Say it with me: radical Christian terrorism.
What is driving white people to commit barbaric acts of violence?
Other urls found in this thread:
>time com/4800635/uber-driver-killed-illinois-teenager
wasn't the victim a white male?
Chicago you say?
Shocking. (not shocking)
>(((Eliza Wasni)))
You thought she was WHITE? Oh, sweetie, no....
Turning your back on people this days, the smart phone is creating a whole generation of violent automatons with no thought process, their brains are mush to shits cuss they don't have to think The (((smart phone))) those that for you
You're telling me radical Christians had it out for this man. Why?
>American girls
Where in the article does it mention fucking Christianity you cowardly faggot?
A quick trip to (((Eliza Wasni)))'s FB page shows lots of negro idolization and re-posts straight from WorldStarHipHop.
www facebook com/eliza.wasni
She was raised by a single mother, drank alcohol, and judging by the quality and content of her posts, had ZERO personality. This guy is right, she was like some sort of mindless automaton.
Why do liberals equate violent crime with terrorism?
Ok grandpa
How is this merely an accusation? You either did it or you didn't, especially if you're being accused of fucking hacking a man up with a machete.
We don't have Sharia.
I don't know how people drive cabs or ubers. Cab drivers get killed pretty often in my city. A nigger and white devil beat a cab driver to death with a mag light not that long ago.
I could never drive with my back to strangers like that. Most people are alright but all it takes is one psycho to cut your throat.
Legal defense against libel suits
Innocent until proven guilty, she has to go to court still. Everyone knows she's guilty but I think the media can get in trouble for actually saying somebody is guilty before they have been convicted, I might be wrong though.
Cab drivers get killed everywhere. Many die here because they try to resist buglars, and then all other taxi drivers get alerted and will puraue the buglars before police in hope of lynching them.
The sad thing about USA is that you get killed for no fucking reason at all, the average american life is worth a nigger life for another american. At least if we give the stuff to he buglars here they will go away
>white male
She was just helping him check his privilege you shitlord.
The more I look at her FB page, the less she seems like a real person. The page looks like a fake bot account.
Her very first FB post was August 11, 2016, and her Twitter account was started December 2015.
What teenager waits until the age of 16 to start using social media?
She also has a profile at Kids Casting, a website for child actors:
I don't like to make "false flag" accusations, but fuck... she seems like a non-person. Is this entire thing some sort of psy-op?
I don't want to hear this from colombia.
What do Christians have against Uber drivers?
Main reasons for homicide in colombia
>You are a commie fucking with right wing nuts
>You are a journalist/agent of the law doing research about dangerous stuff
>You wrestle armed buglars triying to save your iphone
>You are a woman that marries a top of the line asshole to then betray him
Main reason for homicide in usa
>Woke up and realized that people deserve to die today
>She also has a profile at Kids Casting, a website for child actors:
ummm ok refer this to Sup Forumsops for further research
Pretty much
People are disconnected from reality in front of them.
They're connected to their status online, and the opinions of those doing the exact same thing.
>your trigger is Machete
>www facebook com/eliza.wasni
Ehhmm time to remove the tinfoil hat boy, she is 100% real - sadly this is what the vast majority of teenagers act and believe in, the future looks bright, doesn't it boy?
What did you just say to me cunt?
I make $2,700 USD per month passive income. If I move to Colombia and mind my own business, what are my chances of getting killed?
She took 3 ubers that night and he was the last to pick her up before he attacked her. She was caught on security cameras stealing two knives from a walmart right before the crime. Inenif the knives was machete
>The sad thing about USA is that you get killed for no fucking reason at all
Yeah beheading people and raping their families over gang territory is much better coke fag.
You will be killed regardless, the question is will you be raped and tortured first.
Every fucking time. What is going on?
>The driver died of his wounds Tuesday after giving police a description of the attacker that led to her arrest.
I'd like to imagine it was literally like pic related.
>Hacking someone to death
These Russians are getting crafty.
why was it necessary to say "Uber driver"? Makes it look like they are more sad for the brand image than the person who died.
If you are not one of those fucking fags that think that everyone is equal everywhere and you can safely walk around detroit after 6 pm, you will be fine , just never relax. $2700 is a lot of money here.
Yes you fucking burger people that die like that are guilty like hell and it was their own choice to enter that lifestyle so they know they might end up paying the price, and they dont get beheaded, this is not fucking mexico.
In your case, a fucking nigger decided to shoot 9 people so he gets killed by the police, why?
Florida man does fucked up stuff every month, for what purpose?
Weak beta fags decide that its not their fault to be losers and kill inocent people to hit a record before they kill themselves, for what fucking reason?
At least narcos do a social service cause they wipe each other off periodically so they do a service to society getting rid of human scum.
Thats hot as fuck
>$2700 is a lot of money here.
Is it enough to have a ranch and a cook and hookers?
Yes, but i wouldnt invite hookers to my ranch, i told you, never relax.
Hookers hang out with bad hombres and if you live by yourself and keep inviting hookers in boasting about how much you have, then you will surely get robbed at some point.
Just do outcalls and tell them you are a dirty backpacker
COol, thanks.
OP, did Jesus teach violence and killing.
Did Muhhammad and Islam teach violence and killing : Yes, it's literally an every muslims duty according to them.
OP, why are u such a mentally ill degenerate ?
Say it with me: radical Islamic terrorism kills thousands more each year that radical Christian terrorism
That's why I don't use Uber. You never know when you come across a driver whom you want to kill. Shit's gonna mess her whole life up.
You can't "kill" a white male.
Murder is ending someones life + privilege.
The driver was Jewish
I dont care how pure her European ancestry is. She needs to be hanged for this. If we aren't genetically better than niggers, what is our fair skin even worth?
Yep, the stabbing happened 7 years ago, but he kept forgetting to report the crime everyday until now for whatever reasons
It's actually disastrous publicity for the company
(oh shit, Uber can kill now!-what everybody thinks after hearing this)