Is Faith Goldy /ourgal/?
White genocide in Canada!
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Unless she's a national socialist. If not, shes just another cuckservative
this. for now this is a good video and should be spread
We're breaking the conditioning
national socialism is by the far the most retarded ideology ever
how will your retarded versions of socialism fare better than all the rest? i dont expect an answer from you guys since you are shitskins trying to be white and have fallen for nazi propaganda
This old banned book is, truly, an amazing read:
You will find it difficult to put down once you begin reading it as it is so dead-on-target in describing the centuries-old machinations of Organized International Jewry (((OIJ))) to bring about their complete control and domination of every nation and human being upon this planet.
Note that the Jewish doctrine vowing to indebt, enslave and murder non-Jews has been staring us in the face for centuries (Torah quotes)
Judaism, in its OWN WORDS, on who is human:
>>*also see suppressed historical sources:
***re the Syraq proxy war and manufactured 'refugee' crisis (ODED YINON PLAN and KALERGI PLAN):
***re 9/11:
people across vast distances in time and location have hated Jews as a group
because Jews as a group have murdered, stolen from, and hated non-Jews... as is evident all over the Torah itself, as well as the quotes of many rabbis.
And they (at least the 'elite' & fundamentalist) believe Jews are meant to rule the world.
now and then an old rabbi says so.
Ive been considering moving out of Toronto.
(((The rebel)))is just hoppin on the white nationalist bandwagon. They did a video with that Somalian guy trashing white genocide and it got a shit ton of flack so now they're cashing in
Those fake lips of hers sure seem to be imitating a nigress
National Socialism is obsolete. Stop affiliating with a movement that instigated mass imperialism and genocide. We're never going to achieve a white ethno-state by alienating so many people with this perverse ideology.
explain your point with fact or gtfo
It's not feasible. White normies these days are too far deluded to support even fucking civic nationalism. Why the fuck do you think they'd be on board with a white ethnostate? Keep in mind that the west is so multicultural these days that many whites have non-white or Jewish friends who they wouldn't want to see get deported or killed.
Who gives a shit about thkse faggot kikes. (If it was real) you can make anything cool again. Fashwave will turn ppls opinions. These old folks already have their minds warped we need to reach out to the young kids and make it trendy. Heil hitler
>white normies
We don't want white normies we are gonna change their mind. Some ppl on here went from liberals to conservatives to 1488. U act as if it's not possible. It might not be the racist state that u picture but it could go as far as white pride and wanting betterment for your ppl and hopefully stoo racemixing
Good video or not, hard to get past the fact her voice is fucking retarded
Imagine how good she can give the succ
>Good video or not, hard to get past the fact her voice is fucking retarded
You're touching peepees with the devil when you talk shit about my waifu...
I live in Brampton and lately everywhere I look it's all Pakistanis and blacks
>I live in Brampton and lately everywhere I look it's all Pakistanis and blacks
It's been like that for years. I wouldn't live there for anything.
Canada was never a white country
yes it was
This white genocide meme is getting stale.
>inb4 justin trudeaus multiculturalism enforcement squad breaks into her home and sends her to a re-education camp
Shes very nice indeed don't get me wrong, but the way she pronounces certain stuff is like when you do that thing where you get the computer to talk
That's a human? Glad I married a Puerto Rican. Because that thing should not be bred with.
No. Canada is stolen land from the natives. By that logic if Europe becomes a third world shithole that is 90% arab and nigger it suddenly becomes and arab/nigger owned land
Canada is No.1! Well done you silly Canucks.
>Canada was never a white country
Yes it was you filth.
In 1911, 7,000,000 of the 7,200,000 people were White. That is over 97%.
Another 100,000 were the other Canadian nations of Indians and Inuit.
and soon it will cease to be mostly white. So what? Let the pandas die already.
>No. Canada is stolen land from the natives.
Canada didn't exist before the settlers came and constructed it. Prior to colonisation, it was just Turtle Island, and any tribe held whatever land they could hold on to using the stone tipped arrow and the tomahawk warclub.
>By that logic if Europe becomes a third world shithole that is 90% arab and nigger it suddenly becomes and arab/nigger owned land
That is exactly how it works! That is why the Europeans need to stop the Arabs.
Didn't they make a video with that black guy who said that this is silly and race doesn't exist?
>and soon it will cease to be mostly white. So what? Let the pandas die already.
Because I've live in the old Canada and also the grotesque parody of its former self too. The change is not good. This country will only get poorer and more corrupt the more the Canadian population is replaced by foreigners. It's not good at all.
It's not natural. It's this ridiculous disease of neo-Marxism in all its forms that is destroying the Canadian nations.
cringed numerous times at the projections of all of this.
>tfw brampton is hometown and you have felt like a minority in your own country all your life
The very idea of having a town of majority whites seems like such a foreign (pun intended) concept, I've lived in this country all my life yet have no idea what the "true" Canada is even like.
Ok. I have a couple of questions.
1. Is this change solely caused by the increase in foreigners in recent years?
>This country will only get poorer and more corrupt the more the Canadian population is replaced by foreigners. It's not good at all.
2. Immigration is a recent phenomenon. We were exposed to the elements in the majority of our existence (anatomically modern humans/homo sapiens) in the past 100000-200000 years.
Agriculture in the past 10000 years, (Gobekli Tepe might set it back a few thousand years).
Pretty much short lasting empires all the way to the birth of modern nations, which occurred over the past few hundred years.
The renaissance, shortly followed by the industrial revolution made Europeans rich.
Colonialism made them richer.
Then there was a war or two.
Then immigration as we know it.
It seems to me that you're taking this too seriously. And that the situation isn't as dire as you think. Am I wrong?
I think NatSocism is utterly retarded, but even I can see that white genocide is happening.
Modernization/prosperity leads to plummeting birthrates. Japan is experiencing this as well, China will experience it in the mid to late 21st century. Yet they're going to exist in 100 years.
Tl;DR: Yes it's because of migrants
People emigrate in search of the good life.
I think the result of this would be some people looking and speaking in a different way. This might lead to a fusion of cultures of some sort. As long as Sharia is not introduced and as long as the local populace fights idiocy of all sorts, Canada will be all right.
Westerners are faggots, they should be wiped out. This ugly whore whining about muh white race is hilarious.
National socialism is absolutely retarded
Im moving out of cucknada altogether to live here in my home country. Getting out while the goings good.
>shitting in the streets
>people dying of countless diseases
>Most fucked up class system in the world
>Treat your own people like fucking scum (untouchables etc)
M8, you shouldn't be criticising anyone.
>let's embrace islam and move towards sharia law
fucking leaf
>flag. epitome of faggotary
>The "hub of shitting technology"
>can't into VPNs
ok m8
nobody serious has servers in india and no indian can into real technology.
even comebacks are faggoty. kys kraut.
actually, I don't even need to insult you, your flag does that all by itself and it's just too brutal already.
You posted this comment in another thread you silly curry nigger
the way she pronounces stuff is called canadian english m8y
You got destroyed by a paki
Give up
>You got destroyed by a paki
says the paki
>Centrally planned government.
>Government controlled capital.
>High tariffs on imported goods causing high prices and heavy rationing.
>Expensive social programs funded by the government with low tax rates creating 38 billion dollar national debt that Germany couldn't pay.
>Building your economy around an industrial military complex causing you to start fights with other world powers to artificially stimulate your economy in order to stop it from falling in on itself.
>Losing World War 2 because you were fighting too many countries because you were trying to stop your economy from falling in on itself.
National-Cuckoldism is the Soviet Union's State Capitalism's retarded younger brother. It's economically retarded and the reason why failed in only 12 years. Germany couldn't keep up with the manufacturing power of neither the United States or Great Britain due to free market capitalism. It's literally what happens when you try to be a world power but you make economics come second to identity politics and muh feels.
>Gets mad at commies for indoctrinating kids.
>B-but it's okay if I indoctrinate kids.
Fucking hypocrite. Doesn't matter though, anyone with half a brain can see through National-Cuckoldism's propaganda and see why it's fucking retarded.
Do you have more pics like this?
i thought she was in her mid 30's. she's only 27
what is wrong with the hot chicks from the rebel , they look 10 years older than their age
Canadian winters are hard on the skin?
she looks older in real life and the reason is cause she smokes a lot. I've met her a bunch of times.
Black guy is it a white genocide when whites are the ones who allowed non-whites to migrant to their countries in mass? Its not like some random Indian and chink from their home county has the power to alter Canada's immigration policy. Stop crying and take responsibility for the choices the leaders of your race has made.
(((they))) control us
Let me make this clear
If I was malaysian or philipino or chinese
I'd be immigrating to Canada to be in a CANADIAN country with CANADIAN people and CANADIAN culture
This means that if Canada gets swarmed with other immigrants, like me, I'm back at square one.
Canada is great because all that it sums it ups is not like my country.
If it becomes like my country, why did I even leave in the first place.
Ultimately, immigration itself kills the very reason you'd like to immigrate.
Faith Goldy and Lauren Southern are the two best e-celeb women out there.
>white guy here.. how is it a native genocide when natives are the ones who allowed whites to migrate to their countries en masse? It's not like some random Scot had the power to make natives not buy beads and whisky in exchange for vast tracts of land. Stop crying and take responsibility for the choices the leaders of your race have made.
>she's only 27
what the fuck
It was called "The Great White North" for no fucking reason?
Fucking streetshitters and chinks had to fuck it up.
>rebel media
Just Faith Goldy.
She is now /ourqueen/ for calling out white genocide.
Ann Coulter is /ourmommy/
Lauren Southern is /ourlarper/.
>when natives are the ones who allowed whites to migrate to their countries en mass
Natives different have the power to prevent this, whites at one point controlled and oppressed half the planet. Only they had the power to put themselves in the state they are in today. If they die out, its due to their own actions. But keep blaming the jews though. In my eyes, your both white, so idc.
Natives didn't*
Lauren is basically alt-right/identitarian
Also she quit the rebel media after they made an anti-white nationalist video
She's definitely the closest to being a straight up white nationalist of those 3
>French youth
>Sandnigger holding some yellow flag
Looks like another cuckservative movement paid by (((them))) as controlled opposition
>>Sandnigger holding some yellow flag
Those are frenchies.
>he doesn't know about the identitarian movement
you're an obvious shill, now please go
>(((Rebel Edge)))
>White Genocide?
Really makes you think...
i think lauren is a white nationalist but doesnt want to say it straight out because consequences.
>muh french identitarian movement
>Brown bearded muzzie holding the flag
That's all I need to see.
It's not a movement fighting for the french people.
She had an indian boyfriend.
She got POO'D in the bagina.
She was and never will be a white man's girl.
romani please go
Yeah, I think she would have said she was alt-right/white nationalist if she wasn't afraid of losing all the shekels and all her friends in the alt-light
>She had an indian boyfriend.
You just know that the two guys in front are fucking.
National Socialism is an ideology well suited for the Aryan race, so it will never be obsolete.
That woman has some glorious med genetics if ever i saw one.
10/10 would sacrifice blue eyes to procreate
>crackwhore voice
>leather skin
epic genes lad
Kill them or shut up
/Lets burn this world to the ground and rise from the ashes cleansed
>NatSocism is utterly retarded
No u
wow. big if true.
>I think NatSocism is utterly retarded
Why? Is there a reason other than the six trillion jews?
>stolen land
There were wars against natives for hundreds of years to "steal" this land. Again, remind me how every civilization came to power and how every country in this world was made?
GI believes in the repatriation of non-whites from Europe even if they were born in Europe you gypsynigger. They're ethnonationalist. Stop posting about shit you know nothing about.
This post will present a huge amount of evidence to prove that Jews are working towards eradicating the white race, which is white genocide, via mass immigration and race mixing dysgenics: