Why do liberal Americans believe in the climate change meme?
Why do liberal Americans believe in the climate change meme?
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Because it falls neatly into their black & white world view
>environmentalism: good
>industry: bad
Why look into the details when it confirms your world view so nicely?
because they're not paid off by big business to lie that it doesnt exist
Because they study humanities subjects at school, not STEM.
>Why do liberal Americans believe in the climate change meme?
Why do conservative Americans believe the bible meme?
1) It makes them "good people" because they are saving the planet.
2) It is the perfect cover for implementing the big-government, anti-human, anti-business policies they love.
3) Groupthink. The science is settled!
>because they're not paid off by big business to lie that it doesnt exist
You forgot to archive it.
>thehill com/policy/energy-environment/329587-energy-companies-donate-millions-to-trumps-inauguration
--> archive.is
Wayne Lambright is a schizophrenic homosexual transient.
christianity is a faith
faith doesnt involve billions of wasted dollars does it
>big-government, anti-human, anti-business policies they love.
>complains about jews
>jews out the planet for exxon mobile.
>faith doesnt involve billions of wasted dollars does it
Or thinking
You got some articles to read little bo sheep.
>centuries of factory emissions, cars, pollution from all kinds of sources
>temperature still the same
>still cold in winter, hot in summer
where is the evidence?
you realize climate changes naturally, right?
>still cold in winter, hot in summer
>cold in winter
Uhhh no. It snowed like crazy when I was a kid and now it's mild if not balls to the walls hot all winter.
>implying Christians don't doubt
>implying all Christians are just mindless followers
>implying there aren't Christians that were atheists/agnostics before hand
Nice projecting friendo
many reasons
>Experts say it is, so if they parrot they think they're smarter then those who deny
>saving the planet, holier then you
>black and white world view
>lack of understanding of politics and economics
to name just a few
You do realize that the scientists claiming man made global warming have absolutely no facts or substantial evidence to support it, also do you know where their funding comes from in the first place?
The majority of the world, especially educated people, believe in the "climate change meme".
>You do realize that the scientists claiming man made global warming have absolutely no facts or substantial evidence to support it,
1. Go to google
2. Tab evidence of climate change
3. Go to climate.nasa.gov
4. Look up evidence
prove climate change is man made.
>temperature still the same
Fakin wat. The average temperature has risen by over 1°C in the last 100 years.
strike 1, they have an agenda
>climate change website
strike 2, agenda
strike 3, there is no proof. only THEORIES.
Because it's true dumbass. Look at the evidence not who's supporting it you dunce.
>rural and suburban retards meme
So this is what real shitposting looks like...
>strike 2, agenda
Also you have an agenda
>there is no proof. only THEORIES.
Do you know what a theory even is?
>because it's true
How's it going tumblrism?
1. Go to google
2. Tab evidence of climate change
3. Go to climate.nasa.gov
4. Look up evidence
where is the proof that climate isnt changing naturally.
show me concrete evidence that we are causing it, IF ANY change.
>everyone with a norwegian flag is tumblrisms
Yep, it's Wayne
Wayne Lambright to be exact
With Wayne Lambright there's no dazzling light
>not looking at the flag you're responding to
>taking the Leaf bait this easily
There's a reason that they're the most filtered/ignored flag on Sup Forums.
>where is the proof that climate isnt changing naturally.
The evidence for rapid climate change is compelling:
Sea level rise
Global temperature rise
Warming oceans
Shrinking ice sheets
Declining Arctic sea ice
Glacial retreat
Extreme events
Ocean acidification
Decreased snow cover
Because they mistakenly believe they will benefit from the wealth redistribution that climate change mandates.
Well you're the only one who is THIS obsessed w/ Wayne. Why do you hate him so much?
It's perfectly possible to believe in anthropocentric climate change without accepting the left's prescription for the problem. After all climate change is a scientific problem while the solution is an economic / political one. Refer to Byorn Lomborg among others.
If you dislike Exxon you should support small government because it discourages corporatism and encourages the foundation of new companies (possibly more environmentally friendly) that might replace them.
Carbon tax is the ultimate "sin" tax. If you disagree with/express skepticism about it, the retort of, "WHY DO YOU HATE THE PLANET YOU SELFISH PIG" is right at hand.
It's even more powerful than "Why do you hate America/God."
I'm just breaking your balls because sometimes you flip out and it's hilarious. On a more serious note, I might have a job for you as CEO of a new company.
do you have conclusive proof?
thanks for playing.
>the big bang is true!
no that's a theory. prove it happened. you can't.
what happened before the big bang?
bullshit, prove it.
everyone agrees that climate change is occurring
about 95% of researches are in agreement that climate change is man-made (to some degree)
just because there's the possibility that climate change is currently naturally occuring doesn't automatically mean that humans don't have a part in it
it's not a question of either THAT or THIS.. it's really not a hard concept but you fucking faggots would gladly suck trumps dick no matter what he says
I already own a business. Also, I haven't seen Wayne flip out in ages. He's mellowed quite a bit.
so the history of our planet and the many climate changes that happened without factories and cars and industry, didnt happen?
the ice age is a myth?
the earth was always like it is now?
Liberals are too stupid and low IQ. They can't actually get into reading scientific papers. They just rely on misleading media articles which make up results and abuse "meta studies" results.
Unfortunately liberals are just too stupid to do proper research and don't really understand the definition and requirements of science. Science is a methodology and they treat it as a "set of facts" and act like every scientist can't be wrong or bias.
Sadly. The Low IQ monkey libtards don't even research things like the usage of precursor sulfur dioxide gases to create global dimming.
I feel sorry for libtards and their broken little shit brains.
>user asks for proof
>responds with buzzwords
the science is settled!
Liberals are too stupid and low IQ. They can't actually get into reading scientific papers. They just rely on misleading media articles which make up results and abuse "meta studies" results.
Unfortunately liberals are just too stupid to do proper research and don't really understand the definition and requirements of science. Science is a methodology and they treat it as a "set of facts" and act like every scientist can't be wrong or bias.
Sadly. The Low IQ monkey libtards don't even research things like the usage of precursor sulfur dioxide gases to create global dimming.
I feel sorry for libtards and their broken little shit brains. It's painful to see them use "science" like religious people use "bible".
I mean you are also asserting that putting tons of CO2 in the atmosphere has no effect. That's not even a theory. More like a hypothesis. Also I'm fairly sure you actually have no clue what "theory" means in the scientific world.
Because they're realists.
do people seriously think a bunch of meme solar roofs and some windmills are going to "save the world from disaster"
we will all be dead the second a nuke is launched. regardless, the planet will be fine for billions of years even if nothing changes.
Just shut up and give them your money and liberty so they can save the world. 99.9% of people who call themselves scientists demand you to do so. Even Bill Nye, the greatest scientist of our time agrees!
omg, 1 degree farenheit in 120+ years
now prove this is man made and not natural
also that chart shows global temperature went down, with a constantly increasing CO2 level, periodically.
explain that.
also, prove this isnt natural climate change.
Yea the planet will be fine. Obviously. It's just that humans will have a harder time living on it.
The science falls apart upon simple examinations. Not in the carbon phase though. But rather in the solutions search space.
The usage of "only solution space" being reduction is false. The solution space includes any geoengineering techniques and any adaption techniques. The solution space is so wide on the subject that choosing "reduction in carbon emissions" is almost certainly wrong. For one, reduction in carbon emissions has almost no effect on climate change, which is something even the fear mongers admit. So basically everything revolving around climate change is moronic retards who refuse to look at the full range of solutions and are pushing for a solution that does nothing or has minimal effect.
Think of it like this.
- Your house is on fire
- Let's remove some objects that will feed the fire
- house burns down still
This is the current climate perspective in terms of
- Carbon in atmosphere increased
- lets slow down this increase
- carbon in atmosphere still increased
Show one bit of science that shows that carbon reduction will do anything to solve the problem. It absolutely has no scientific or logical basis to doing so. Rather the focus should be on geoengineering, technological advancements, and adaptations.
In the most optimistic carbon reduction scenarios you get like 0.05 degrees difference in 50 years from expected. It's meaningless and definitely within the error bounds
>global temps are rising gradually
Hmmm.. Surely the only explanation is CO2.
there is no "risk" to the planet
I imagine in 100-1000 years people will be colonizing the galaxy, and we'll have planets far nicer than this one. regardless, there is no "risk" nor is the climate change at the moment drastic, or made by us.
>lets revert to a caveman state because of some emissions
Because 99% of scientists and all reputable evidence points to the fact that it does exist.
also people forget that the paris accord doesnt do shit.
>china is in it
have you seen china?
literally a disgusting mass of smog.
Imagine what China will be like in 20 years.
The US is going down the same road with the EPA regulations being removed/ignored.
We need to severely increase cheap energy production to leave this shithole within 100 years. Hawkins said so, right?
jesus christ you're fucking retarded
Well if were using metaphors:
Geoengineering climate change away is like seeing your house on fire and instead of fixing the issue you build a wall around the fire and hope it is able to contain it.
Obviously the push for solar is a meme since the production of solar cells causes more pollution than burning coal. It also doesn't mean we shouldn't be looking for alternative energy sources since oil coal and gas are limited.
Liberals like unsolvable problems because it gives them a perpetual reason to be outraged. When will climate change be "fixed"? Not in our lifetimes! So get angry about it and vote for who we say for the rest of your life, goyim!
Nah he's just a trolling leaf. Ignore him he wants attention.
Alternative sources have nothing to do with using existing sources.
I don't exactly know what you are trying to say but if we produce more electricity from renewable sources and nuclear we don't need to burn as many fossil fuels.
>ad hominems
and you lost your argument
>you're retarded
I didnt elect a cunt that is turning berlin into refugeestan.
The (((Climate Change))) agenda is basically yet another incarnation of the of the 'seize the means of production' communist theory. Enforce an artificial limitation as an effort to controls economic, industrial, and overall development.
I find this thread to be hilarious that on Sup Forums, the so called home of the fascist and commie destroyers, that the obvious communist agenda piece that is the very essence of (((Climate Change))) is not called out 24/7. Instead you have so many young and newfags who do not understand how Communism actually works and they actually start believing the (((Climate Change))) lie.
>INB4 But.. but... user the weather is 1.7364782 degrees warmer than last year and my college professor said that the science is settled and (((CNN))) said that anyone who questions (((Climate Change))) is a "denier".
I think climate change is the single most annoying bullshit ever.
i almost got cancer from reading facebook comments on the subject.
its amazing how gladly people swallow this diarrhea and ask for seconds.
makes me wonder....... if the eco-terrorists won, the human race would emit exactly ZERO pollution, but the climate would still be changing, what then?
they will try to..... what?
stop the earth from doing its own natural cycles?
i....iii just dont get the whole (((((((eco)))))) craze.
it doesnt even make sense.
Depends on grid/usage/reliability still. Try again.
Faith does indeed involve the waste of billions if you consider how often religious groups are free taxation
I wish some of these renewable global warming people would do that math on solar for instance.
Imagine if a country actually did spend huge amounts of money 5 years ago on solar panels. they would be FUCKED on that investment. No reliability, no storage, and the cost of solar back then was much worse.
You would be hurting your own economy while also having near zero effect on climate.
carbon tax is just "environmentalists" jewing you out of money.
I already said solar was a meme. Doesn't mean there aren't reliable renewables like tid and geothermal plants. Also nuclear is pretty reliable.
Implying scientists aren't paid off by big government to lie and say it exists.
Conservative average IQ is lower
Not paying taxes =/= "waste of billions".
This is usually a berniebro talking point not to differentiate gibsmedat and tax cut.
>>Experts say it is, so if they parrot they think they're smarter then those who deny
This is one of the big ones. See You wouldn't want to have a different opinion than the settled science from the experts, would you user?
>>Imagine if a country actually did spend huge amounts of money 5 years ago on solar panels. they would be FUCKED on that investment. No reliability, no storage, and the cost of solar back then was much worse.
But they did. The largest Solar industry in Yurop, SolarWorld (a German company), just filled for bankruptcy in spite of receiving gorillonz of subsidies.
The one study I've seen on that was bull shit the took normal beliefs (i.e. Women should be allowed to work) called them liberal the took reactionary beliefs (bare foot and pregnant) and called them conservative. it was total bs, which not surprising.
This is patently false though.
because they are retarded subhuman cattle, they are braindead, do not have souls and are not sentient.
Cant you understand that we are just making it happen faster?
All are either dependent on climate or use up too much space/resources to be seriously considered as an alternative for fossil fuels. Next to no one touches nuclear after Fukushima and won't for the next 20 years, you might as well wait for thermonuclear fusion
The idea that the climate is changing so quickly that actions that control industry and curb development in the third world are necessary is incredibly valuable if you're heavily left wing.
I'm pretty if we ever manage to harness the power of fusion people will just say: ow it's too dangerous we better stick to fossil fuels.
I hope someone can answer this,
How do they measure the average global temperature? Maybe they have sensors everywhere, but in the last hundred or so years they must have made new sensors, how do they integrate those into the model of global temperature? Maybe ice cores can say the amount of ice, but how do they derive from that the global temperature 100s of years ago? I could see Europe measuring and recording its temperature but not Africa or vietnam, which coincidentally are very hot places which when measured, the average measurement will go up. I hope I am not getting memed
>How do they measure the average global temperature?
Satellites, thermometers and buoys everywhere, pic related is our coverage
>but in the last hundred or so years they must have made new sensors, how do they integrate those into the model of global temperature?
Yeah quite a few, there are statistical techniques for homogenising the raw data points
>Maybe ice cores can say the amount of ice, but how do they derive from that the global temperature 100s of years ago?
Proxy measures whose accuracy and error is verified by our thermometer record, these include ice cores, tree rings, boreholes and isotopic analysis of water.
>I could see Europe measuring and recording its temperature but not Africa or vietnam
Thermometer record goes back to 1880, not sure where the first stations where but the lack of coverage is accounted for by proxy measures.
>One study shows conservatives are smarter
>"All the others are loaded with unfavourable questions this is the only explanation"
because ive graduated from highschool. conservatives cant say the same apparently
Here's the deal. Something is happening. And nobody knows what. First it was global warming. Now temperatures are dropping. So it's climate change. Nobody has a fucki g clue. But somethings going on either natural or man caused. Should we pump toxins into the air? No. Smog is a bitch. Should we care about this beautiful earth we live on? Yes. I have no idea what the problem is. We don't need to tax people millions because we don't have an idea yet on what's happening or how to fix it. Give more money to scientists let them figure out a plan than listen to them. They are smarter than some guy with a we show saying alians walk amongst us.
>Now temperatures are dropping
>Why do liberal Americans believe in the climate change meme?
Not a meme
The climate changes
Science is something we understand and accept
Unicorns and sky daddies are something you "believe"
This is very import for you to understand. Wealthy tobacco corporations pushed to keep weed illegal until they could secure vast farms in the South to grow marijuana.
Energy corporations (like Duke Energy) have been pushing hard for ridiculous state laws and rules against residential solar panels, meanwhile they are building massive solar farms in Florida.
Fossil fuel corporations lied. shilled and disinformed the public to create the false narrative that the Earth's climate never changes. Now that they have been able to divest themselves of much of their capitalized oil and gas operations, they can finally admit that climate change is real.
The wealthy own 98% of the suburban coastline properties. They need idiots to buy them out for top dollar. The only way that will happen is if there is a pool of gullible buyers who can be hoodwinked into believing the seas aren't already rising from climate change.
lol you can clearly see the upward trend, even in the UAH data set