>Swiss court convicts man over 'defamatory' Facebook likes
The day of the grater is nigh, cheeseniggers
>Swiss court convicts man over 'defamatory' Facebook likes
The day of the grater is nigh, cheeseniggers
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>he trusted facebook
Serves him right.
God even the Swiss are this cucked? Pathetic.
If I lived in such a country I would move, wtf where has free speech gone EU is turning into USA
Also why not just make a fake account they last for 2 months before they take it down
>God even the Swiss are this cucked? Pathetic.
Fake news, the faggot liked a far left character assassination post calling some random bloke a racist and a biggot
So? Why would anyone get convicted for that? thats whats wrong with europe. why in the world is being called a racist and bigot so damn fearsome for them? Like theres far worse ways to treat minorities and other undesirables than a thumbs down vote. i can think of many. its such a bad look for europe that i am ashamed my ancestors came from there.i wonder if thats the whole point? to install shame based not on the past but on current euro mentalities. its disgusting what they are allowing to be done to their own childrens minds. such faggots do not deserve to live.
This is true. He also accused the person of being an antisemite.
Don't dislike the kikes!
many people dont know but we have some jewish laws against lolcaust denial and shit. that's one of those.
Sweet baby jesus. That's some turbocucking right there.
kek dude I can still say or like anything I please here without the government and judicial system getting involved to correct my opinions. I might catch hell publicly or even with my employer, but that's a different story.
I'm surprised you don't get arrested for browsing this board lol
you think they go through the trouble to jew out the ips from hiroshimoot and then have their case thrown out by a judge because they can't proof that ip == person?
I'd always thought of Switzerland as having a very high degree of personal liberty and autonomy for some reason... Almost like a libertarian paradise.
Turns out I was just woefully ignorant.
Societal pressure is worse nowadays than governmental. You can't even publicly say you've voted for Trump.
kekeke it's a golden cage
You need to revolt idiot, this are not laws anymore, this is Marxism
Your fucking rulers tell you what to think, they tell you what to say, they dictate what's right common sense is not common their laws are the new common sense
Thing is no one else will revolt, they're OK with being told what to think so long as they get things.
Mountain kikes, they are quiet, but quite fucked.
Do you people realize that this is the jew? They don't want you to have kids so they put this shit up.
Niggers don't care because they're dirt poor anyway.
>not realizing that there was a several years long fight between the guy convicted and the guy who snitched him out
>thinking the guy got his sentence for facebook likes
you degenerate EU cucks and half black USA nigger lovers should all be gassed.
>wtf where has free speech gone EU is turning into USA
USA has more and better freedom of speech protections than EU.
American freedom is a meme.
Why are people still using facebook?
Sup Forums is unironically one of the few safe spaces on the internet for us euroslaves
Now that's what I call Progressive
The Swiss are niggers just like the rest of Western Europe.
My sister lives in Lugano and there are shitloads of Muslim immigrants acting like it's their country.
>americlaps talking about freedom
Maybe you don't have hate speech laws, but can you really call a country with this many agencies that can arrest you and the incentive to use them often due to private prisons "free"?
True that.
Aside from the rainwater case, none of those resulted in convictions. And that wasn't even a free speech case. If I recall, the case was about some guy diverting a creek or something and taking up water reserved for someone downstream.
You call it a meme but I can put a sign on my front lawn that says "Hitler did nothing wrong" and the police not only can't but won't even try anything.
You do that...well, you know.
Make a FB post that says
"Every time you like this post a nigger dies"
and watch as 1,000's of people get arrested.
Federal LE doesn't use private prisons.
I would know because I've worked beside or for some Federal LE agencies.
I will admit thought that I laughed out loud when I saw a police car that said "U.S. Government Printing Office Police" in Washington, DC.
I've been doing what niggers do. Knocking up white women. Child support isn't so bad. Every time I get a court summon I take 4 weeks of vacation off and submit my last 3 pay periods.
>In total with 14 kids I pay around $400/mo