who should really have the bay of piran?
Slovenia or Croatia?
/ist/ria - Istria General - Mess of Piran edition
bumping with greater istria
You should both get out. Istria is holy Serbian land.
you and Slovenia (and croatia) should gtfo, all Istria is italian land.
Your nations don't even exist...you're like belgium but poorer.
ahh italians,thinking they can do anything of importance in the world,go design something faggy.
Istria is rightful italian clay
italians can try to take it from croats,but thru the 3rd year of the war they would switch sides,join croats and shoot and empty space from bunkers together.
We're ruled by incompetent retards, we should just make a deal that we can freely move to the corridor and stop with this dick measuring contest of our politicians.
Or jump into holes in the ground...
Gib sea.
Slovenia and Italy should be united with Slovenia given special autonomous cultural rights, then the waters are Italian sovereignty but administered by Slovenian authorities.
Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia should be a single country.
The Balkans now look pretty and are without border conflicts!
Rightful Austrian Clay
so you clearly want a new war in balkans... why ?
I smell sarcasm of the merchant in his post.
HR HB could be a thing.
Let me blow your mind.
What if Romania does not exist and instead there's bloated Hungary, Moldau with a real coast and Bulgaria with a lot of noethhern region.
I want super decentralised countries that work out trade within them, lots of Italian and Slovenian workers work in each other's countries.
so can be SRB+RS then
splitting when?
Yeh why the fuck not. It was meant to be, but halted by the elites to preserve holy muslim land in europe.
true that, but they're not paying the price
Your nation shouldn't exist Dago. You should be split between north Italy, Venice and Sicily
>From a Bosniak
Hrvoje stealing our clay. No big surprise
>inb4 muh podalpski hrvati
>Large Germany
Enjoy your WW3
Half of your population is non German
Croatians are faggots and muslims rape babies. This thread prove it. Only a nigger or a jew would try to steal 20Km a beach when they already have 10 000 on their own.
Jew nigger turk rape babies
Go in a gulag and be raped by a Serb.
Maybe that's because we're Austrian, not German :^)
Also, your whole population is non German because you're dirty disgusting south Slavs worth nothing
Every Slav south is Slovenia is trash tier
Stop this shit Latvia.
It belongs to Slovenia, as does Trieste!
milosevic is the sole reason bosniaks imported mujahedeens
Great grammar
Istria is rightful romanian clay
Croatia is full of Muslims, so the other one
Kosovo needs to be free
Croatia because fuck Slovenians
bosniaks are sole reason they came into contact with mujahedeens in the first place
Croatia can't block our access to the open sea without violating international law. Why would we make such a retarded deal?
Was there a short lived fascist republic in Istria or am I thinking of somewhere else?
I honestly don't care, just include Hurrvatia in schengen and everything is EU clay
Fuck off macaroners go home.
Slovenian arguments can be summed up in on sentence : "Give us sea we don't have any!".
>Germanised Slav shittalking Slavs
Maximum kek.
Croatian arguments can be summed up in on sentence : "Our dick is small, everything on Balkans is Croatia".
What is 'Slovenian' clay?
but you really should give them that little sea, you already hold the most of adriatic sea here. why so greedy?
You're still not getting our sea, faggot.
Not really fascist tho, more like nationalist-anarchists.
>but you really should give them that little sea, you already hold the most of adriatic sea here. why so greedy?
because Slovenians don't deserve it?
they have no claim on it and they jewed out with their independence for free
That's it, I remember it had really interesting special snowflake politics
It's ok Hrvoje, you'll join schengen and I already speak Slovene in Istra and everybody understands me.
>Croatia is full of Muslim
pretty sure you guys have waay more muslims than we do
also percentage wise , slo has 2,4 muslims, while we have 1,47
fick dich du scheiss alpen jude
I speak Croatian in Slovenia and everyone understands me too
Whats your point?
not even 15k, kys
top kekekke
all the mudslimes are living on the border with bosnia and they're like 1% of the population, meanwhile slovenia has like over 3%
Slovenians are cool, I don't mind sharing, we have a lot of sea already. As long as Italian cucks stay away, don't want their shitskins around my country.
My point is: I'm not getting triggered by some minor clay dispute. We both have bigger problems on the horizon than this shit. I feel welcomed in Istra and so should you in Slovenia.
I'd let the clay dispute to the international court which you won't listen to because of muh scandal
It's rightful italian clay, fuck off
I think Slovenia as Croatia has so much beautiful coastline and the Slovenians would be much happier if they could all go to the seaside for a swim once in a while.
Roma empire?? were the gypsies really that powerfull?
hahahahaha ne
half of their population go to Croatia every year
they're not getting shit
If I wasn't much much much better educated than you i would have had to hover over your flag to check what it stands for.
Why are you guys so deluded?
Istria was an Italian (Venetian) colony for thousand of years, it's Italian clay. Period.
No amout of balkan autism can change that
(((Trusting pisa scores)))
Here's the real list btw
>No amout of balkan autism can change that
we already did, sorry
>Istria was an Italian (Venetian) colony for thousand of years, it's Italian clay. Period.
but people that lived there were croatian, not venetian.
you're not getting shit, lets be fucking honest.
I meant to say every Slav south OF Slovenia is shit tier
You're alright Slovenia, you always warn before radar boxes on your autobahn
9/10 would include in empire again
Yes, that's why they're all over Europe nowadays.
Trying to steal land again?
Fuck of makaronar, Trst je naš!
using outdated information
>people were croatian
uhm no sweetie, they became croatian after you killed all of us
>Trying to steal land again?
Coming from a Slovene, kek
>uhm no sweetie, they became croatian after you killed all of us
problem solved, not your clay anymore, is it?
First answer is the only correct one, btw.
Careful, americans may fall for that.
This thread doesn't have nearly enough of an American presence.
Oddly enough I was reading about the Croatian war of independence yesterday on wikipedia. It was somewhat interesting, but there could have been more explosions.
kys turk
>who should really have the bay of piran?
this is still a thing?...........
oh god what a shitfest this thread will become
Stop fucking sweetieposting!
5 years of difference can't lower the IQ scores of fucking 6 points
bosnia....you know in Italy a "bosnian" is an insult. we use a lot during 90's.
I was the first
It's quite simple actually
First of all, Slovenia should not be a country and is rightful Austrian clay, therefore istria is rightful Austrian clay
Second of all, Italians are backstabbing untrustworthy pieces of shit that will have 0 allies in the next big war while we casually take back South Tyrol
Fucking Aryans and their fucking obsession with fucking Anschluss.
>a pasta nigger can't read
what a fucking surprise
>These numbers came from a work carried out from 2002 to 2006 by Richard Lynn, a British Professor of Psychology, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish Professor of Political Science, who conducted IQ studies in more than 80 countries.
same as we called gypsies italians cos they are short, dirty and darkskinned
fuma mi grande bosnian cazzo :) :*
A yes good times. When Italians were considered subhuman filth and could be genocided without anyone giving you crap.
pick one
Wait that's over now?
we still consider them sub human, what are you talking about?