one minute Hungary is the most based european country according to pol in the next they are not even white
Decide it already faggot cucks
NAH just mediocre bait you took to make me feel better about getting called summerfag on Sup Forums
>summer is a Sup Forums meme
>you say nu-fag, newfag, r/t_d, or simply faggot on Sup Forums
>I make the rules
>I'm a big guy
ITT we hate hungary to troll you
for you
Your government is based, your population are just run of the mill semi-human slav shits (with hot women)
Same deal with Poland
>hungay goverment
>There are also many nonwhites in Europe
Well immigrants don't count as euros obviously.
who gives a fuck about whiteness?
we are portuguese
Mostly around ancient Iberia times they imported slaves, which is why they have high % of black genes, but not everywhere. Italy in some places has 0% African genes(i know shocking), but most of the migrants are always those who breed with niggers, since they don't respect their own land and race anyway, so they migrate.
Ottomans genocided 90% if the original Hungarian population and they refilled the lands that with Germans, Slavs and Romanians. Today's Hungarians are genetically very European.
This, ladies is the infamous Hungarian jew. The most parasitical of all the jews.
*teleports behind you*
*unsheathes Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1373*
heh, nothin personnell kid
Neither portugeese
No, the mongols did that ottomans just occupied us for a little more than a century
>will never be is cool as us
>desperately pretends we are similar
this desu. Our country is fucked enough without American style youth political activism
portugal is above the notion of whiteness
If somebody had food supplies then Soviet Union, since for starters they had agrarian reforms which gave people land, so you could have 0 products in shop and still survive. You really are swallowing that corporate supermarket meme hard. Almost nobody had exotic fruit before international globalism, since for starters we didn't have airplanes.
After giving their feudal lords their cut they had basically nothing, and were forced to work 20 hours a day.
the only white nation in europe is poland
That's right, they were starving, had to pay 90% tax to Tsars who raped them with Rasputin, which is why revolution happened. Then Soviets build towns and industry, while before you only had castles and churches and regular people of non-royal blood basically lived in huts.
WHITE is a term invented by Huns and Mongols rape babies. We are WESTERN EUROPEAN, our capital city was found by Ulisses and we opened up the world for Europe. We are the bedrock of western civilisation.
Burgers, you are not Europeans. Stop using the term Western to appropriate our culture and heritage.
Correction, Portuguese are Galicians in denial
Is as if there are multiple people with distinct opinion lingering on this shit board
Meanwhile I met about 4 Hungarians last month and genuinely thought they were Arabs. Fuck off gypsy.
Hungary is pretty based, but realistically, you're mostly rape babies.