What will be the next big Trump story
-Another typo
-Three scoops!
-Pineapple on his pizza!
-Random hand gesture that will be interpreted as racist
What will be the next big Trump story
-Another typo
-Three scoops!
-Pineapple on his pizza!
-Random hand gesture that will be interpreted as racist
This guy is a fucking genius and you know it medikit
>pineapple on his pizza
fucking monster
i'm surprised he didn't catch more shit for pronouncing every letter in the PM of Turkey's name. At some point I expect the media will plant a transgender into an audience just so they can trap Trump using the wrong pronouns.
>that akward moment when a deranged swiss tries to suck orange dick for free
Maybe filling his swamp with Goldman Sachs and Burger King cons?
Stripping 20+ million americans off healthcare?
Not locking anybody up but himself for some twitter ranting?
Licking Saudi-dick for delivering weapons to your next generation of terrorists for some cheap money?
Selling out american start-ups to asian investors?
Doing family first instead of separating business and presidency?
Letting a turkish gollum's minions beat up americans on their own soil?
Using every penny he saves on the poor for tax presents to wall street?
Robbing americans of the possibility of social advancement despite poorness by making education financially unreachable?
Fuking lold.
>Muh baseless hyperbole accusations
I forgot about them. But the media won't touch these topics because they aren't as easy to sell in you average 24 news cycle.
Pineapple pizza is legit you fucking clown.
Uhhhhhh we're gonna have a problem here
Enjoy the ((((You)))), you sick fuck
So that means they must not have happened. Thank God!
>What will be the next big Trump story
The fact that he's pulling out of a global (((climate change))) accord
and leftists have been programmed to believe that climate change is, UNIRONICALLY, the end of the world
We agree on that, scooping actually is that ridiculous.
Pineapple pizza! This will make their brains melt. Seriously, doesn't have to be Trump himself. SOMEONE in the White House order pineapple pizza and make sure the pizza boy arrives via the entrance with most MSM goons.
Order 65k worth of hot dogs and pizza..
he will likely blink twice, signifying that he is in fact, satan
Why is "three scoops" on this list? I get that the other three are ridiculous, but that one would be a basis for impeachment already.
>eating wings with a fork
This will be the end of drumpf
I kek'd