>I'm spiritual but not religious
I'm spiritual but not religious
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translate to: I'm atheist but I still hope some esoteric germanic stuff will make me a demi god
>I'm shallow and overly critical but since I laugh first it makes me intellectually superior
*tips fedora*
You meet so many girls like this at music festivals
Basically you believe in god but after reading all the religious books, you're pretty much disappointed and undecided on religion.
so you think that god exists but when people asked for him to make a book he told them to fuck off
dem panties tho :(~
t. rural and suburban retards who do not know the difference between faith and religion
Religion is just roleplay spirituality
I can appreciate how its an inane thing to say, but the organized religions are all obviously fake while it seems there could be metaphysically more to the world.
still better than full-fledged autistic fedora cuck.
Actually the way this works is, you are treating it as a Science rather than mysticism. Which it is.
Something which has direct and indirect effects on the waking world, and with enough knowledge, can be harnessed as a skill for making (at first indirect, then direct) changes on the world.
In other words real Magic. Learning how to do it for real.
> and in my experience while divinity exists, it doesn't really tell people what to do, so even if you don't want to involve the eternal source it doesn't negate this process.
> you cant keep begging "god" for everything
Define being religious... is it praying to an invisible force in hopes for magical outcomes, or is it believing that there is something more to this universe than it seems? I personally don't believe in god, so you could call me a fedora atheist. What I don't believe is that a force as almighty as god, who can create universes at a whim would give two shits about people and their prayers, moral standards or way of life. In simpler terms, think of a nignog culture and single moms, that should give you a general idea. In a universe this vast, god might not even realise we exist. While in reality we should try to understand and explore the vast frontier that the universe is, unlock it's secrets and utilise them to our favour. Why search and pray for god when you can become one.
religion is what made west great and innovative and now when jews are forcing you to abandon faith west is gonna fall just like rome did, coz you think you´re the only authority there is and that you´d know better than a guideline for good life that have worked for multiple centuries, note longer than you have time to shitpost
either you find time for jesus or you spend your life lost in the limbo with no guidance or truth, experiencing hell. Actually i bet you´re already in hell coz you´ve ingored the bible and replaced it with half satanic jewish media shit that is gonna crumble and destroy you into a suicide
It´s not too late to convert but if you dont your life being shit will be your own fault
>tfw religious but not spiritual
literally the same fucking thing.
It's not. Use a dictionary sometimes.
i.e. I am possessed by demons
More like "I can't have faith but it doesn't pass one day in my life that I don't wish I could"
Religious means practicing and adhering to a religion with its own doctrines (usually a book/scroll with historical or metaphorical stories). For example Scientology, Hinduism, etc. That is, it has a name and established rules/mythology.
Spiritual means you can believe in god or powers/existence beyond the physical world but it doesn't have to depend on an established ruleset or handbook that a Religion provides.
Also, from personal experience, what you're talking about as an Athiest is correct in terms of the way "god" works. These other beings claiming to be god that have their own judgements and punishments and even a name are just imposters who have some sizeable amount of power to .
The real divinity creates, it can advise, it can give favor if asked. But it doesn't give a shit about what someone is doing. It does support balance and growth though, so the longer things go out of balance, the more likely it will (ahem, correct the record).
If anything exists that means it had to be created, whether its positive or negative. Even if the creation of it was implied. If you start with nothing and end up with something, thats an example of creation.
Gets into some heavy quantum physics but when you remove "time" from the equation it makes it possible for infinite universes, infinite energy, and an infinitely basic (yet all encompassing) origin for all of it.
You can be (actually) Athiest if you want but it wont remove the eternal source, it is beyond belief/disbelief.
And generally you are correct that the real "god" doesn't care too much to answer people's prayers. It has subsidiaries upon subsidiaries that fan out and perform the "action" of its creation in alot of cases. It is those beings who are much closer at hand, and can be convinced to help.
Fact is there's alot of other "sciences" like technology, real harry potter magic shit, witch doctor stuff, shamanism - which have been "Provided" to answer our problems.
Did we burn those books?
(damn 2000chars)
* was going to say that imposter "gods" usually like to lord over people, have worshippers, and often have a sizeable amount of power to be able to create miraculous events as a show of force.
But whether that power is technological or supernatural it doesn't matter, its the same as a warlord walking into town and taking over. Its pathetic, and there's always a bigger fish out there.
Good litmus test there about whether something is a real god, or even the creator of a universe. If it demands worship and obedience then its seriously lacking in its own capabilities - to require something of someone else.
> "Why does god need a starship?" - Kirk, Star Trek V
> a horrible, horrible movie, but it proves the point