This site is kind of funny. You guys are edgy teens and young adults who resort to radical conservatism because of apprehensions and anguish. In a decade or two, you guys will laugh about how you wanted to "save the white race" and "expose the Jews."
Former white supremacists formally renounce their ideology on Oprah
Or just give up. No one here has any solutions. No one anywhere has the solutions. Raise a strong smart family and care for the people close to us. That's about all anyone can do.
Skinheads are a bunch of degenerate faggots. They are a living meme, used by the enemy against all serious identitarian movements. Anyone who identifies as a skinhead, wasnt seriously invested in saving the race anyway.
Jews should get their greater Isreal. All skinheads must be hung. Skinocaust, when?
i'm still hoping to expose scientology and bring back snacks
Oprah turning into Jerry Springer tier cancer
Oprah show is still on? Didnt she retire?
Skinheads are just white niggers
Irrational racism is easy to cure, you just have to talk to a respectable black man. But this is not the case in here, we are not retarded skinheads, we are racial realists.
Nothing about /pol is radical. We discuss opinions and acts. Blowing up shit is radical.
>respectable black man
I've been racist for about 12 years now and no sign of changing.
>hes lonely and pathetic and he spends his free time posting stale memes and green frogs
I'm not a white nationalist, though. I'm a halfkike that likes discussing news and memes.
Morgan Freeman is a great man. Unfortunately he's not representative of very much of the black population.
Well there you go. If you are a white supremacist, it is usually because you got nothing else going in life except that white people are better than everyone else and you are white. If you are a white nationalist, it is because third world invaders are going to make white people extinct and you don't want that because white people have done very cool stuff such as marble sculptures, philosophical advances, exploring the world, exploring space, etc, and you want them to keep on doing that.
have you seen the interview they do with them 20 years after that video.
its pretty great.
oh shit. did not see both videos were in the same video.
Wait what?
Why are you on this site than?
>radical conservatism
>gaslight thread number 6000000#
newfag, first, most of Sup Forums is not white nationalist or neonazi or whatever strawman you have in your strawbrain
Sup Forums is predominantly conservative overall tho, and for good reason. traditions (tradiontalism) exist by definition because they are continuously selected, because they work (see FDR's "old and precious moral values")
meanwhile, degeneracy attends destruction throughout history. today is no exception (ww3 soon). you're on the wrong side of history
This, although don't give up, stay networked, stay in white areas. Historically every time an 'melting pot' of races happens it collapses and civil war a long racial lines ensues. This country will balkanize and whites will segregate themselves, it's certain. Civic nationalism only works when we are fat and happy (yet still highly segregated), in hard times it breaks down.
There is no alternative, so congratulations spics, you have ruined another continent. Your track record is worse than niggers at this point.
Fuck off JIDF
In hard times you will see how American us actual Americans consider you ;)
>22 Trillion
yea do this if you're ok with your grandchildren being raped by Muslims after the Jews inject themselves with your children's blood
>I heard you're all racists and I'm talking out of my ass cause I don't know shit about the demographics of the west
How do you feel about the multi-culti ghettos of sweden, germany and france?
I'm a very successful 43 year who has wanted to gas the kikes for longer than you've been alive you sniveling faggot. Go back wherever you came from.
>it's pretty great
>oh gawd I'm so ashamed of my actions!!
>these nice black men treated me like a human being even though I had swastikas and shit tattooed all over my body
>le drumpfkins are raycisss
sit back down on tyrone's dick OP
Did the skinhead in the ausience call the skinheads getting airtime ADL informants?
Was the skinhead in the green jacket accusing the other skinheads of being ADL members?
He got silenced fast.
Black people are talking monkeys the guy in the audience is right