Study: Leftist men are weak

Should we be concerned?

Other urls found in this thread:

>unarchived Jason Unruhe
Fixed, it's like for youtube. Just change the domain in the url.

Thanks. I would but is there a way to embed the hooktube links like the youtube ones?

Nobody? The commies arming themselves and showing off their guns and Sup Forums is just going to take it?

on Sup Forums? Not without an addon that does the same javascript that gives youtube its embeds. I'll make one one of these days.

Unruhe is a joke even in leftypol circles

This is the exact reason I never attached my name or face to my internet rambling. I couldn't deal with the embarrassment of my family or people I went to school with seeing those videos, regardless of if I was a "communist" or "natsoc" or whatever.

>1 chubby guy with a whiney voice and an ak

I think we'll be fine, thank you

They view him a bit like we view Alex Jones, but if you head over to /leftypol/ you can see they take him/his arguments seriously as well.

I still don't understand why he hasn't defected to best korea yet. Is it true he tried but got rejected by their embassy?

>Men who are upholders of scientific socialism tend not to be weak very all

>scientific socialism


>I couldn't deal with the embarrassment
Every cause needs a hero, user

Je ne sais pas mon frere, mais cela lui ferait effectivement du bien

commies who live in the usa trigger me when they peacock around with their guns, these faggots always ban them after the revolution

He's a cancuck, though. Anons at /k/ figured out his AK is airsoft.

Reditus, if you're in here, you're a good man.

yes, alt-right is paragon of masculinity

kek if true

Nah, it's actually a modded squirtgun that shoots maple syrup

There was a movement that got a bit of attention a few months back on Sup Forums: "the swole Left" or something like that, and I thought: "Great, some leftwing guys will start lifting and they'll turn rightwing."

>"Can we really say Joseph Stalin was a weak man?"

He was almost certainly physically weak. He was like 5'2".

Guevara fought for the wrong ideology.

LOL, fat fucking manchild, fucking Larper

in other news water is wet

Yes, that was a good one too

He holds his rifle like a nervous boy, he looks awkward and stutters while he handles it.

Guarantee he doesn't regularly train with it or regularly exercise either, so he's good for makeshift sandbags and nothing else.

I fucking hope the left get armed enough to start something. We want them to fire first and sign there own death certificates

>despite being a neckbeard, i'll pull out my assault rifle that I bought at Walmart to show how tough I am

No, we should not be concerned.

Calm down al queada

>clutches shitty century AK-74 with a tapco magazine

top kek fucking commies

Isnt owning a firearm counter intuitive for a self proclaimed communist?

Isnt the first thing that they have to do is take them all away, because freedom kills the commie? Or does this fat fuck actually believe he is the next Stalin or something; preparing to usher in the utopia by genocide of his own people through starvation?

I have to reiterate the idiocy

>scientific socialism

Take a close look at the base plate of the mag in the OP. There is a slot cut into it that usually holds a winding wheel for the spring of an airsoft mag. The plastic square in the center of it is also a dead give away.

The gun could be real, but the dude used an airsoft mag for show. Either way he is fucking retarded.

it's most likely airsoft, too