This thread is for Discussion of Capitalism, Libertarianism, Paleolibertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, Minarchism, Anti-Communism, Right-Wing Populism, and the PHYSICAL REMOVAL of COMMUNIST FAGS from our board of peace. Reminder that this is the Libertarian RIGHT General. Aleppo Johnson-fags, Left-Libertarians, and other Shit-Libs need to fuck off. Voice your complaints to r/libertarian.
>Recommended Reading list
>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads
>NATIONS BY CONSENT: Murray Rothbard
Libertarianism is a kind word for neoliberalism.
No, we are not liberals
>The Errors of Classical Liberalism | Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>RIGHT-WING POPULISM - Murray Rothbard
Just so everyone knows, taxes are not theft. Don't believe it, this podcast makes it pretty clear.
Tl:dl on the arguments?
Are Paleocons welcome
Theft is using services, for instance the US currency system, and not paying the fees that keep the service running and pay for the employees labor. Taxes are simply service fees.
Yeah paleoconservatives are alright with me.
>I'm gonna do a service you didn't ask for and demand payment.
Ah, the podcast explains this too. An individual does not have to agree so long as the society agrees.
Taxtortioner: "If someone mows my lawn and I didn't ask them to, then I shouldn't have to pay them."
Answer: If the community vote to have s specific service mow all the lawns of the community then you have to pay the fees of the community that go to the lawn service. Or leave the community.
If circumventing the concept of theft was as simple as providing some "service" that the victim didn't ask for, then prisons would be empty of thieves.
Anyway, more than theft, I'd define them as slavery, because you're forced to work for someone else's benefit without need for your consent.
This does not negate any of the arguments already stated in this thread. Also, no one is forcing you to work.
>Being a Cuckotarian
Nah, I rather be a National Socialist. You open borders, jewcapitalist faggots need to go
Ok so if the community votes to kill you you don't have to agree (the community consents for you) and so you aren't being murdered.
That violates the very nature of private property,
>This does not negate any of the arguments
>An individual does not have to agree so long as the society agrees.
This is not an argument.
>If the community vote to have s specific service mow all the lawns of the community then you have to pay the fees of the community that go to the lawn service. Or leave the community.
Is there a contract? Am I allowed to select a different provider of mowing services or am I forced to use yours?
Not a good comparison.
Yeah dude, that is like, how laws work. We vote on laws and the laws decide who gets the death penalty. This is middle school stuff.
I would say nature forces me to work, I don't want to starve.
I charge you 50% of your income every time you want to take a shit, but hey, nobody forces you to take a shit, it's totally not slavery so long as you refuse to shit.
>sounds great sign me up for single payer healthcare, an increase in defense spending, and increases to subsidies for corporations, and basic universal income.
Fucking National Socialists
>Open borders
Maybe you should get informed before spouting your ignorance around.
Open borders is what you get with a state. Walls and gates is what you get with private property.
If the community votes to have one service that they all pitch in to pay for then no, you can't choose another service. If you want another service move to another community.
You don't have to work. I'm sure you regularly complain about all the people who live in this country and don't work. You could be one of them.
Active right libertarian community on Telegram.
Don't be blatantly ignorant of what we are for.
Open borders is an assault on private property.
Private property is a legal concept that only exists because society agrees it should.
> If you want another service move to another community
Well, if slaves didn't want to be enslaved, all they had to do is move to another community.
>You don't have to work. I'm sure you regularly complain about all the people who live in this country and don't work. You could be one of them.
So I don't have to work as long as I steal from others? Revealing line of thought indeed/
Filthy Democrat.
You are perfectly free to move. I hear Slab City is nice this time of year.
I sense Hoppe was a conservative/Republican-esque guy until he realized the state is the ultimate nigger
Just because you don't like the options doesn't mean options don't exist. You choose society like the rest of us. If you choose to use currency then you agree to pay the fees of the currency system. If you don't like paying the fees of society drop out.
This is analogous to the panhandler who comes up, dirties my windscreen and demands shekels to wipe it off again. Try a different line of argument shlomo
I'm perfectly free to assume the consequences of trying to get rid of the noose you put around your neck.
I don't agree that you had the right to put a noose around my neck in the first place.
>If you choose to use currency then you agree to pay the fees of the currency system.
You have no right to impose a currency system on me.
>Just because you don't like the options doesn't mean options don't exist
Options are being reduced through violence. Would you agree that someone has the right to form a monopoly of milk as long as he kills the competition?
No it isn't. You are free to use the barter system. But you use currency, so you pay the fees.
Jesus Christ commies need to be purged. If this isn't evidence for preemptive self defense I don't know what is.
That's certainly true for me
Your feels do not negate the truths. You don't have to like it, that's how it is. You put the lib in libertarian.
the anarchist hangout.
My last bump. Good luck anons. Gotta go get some stuff done. Later.
If it were not for currency how would you trade? And why don't you use that system of trade now so you can avoid taxes?
>You don't have to like slavery, that's how it is.
You're just a terrible human being, but hey, the helicopter will be free for you.
I would trade with whatever offers me the best trading conditions. Imposing a territorial monopoly on trading systems over a extended piece of land through violence might "be how it is", but that doesn't mean it's not extortion.
Taxes are not slavery or theft. I have explained how and all you do is keeps saying, "but it is because I say so." You make libertarians look silly.
You have explained that if two people agree stabbing a third one in the back is not murder, then it is not murder.
Literally a shit argument.
Private property is a right that exist by threat of violence from the individual even the neighborhood dog understands this principle
Why don't you do that now?
We do.
Wrong. The community allows the individual to possess private property. It's math. Sorry that reality has to rear it's ugly head.
Then no one is stealing from you and you have nothing to complain about. Also taxes are service fees, not theft.
An example was raised before. If a hobo cleans your windshield without your permission do you owe him money for his service?
Do you think it is morally permissible if everyone in the community you lived in decides that hobos are the only people who are allowed to clean windshields and that you must pay them on demand after they clean your windshield at their own will. If you do not pay or if you clean your own windshield you get 5 years in prison?
Because my options of milk are limited by the fact that the milk godfather won't let anyone else enter the milk market and offer me milk.
That is a strawman as an unelected hobo is in no way comparable to a government of elected representatives.
The services fees are involuntary though, so it is no longer a 'service', rather it become extortion. Its not just income so you can't go down that route. Everything is taxed - even value added taxes if I want to purchase a good. Your only alternative is to 'live off the grid' - which is essentially illegal now, and upon death you get taxed anyway.
So if I provide a service like cleaning your windows, and the community says it's a service worth a million dollars then you are now in debt 1mil to me. It's just math bro.
If my community did something that stupid I'd move.
You're obviously retarded since I didn't straw man you. I asked you questions of my own.
They do a similar thing with public schools
that is stupid and no one is doing that
You seem like you were educated in a public school.
discord /42shYC
Book club, starting on monday.
That image is wrong
Service fees are always involuntary. If you use the service you pay the fees. You can move to Slab City if you don't want to pay the fees.
You can't apply your principle universally and so it is fallacious.
Property ethics can be applied universally.
lol .. idiots in a "libertarian" thread talking about how as long as "society" agrees then it's ok .. where the fuck do you guys think the word "socialism" comes from? calling it "community" doesn't make it any better unless you're a "communist" .. fake libertarians ..
It is universal. If you don't think it is you just misunderstand it.
I'm just explaining the reality of the situation. You don't have to like it. It's the truth. Your feels do not change the truth.
No wrong. Very basic thing to understand. They are only involuntary if you sign a contract before hand, which is a voluntary action.
You don't have to sign the contract. It's part of living in the country or state or city you are in. Don't like it, you are free to leave.
I just gave you example of "the community decides" what is right and you said it was "stupid"
I know you're just trying to troll LOLbergs but be a little better at it.
>You don't have to sign the contract
So it is involuntary, which is my point.
The rest of your statement becomes meaningless, and it is also wrong, but that's an entirely different argument.
You used a ridiculously stupid example that no one could possibly take seriously.
Nah bruh, that's not how voting works. You don't have to vote for it. Everyone else did.
Ok change the value from one million to ten bucks. Is it still stupid?
Still completely irrelevant. Taxes are extortion as they are not voluntary, regardless of what the so-called community decides.